My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 41 Relentless Military Law

Chapter 41 Relentless Military Law
"I want to say that our team is getting bigger and bigger. If we don't have strict discipline, it will be a mess."

Long Wenwen said worriedly.

Most of the troops in the current team are newly recruited soldiers. They come from all over the world, and even different troops. Many of them are veterans. If the discipline of the team is loose, they will be fatally wounded on the battlefield.Don't forget, they are deserters!

"Then you want to shoot directly?" Liao Mingyu said quietly, he wanted to hear Long Wenwen's real thoughts.

"It's not enough to be shot, but I have to teach this kid a lesson. Those soldiers are watching. I have to think of a way to treat him." Long Wenwen held his chin and pondered.

Liao Mingyu nodded and smiled as he looked at Milong, who was trying his best to cut his branches.It seems that this time I have to teach this Tie Hanhan a good lesson.This guy is just too selfish, he will do whatever he thinks in his heart. This kind of character is also the origin of his tragic ending.

I have to say that this kid Milong is really good at handwork. He made a brand new coffin in just one meal.

Milong was a little tired, and put his hands on the coffin to rest for a while. At this time, the woman came over with the little boy. He looked at the boy's smart eyes and looked at him curiously, and smiled happily.

"Come on, call Daddy."

"younger brother!"

Unexpectedly, the little boy showed no mercy.Hit him.

"Haha, Bean Cake, bring your uncle to me and return your brother."

Milong was amused and laughed, and asked Doubi to hold the little boy on his shoulders and let him ride on his neck and sing a two-person turn.

"You want me to come, who the hell doesn't want to come~ Which calf doesn't want to come~ Your house has high walls, and you build forts everywhere..."

The song of the dragon and the laughter of the little boy sounded in this forest. This warm scene was like a real father and son playing, making the surrounding Meng Fan and others all smile.

Looking at Milong, who was holding an axe in one hand and Lei Bao in the other, who was twisting and dancing, a smile appeared on the woman's icy face.

The woman's name is Shangguan Jieci, and the little boy's name is Lei Baoer. In this troubled world, it is also a blessing for their mothers to meet Milong, a man who dares to act.

The coffin was nailed up with pine and cypress, and Milong also carefully spread a layer of hay to make a cushion inside.

Milong placed the old man's body in the coffin and closed the lid.There are some emerald green branches and leaves that will not be trimmed around the coffin.

This should be the most beautiful coffin that everyone has ever seen. It can even make people forget about death for a while. It does not seem to be the end of life, but like another beginning of life.This is also the betrothal gift of Milong, a rude and rude, for his own future.

Evergreen pines and cypresses buried the bones, and Fang Fei sent her condolences in April!
"Old man, go in peace. Although I don't know you, I'm sending you the last ride like your son!"

After speaking, in front of Shangguan Jieci and Lei Bao, he respectfully kowtowed three times towards the coffin.Then, with the help of Bu Lai and others, he was buried happily.

"How about you, you can marry me now."

The sweaty Milong smiled and pinched the little boy's face again, and said happily to Shangguan Jieci.

Shangguan Jieci smiled and nodded, making a good coffin in such a short time is enough to prove Milong's sincerity.

"Ha ha!"

Milong danced happily, ignoring the eyes of others, picked up Shangguan Jie Ci and turned around in a circle, her face flushed with shock.Dissatisfied, he patted Milong's sturdy shoulder.

At this time, Long Wenwen walked over with a group of people.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? What are you guys doing here? Milong, who were you kowtowing to just now?"

"I'm married to a daughter-in-law, what else can I do?" Milong put his arms around Shangguan Jieci and said excitedly: "See, this is my daughter-in-law and my son."

"Humph! Who told you to leave the office without permission? And take your daughter-in-law." Long Wenwen snorted coldly: "I tied it up!"

Xing Fuquan next to him and two soldiers immediately pressed him to the ground, took out the rope and started tying him up.

"What are you doing, alas, dead dead, are you crazy?"

"Let go, you shrewd thing, I will kill you!"

Milong immediately scolded, but no one cared what he said, still tied tightly by Xing Fuquan, unable to move.

"Dead, what are you, you dare to tie me up, look at me marrying a daughter-in-law, are you greedy, I'll fucking kill you!"

"Ignoring discipline should be military law."

"Military law, your father's tail! What qualifications do you have to arrest me, you are a shameless thing, the commander, I want to see the commander!"

The hoarse shouts of the lost dragon spread throughout the forest, and all the soldiers watched this scene, wondering what would happen to him.

Liao Mingyu walked over slowly at this time, and Long Wenwen immediately saluted: "Reporting to the group seat, machine gunner Zhang Milong, coveting women's lust, coerced people's women to make a fortune, and now he has captured all the stolen goods, and asked for military law to engage! "

"Coercion your father's tail, when did I coerce it? From the beginning of the fight, I knew that the kid was full of bad water, you should explain it to me." Milong struggled desperately on the ground and roared in disapproval.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army who came out with Chanda all stood up and looked at Liao Mingyu with heavy eyes.And the group of newly joined veterans all looked at their head.

"Tuanzuo, although Milong is a bit of a jerk, it's not a crime to die."

Meng Fan couldn't help but persuade him at the moment: "It's all brothers who have eaten in the same pot, or I'll bypass him this time."

Long Wenwen glared at Meng Fan fiercely, and said loudly: "The military law is ruthless! The Sichuan Army Corps is beginning to take shape. If it can't be disciplined and banned, it will be a mob. What else are you talking about beating devils?"

"The group seat, the recruits are all watching."

Long Wenwen looked straight at Liao Mingyu, waiting for his decision.

"You bastard, you're dead, you're dead, why don't you say a few words?"

Everyone wanted to say a few more words, but was stopped by Liao Mingyu with a wave: "Kill it, I will do it myself!"

Everyone in the Sichuan Army was in an uproar. Unexpectedly, the head of the regiment really ordered Milong to be shot. Meng Fan hurriedly persuaded a few veterans.

"If it doesn't matter, regiment commander, it's almost the same as dozens of military sticks to beat this dog day."

"Leader, let go of Milong, he's a good man."

"Captain, spare his life, Milong didn't mean to violate discipline."

Not only the veterans of the Sichuan Legion, but even some new soldiers began to plead for the dragon.But Liao Mingyu was unmoved, his eyes were tightly closed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Shangguan Jieci brought his son Lei Baoer and knelt down before Liao Mingyu.

"Sir, I beg you to let this soldier go."

"Your army passed by here, and no one was willing to help me bury my father-in-law. He was the only one who worked hard to build a coffin for my father-in-law and buried him beautifully."

"Our mothers are very grateful to him. If you want to shoot him, it will cut off my mother's life."

When Milong was making the coffin, she could see it in her eyes. Her hard work and thoughts were definitely not for the sake of lust and beauty.It must be a love from the bottom of my heart.

"The military law is ruthless! Needless to say, I have made up my mind, and the deputy of the dragon regiment will escort people to the back of the mountain!"


The dragon's face was ashes as death, and he knelt on the ground like a lost soul.It's over, it seems that Tuanzuo is determined to shoot himself this time.

A group of people pushed Milong to the back of the mountain, and Milong shouted unwillingly before "dying": "Everyone, come and see! It's a good show to remove the grind and kill the donkey!"

"You guys are called crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, smashing the pot after the meat is cooked. It's not benevolent and righteous!"

Seeing Milong's hoarse voice, Liao Mingyu couldn't help but laugh a little.However, he had to do a full set of dramas. He suppressed his smile and came to the back mountain with a cold face and hands behind his back...

(End of this chapter)

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