Chapter 397
According to the plan, Liao Mingyu left a company in Kahun Town to destroy the railway line, and at the same time contain the supply troops of the Japanese army, and all the others rushed to the Myitkyina battlefield.

The first regiment was divided into two groups. Liao Mingyu handed over the command of the main force of the regiment to Yao Ma, and asked them to go north along the railway line, while he continued to march along the India-Myanmar Highway.

The road was not peaceful, and they were attacked several times by small groups of Japanese troops. They were not many in number, but they hid in the forest and set up ambushes where the road must pass, causing considerable losses to the troops.

Although Liao Mingyu also dispatched a large number of investigation teams to search in teams and groups, there were always fish that slipped through the net and hid in the woods, bleeding them from time to time.

These crazy little devils are omnipotent. They are determined to die. They hang on bushes, haystacks, rock crevices... and even hang on trees in twos and threes, tie their bodies with ropes, eat, drink and scatter all on them, just waiting When the enemy troops passed by below, they would be killed and wounded. Although they would be beaten into pieces by the soldiers in the end, this kind of fighting with their lives really caused Liao Mingyu a headache.

This kind of behavior also happened on the Pacific battlefield. In order to delay the attack of the US military, the Japanese sent many soldiers to ambush the opponent's marching route and staged various suicide attacks, which also caused huge losses to the US military.

Right now, the regiment is facing the same situation, so that the soldiers have become frightened. They look like Japanese in everything in the jungle, and their marching speed has been greatly affected.

The little devil has already started desperately. Liao Mingyu has no choice but to increase the search of the reconnaissance team. At the same time, he ordered all the soldiers to be vigilant and shoot immediately if they saw suspicious objects.

He also let the flamethrowers cruise around the edge of the team, ready to support at any time. As long as he found a canopy firepower stationed by little devils, he would immediately open the valve and burn the woods together, or use the bazooka to directly blast the tree trunks to pieces.

In a word, don't save money to make it for me!
Now that Myitkyina has been besieged by various armies, they can only send such a small group of troops to harass, and the road from Namkan to Myitkyina is unimpeded, and the ammunition and supplies needed can be sent to the front at any time. Worry about consumption.

But... Chen Jize played the prodigal side to the fullest. When he attacked Bhamo, he tasted the sweetness of suppressing the all-round firepower of aircraft, tanks and cannons. This tactic of being so rich that he was almost a prodigal seemed to open a new door for him.

The Japanese have a better say on this point, because the most bullied part of their entire Myitkyina defense line is the south. Chen Jize's only brigade advances more than ten kilometers every day, which is an almost irreversible terrorist offensive.

Hundreds of heavy artillery with a caliber of 75mm or more and dozens of tanks and chariots formed a joint offensive. There was also fire support from F4Us in the sky that was comparable to small bombers. Just listening to it can make people crazy.

It can be said that the shells Chen Jize consumes every day is more than the maximum amount prepared by a Japanese regiment. The Japanese deployed five regiments to the south. No matter how hard they tried, they could not stop the lone brigade. On the contrary, they caused their own losses Disastrous, the exchange ratio reached an astonishing 1:5.

If it weren't for the fear that the logistics would not be able to keep up with the pace, Chen Jize would have led his troops to the city of Myitkyina long ago.It was because the Japanese often launched small groups of troops to infiltrate the rear to carry out suicide attacks recently. He didn't dare to be careless. The whole brigade fought steadily and forced the little devil to have no choice.

Through this period of fighting, the infantry and artillery coordination of the second and third regiments became more and more proficient, and Chen Jize became more and more familiar with this kind of firepower covering style of play.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be interspersed with tactics, and if you are rich, you will be overwhelmed by firepower. If you can suppress firepower in all directions, who would be happy to fill up with human lives?The current high-profile record and dazzling exchange ratio are the best proof.

However, he had a great time fighting, but some people were exhausted. The two transportation regiments almost tried their best to provide them with material support, but they could only meet the daily consumption of the front line.

In the past few days, the points in the system have been shrinking, and the ammunition consumption like flowing water has driven Liao Mingyu almost crazy. The batch of ammunition he just exchanged was gone in two days, and then the prodigal son began to ask for money again with confidence.

There are transport planes going back and forth between Nankan and Kunming every day. If it weren't for the faster transfer efficiency provided by Chennault and Smith, he really couldn't keep up with the terrifying consumption rate like flowing water.

It is good to take the route of well-equipped soldiers, but at the same time, you have to bear the price you have to pay. This makes Liao Mingyu lament the strength of the US military's logistics. It is almost too much for him to have only tens of thousands of people on his side. He has millions of troops. Not only can the supply of ammunition be guaranteed, but also the soldiers on the front line can drink Coke, which is fucking outrageous.


Three days later, Liao Mingyu finally arrived at the front line of the Solitary Brigade, which was still [-] kilometers away from Myitkyina. The Japanese army standing in front of them had only two regiments that were not fully formed. Army join forces.

Chen Jize divided the troops into two groups and attacked the enemy in two directions, forcing the Japanese army to stretch the front line to fight on both sides. In addition, the main force of the first regiment led by Yoma marched towards Myitkyina Station, and all routes to the south were blocked. Be strict.

The British wanted to show themselves well this time, and wash away the shame left by the Cajon Valley. For this reason, Brigadier General Campbell gave up his plan to return to India, and led part of the British 36th Brigade to follow them to the Southwest Railway Station of Myitkyina.

Although I have doubts about the combat effectiveness of those uncles, under this excellent strategic situation, as long as I don't be stupid and follow the first group to pick up the mistakes, it's fine.

In the east are the 71st Army and the 2nd Army of the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Army, and in the north are the 38th and 22nd Divisions of the Indian Army, and the U.S. Army Mai Detachment... The three-way army completely surrounded Myitkyina, which is the only retreat in the southwest...The railway The line was also blocked by the first regiment.

In the days that followed, the two sides fought fiercely again. The successive battles caused the Japanese to suffer huge losses. Countless soldiers were killed and injured every day, and several lines of defense were also in jeopardy.

Especially in the north and south directions, they can't stop the enemy's advance at all. Even with three divisions and tens of thousands of troops, it is difficult to parry the ruthless trampling of aircraft and tanks.

Shojiro Iida, the commander of the 15th Army in the northern Myanmar theater, was desperate. He clearly realized that Myitkyina was at the point of life and death. In order to defend northern Myanmar, he used five divisions back and forth, but he still couldn't change the situation of erosion and collapse.

If you count the 18th and 56th divisions that were wiped out in the west of China's Yunnan Province at the beginning, the battle damage figure of the entire northern Myanmar front army has reached a very terrifying figure.

Seeing that the overall situation was irreversible, this cunning little old man left Myitkyina early on by special plane, leaving behind the commander of the second division, Okazaki Kiyosaburo, as the commander-in-chief of Myitkyina...

(End of this chapter)

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