Chapter 409
The news of a regiment's leak quickly reached Liao Mingyu's ears, but at this time the two main regiments were at the front, and he didn't have any extra troops to support them.

Moreover, the action of the Japanese tonight is very large. Not only the train station, but the entire north-south encirclement are in a mess. There are light bombs flying around and the dazzling flames of the explosion. The little devil looks crazy while taking advantage of the night. They launched wave after wave of long live charges.

The sudden and frantic attack completely disrupted the deployment of the troops. Facing the dense crowd of people screaming like ghosts, it was difficult for the soldiers to be as fearless as they were in the daytime. In the panic, several lines of defense were torn apart by the Japanese army. .

The little devils didn't love fighting either. After some lines of defense were breached, they immediately left the battle and concentrated on evacuating towards the gap. By the time the expeditionary forces reacted, it was too late.

"Report Junzuo, the third regiment's entrance has been blocked, and the second regiment is encircling and suppressing the last enemy. It shouldn't be a big problem, just...the train station..."

Listening to Chen Jize's report, Liao Mingyu frowned slowly: "What's the specific situation?"

"A position in the southwestern corner of the regiment was lost, and the Japanese army opened a gap in that position. Their main force was breaking out, and a company defending this place... all died."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jize also sighed helplessly, there was more or less his own mistakes in defensive scheduling.

Liao Mingyu kept his mouth shut and kept his eyes on the map while playing with a pencil in his hand.

They are some distance away from the train station. It is dark and the road is far away. When they get there, the battle is probably over. Besides, there are no other troops in hand except Dong Dao's half of the guard battalion. Even if they want to support them now, it will be a drop in the bucket.

After preparing in secret for a while, Liao Mingyu casually threw the pencil on the table, and said sharply: "The notice is urgent, let them temporarily shrink the line of defense, at least ensure that the main position is not lost, let's talk about the rest."



After a night of fierce fighting, those beast-like figures could no longer be seen on the battlefield where the smoke had not cleared, but the corpses all over the ground seemed to be telling the bloody wind of last night.

The positions of the various armies were also in a mess. The soldiers were expressionless and mechanically carried the remains of their fallen comrades. The smell of blood seemed to linger in the air for a long time, but the crows on the treetops croaked piercingly, as if Can't wait to start this gluttonous feast.

The Japanese are notoriously crazy, and these pigs and dogs in a desperate situation are even more frenzied. Taking advantage of the night, they launched a sea of ​​​​people to counterattack and indeed caused varying degrees of casualties to various troops, but the price was also huge.

At least [-] Japanese soldiers were killed on the battlefield, but none of them were wounded. They either killed themselves or were executed on the spot by the expeditionary soldiers who cleaned the battlefield in the morning.

The Japanese army's main breakout direction was concentrated on the railway station stationed by a regiment in the southwest, and the defense line of the new 22nd Division of the Indian Army stationed in the northwest.Because looking at the entire encirclement, only the defense forces in these two directions are the weakest.

The soldiers tried their best to prevent the enemy from counterattacking, but still many escaped successfully.Although it is not clear how many little devils will successfully break through, one thing is for sure, there are not many Japanese troops left in Myitkyina after a night of bloody battle.

"Krupp, how many shells do we have left?"

On the artillery position, Liao Mingyu was observing the front with a telescope. At present, all the artillery parameters have been adjusted, and the muzzles are pointing directly at the city of Myitkyina.

Krupp stood by the side like a mountain of meat, holding a leg of lamb in his hand and feasting on it. His mouth was full of unspeakable happiness, and he didn't even notice what others were saying.

Li Liansheng hurried forward to remind: "Fatty, Jun Zuo asked you something!"

"Ah? What...?" Krupp was taken aback, and asked vaguely with puffed cheeks.

"Is the leg of lamb delicious?"

"good to eat…"

Shameful, Li Liansheng rolled his eyes, kicked Krupp's fat buttocks, and cursed bitterly: "You're a bastard, only the fuck knows how to eat it, I ask you how many shells are left in our artillery regiment?" !"

It turned out to be this matter. When he talked about the artillery problem, the fat man immediately regained his spirits. He wiped his oily hands on his body, and quickly took out a small notebook from his pocket and turned it over: "This... 75 mountain cannons left 380 six pieces, 105 There are still three 230 mortars, 155 [-] mortars, and almost a base number of mortars of other calibers left.”

"On average, there are less than 10 shells left in each large-caliber field gun. These two days have given you a good time." Liao Mingyu teased with a smile.

Hearing this, Krupp could only laugh and scratch his head, but that's still the case, the feeling of firing all the guns is really refreshing.

"Forget it, anyway, the follow-up supplement is coming soon, you two listen to me, shoot all the cannonballs later, and greet me vigorously in the city, this last battle, our third division, don't lose the limelight."

"Yes! Junzuo!" The two replied in unison.

Liao Mingyu smiled and nodded in silence. Stilwell's joint action plan had been sent over early in the morning, and today the entire line will launch a final general offensive to wipe out all the Japanese in Myitkyina in one fell swoop.

According to the character of "Sour Vinegar Joe" cannonism, the artillery must have opened the way before the attack, and then the armored troops cooperated with the infantry to kick the door, so he conveyed the order to all the troops early in the morning, preparing to give the little devil a "baptism of God"

Although the battle last night was fierce, Liao Mingyu knew very well that the Japanese had exhausted all their strength. No matter how much they escaped, the remaining troops would never launch the long live charge like last night. The failure of the sacrifice is a foregone conclusion.

At around 72:2 in the morning, the [-]rd Division on the South Road, the [-]nd Army and the [-]nd Army on the East Road, the two divisions of the Indian Army on the north side, and the artillery regiments of the armies from all walks of life were ready. With the order to fire, dozens of soldiers in a radius of Suddenly, there was a deafening loud noise within a kilometer.

Countless shells slammed into the urban area like a torrential rain, and the terrifying and dense explosions covered the sky and the sun. This kind of scene of hundreds of artillery firing at one point is not common. All kinds of houses were blown to pieces in an instant. The Japanese soldiers inside couldn't find any safe zone at all, and would only be turned into dust along with the rubble in the sound explosion.

The Allied forces didn't consider the issue of preserving the building at all. Stilwell was also frightened by Little Japan's madness last night. How can he have the time to fight him honestly now?

In just ten minutes, Myitkyina was baptized by artillery as never before, and there were not many complete buildings within a dense area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

The Japanese army originally wanted to rely on the towns to carry out street fighting with the enemy. Their remaining [-] troops ambushed in the tunnels of houses, and at the same time they set up all kinds of landmines, just to fight until the last moment, but in this completely unreasonable situation In the face of firepower... any conspiracy becomes a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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