Chapter 405

Kobayashi groaned in pain, the aftermath of the cannonball seemed to still reverberate in his mind, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.The surrounding area was covered with scorched black soil that had been blasted by shells, and the dilapidated corpses fell to the ground in a haphazard manner.

There is no longer a living person in this trench, and even the sergeant who took him to flee for his life just now is no longer a human being, only half a corpse with wide eyes is left quietly driving him, as if telling Unwillingness in my heart.

" hurts..."

Regardless of the horror in his heart, Xiao Lin tried to struggle to get up, but was surprised to find that his legs had been twisted into a terrifying angle, and the piercing pain almost overwhelmed his consciousness again.

Driven by the desire to survive, Xiao Lin struggled to move his body. Even if he crawled like a dog, he would have to crawl into the entrance of the bunker tens of meters away. The pain was unbearable.

"Ah! must live!"

There were all kinds of gunshots around, but Xiao Lin turned a deaf ear and kept shouting in his heart. The desire to live was so strong at this moment, he gritted his teeth and sank his fingers deep in the mud, dragging his injured leg little by little. Move forward.

After exhausting all his strength, he was finally about to climb to the mouth of the bunker. Although he didn't know if there were any companions standing still inside, at least this was the only hope for now.

chi chi chi...


Outside the trench... the ear-piercing roar of the engine suddenly sounded at this moment. Xiao Lin turned his head to look, and the scene that came into view instantly shattered all his fantasies.

Hundreds of Huaxia soldiers, accompanied by dozens of armored combat vehicles, rushed towards his position like a wave. The smoke and dust filled the air, and the creaking sound of the tracks rubbing on the ground could be heard endlessly.

One of the tanks was only 20 meters away from him, and the people in the car had obviously spotted the bug-like wriggling figure, and they immediately turned the front of the car and drove straight in this direction.

"Yami! Surrender する! Descend ginseng した!"

Seeing the giant steel beast getting closer and closer, Kobayashi desperately wanted to leave the place, but he was seriously injured and lying on the ground, unable to move at all. Still in shock, he immediately raised his hands and shouted to surrender, but who would care what the Japanese soldier said? What are you talking about?
"Ah! Ahh!!"

Xiaolin screamed and screamed in desolation. At the last moment of his life, he finally knew what despair was. Fear made his crotch wet, but this did not change everything that would happen next.


The tank rolled over him firmly from foot to head, the sound of bone shattering mixed with screams, puff... his head burst open like a watermelon, scarlet blood mixed with white filth, accompanied by mud and minced meat rolls to under the track.

"Stinky boy, you did a good job!"

Yuan Li laughed out loud, this scene is so pleasant, but it's a pity that the scene where the little devil was crushed into minced meat couldn't be seen in the tank.

Chen Tang, who was driving the tank, didn't say a word, as if he just crushed an insignificant ant to death, but at the moment his heart was extremely happy, these Japanese beasts were only worthy of facing death in fear.

"Old Hong, most of the chariot battalion has broken through the front line of the Japanese army. Repeat...the armored convoy has broken through the line of defense. Please reply!"

Yuan Li released the button of the walkie-talkie, patted Chen Tang on the bottom, and said, "Slow down, now you are in the center of the devil's position, be careful of those elusive beasts playing suicide with explosives."

"Understood the battalion commander."

Chen Tang immediately agreed, and then pushed the joystick to the lowest gear, keeping a pair of keen eyes on the situation ahead.Seeing the lead vehicle slow down, the other tanks also reduced their speed.

After 1 minute, Hong Mu's reply came from the intercom: "The assault battalion received... si... We have also entered the second line of defense and are preparing to move forward... siu"

"Now it's time for your assault battalion to move forward. Hit hard into the little devil's depth and tear open the hole. The convoy will follow behind you and cooperate with you. Watch out for the enemy's counterattack from the flank."



At this moment, in addition to the southern battlefield of the Honor [-]rd Division, fierce battles broke out on the east and west sides of Myitkyina, and the sound of earth-shattering artillery fire could be heard from a long distance away, and the entire sky was filled with dark clouds of war.

The troops stationed in India and the 7th and 2nd armies of the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Force were like a huge pair of pliers, which ruthlessly pinched the Japanese from the left and right sides. The powerful offensive, the flames of war are about to burn to the last position in the city of Myitkyina.

Both the Second Regiment and the Armored Assault Troop had broken through the devil's position, and the remaining main force of the Third Regiment also began to charge from the hole Yuan Li and the others had ripped open.

Yaoma, who had been lying in ambush to the southwest of Myitkyina Railway Station, also took action at this moment. The main force of the first regiment fought all the way along the railway line, completely sealing off the little devil's last retreat.

Guns and guns can be heard everywhere in a radius of tens of kilometers, and both sides are fighting bloody battles on the battlefield. Under such circumstances, life becomes extremely cheap, and fresh lives may turn into cold corpses in the next second.

The Temporary Headquarters of the 15th Army of the Japanese Army... The tick-tock of reports was heard endlessly, and the emergency telegrams from various departments were piled up like snowflakes, and the little devils who came in and out were full of sadness.

"Reporting to the head of the division, Tuomeng Highland has fallen, and the 73rd Regiment has withdrawn to the third southern line for the final resistance..."

"Your Excellency, Head of the Division... The 136th Regiment has lost more than [-]% of its battles. Regiment Commander Ishikawa Osamu and Chief of Staff Echizen Lieutenant Commander have all died in battle..."

"Report! The mouth of the Nuodong River in the north is occupied by the enemy. The 69th Battalion of the 55th Regiment...the whole army was wiped out..."

"The Takeda Battalion is besieged in the northeast, requesting tactical guidance..."

The bad news was sent to the headquarters one by one, and the eyes of all the Japanese soldiers were full of despair. Everyone knew that they were at the end of their battle at this moment.

"I lost so quickly... Could it be that the warriors of my Great Japanese Empire have become so unbearable? It's really abominable..."

The commander-in-chief Shojiro Iida, who was supposed to be in the center, went to Mandalay early to hide. The entire Japanese garrison in Myitkyina was under the command of the second division commander, Kiyosaburo Okazaki, although he was a quick-thinking commander. , but no matter how scheming he is in the current situation, he is already powerless.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Kiyosaburo Okazaki raised his eyelids, glanced coldly at the sand table on the table, a sense of powerlessness suddenly flowed through his body, what else could he do?At this moment, his heart is also extremely bitter.

The huge defense line of Myitkyina was about to fall apart without holding up for even a day. It is hard for anyone to imagine such an ending.

"It seems meaningless to stay here any longer. Let the troops on the periphery organize their forces to break through. The west is the weak point of the Chinese encirclement. Attacking in this direction is the least resistance..."

Okazaki Kiyosaburo rubbed his temples and spoke weakly.Known as the flower of the land general in Southeast Asia, he is like a deflated ball, without the confidence and demeanor of the past.

To be able to issue such an order... Perhaps for him as a commander, he had to go through countless ideological struggles before making the decision.

"Then... what about us?" The lieutenant officer asked cautiously.

The peripheral troops can still find ways to break out of the encirclement, and the city of Myitkyina where they are located is the center of the enemy's encirclement, and it is impossible to leave now.

"The troops that are still able to move break out individually, as much as they can go... Yoshinaga-kun, you go too..."

"Teacher commander!"

Okazaki turned around slowly with his hands behind his back, so that no one could see the unwillingness and despair in his expression. After thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his chin, and said resolutely: "Let the people of the Second Division stay, hold on The last line of defense, the glory of the empire cannot be tarnished!"

(End of this chapter)

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