Chapter 452
"Hey... Brother Ha, how dare I forget those things. I won't hide it from you. This is a handwritten letter from the commander-in-chief of the army in Kunming. I really can't help it."

Gao Xijiang, unable to get off the stage, had no choice but to take out the letter in his trouser pocket, and poured out the reasons for the incident.

Fan Shaozeng frowned and glanced wildly, and the answer was exactly what he thought, He Yingqin's hands were really long enough in that doggy day.

"Is Mr. He's words so effective? Even my big brother can ignore you. You have made great progress in the past two years." Fan Shaozeng taught the lesson bitterly.The reason why he was so angry was more because of his brotherhood back then.

At that time, the Sichuan army went out to fight against the Japanese, and there were countless casualties along the way. Fan Shaozeng was pulled out of the dead by his subordinates several times. If it weren't for those brothers, he would have reported to the Palace of Hades long ago, so he especially cherished the share he had with him back then. camaraderie.

"How dare I, Brother Ha... If you and Lao Huang hadn't carried me off the battlefield in Zhejiang, my hundred catties would have been thrown on the battlefield long ago."

Gao Xijiang lowered his head, sadly said:

"Our Sichuan army is not welcomed by people everywhere. They think that our equipment is not good enough to fight, and we have to do all kinds of dirty and tiring work. They are all used as cannon fire by those bastard sons... You don't know, these years we used to be The brothers of the 21st Division were killed and injured countless times, and less than [-]% of them are still by my side."

"Where's Huang Yongzhi, who didn't see him? And where are the big fellows?" Fan Shaozeng asked suddenly.

"Old Huang...was wounded by stray bullets while fighting Tengchong, and he couldn't survive. Rao Guozhang was transferred to the 56th Army as the regiment commander. Liao Long, Dahan and Zhang Crazy...they are all gone..." Gao Xijiang counted What happened to his companions, he said in frustration.


Fan Shaozeng couldn't help being moved when he heard the death and injury of his former brothers.Huang Yongzhi was also an old subordinate who followed him to pay homage to Paoge Xiangtang, and was a bandit who beat Japanese devils, but it's a pity that Yin and Yang are separated now.

More than 300 million Sichuan troops came out of Sichuan to fight against Japan. Their footprints spread all over the battlefields of China. Up to now, there have been 60 or [-] casualties on the battlefield. How many good men gave their blood to the country and the nation first.

At this time, Gao Xijiang's emotions also came up. I saw his face was flushed red and his eyes were full of tears. He clenched his fists and said loudly:

"Brother Ha, do you know that, as long as you have a gun in your hand, which Sichuan guy is better than a little Japanese? I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of dying for no reason. I also want to find a way out with my brothers. I am I promised to take them home!"

Hearing Gao Xijiang's heartfelt words, Fan Shaozeng somewhat understood his difficulties. The other party was worried about being transferred to Burma to serve as cannon fodder. After all, this did not happen once or twice to the Sichuan army.

But this kind of thing will never happen again from now on!

"Jiang Wazi, you can trust anyone, but you can't trust me? I will give you a guarantee. Going back to Myanmar this time is definitely not what you think. I, Fan, will still cheat my brother?"

"Brother Ha, why don't I believe you? It's that Liao Mingyu over there. I heard...he offended a lot of people. Even Chief He sees him as a thorn in his side and wants to get rid of him quickly. If we go over there, won't we stand On the opposite side of those high-level people, don't they be cleaned up together?"

Gao Xijiang was a little uncertain. He had been in the military for so many years and he somehow knew the dangers involved.

"You don't understand what a fart, why is your vision so low? If Liao Mingyu really has no prospects, I will try my best to run away. This is nonsense with you? After all these years, when did I ever make a loss-making business?"

Fan Shaozeng stared and scolded angrily, "I don't know why this kid has become such a mother-in-law now, how can he be the bloody Jiang Wazi who dared to head-on with a brigade of little devils with just one regiment.

"Besides, didn't I also fall into the hands of the surname He at the beginning? This old man has always remembered it!"

Seeing that the other party was thinking and did not speak, Fan Shaozeng took a sip of tea and continued to preach: "You need to take a longer view. Southeast Asia is a blessed land. Don't look around the powerful enemies around Liao Mingyu. In the future, it is uncertain which one will be dealt with."

Gao Xijiang touched his beard, thinking about the pros and cons in his heart.Now that Fan Shaozeng has talked about this point, there is nothing more to say.

In fact, no matter what the former's purpose is, since he came today, there is absolutely no way he will not give face.Anyway, it's better to be under Big Brother than to be with other people.

"Okay! Brother Ha, I listen to you, I'll arrange it right away!" Gao Xijiang made up his mind, and in a hurry, he immediately prepared to run outside and order his men to attack.

"Wait a minute!" Fan Shaozeng suddenly raised his hand to stop him, "Are you the only one who has the final say on the new fifty divisions?"

"Uh... there are a few mid-level officers who were transferred from above. They said that they would send a deputy division commander over in two days. They are probably still on the way. The rest are the backbone of the original 88th Army that I promoted." Gao Xijiang replied immediately. road.

Gao Xijiang still spent a lot of effort in controlling the troops. After all, the New [-]th Division was assembled from several troops, and some officers had no loyalty to him.

"Well, it's just right, don't wait for that deputy teacher, like this, go to Nankan to observe for a while, if there is any change in this group of people... quietly solve it!" Fan Shaozeng made a cutting gesture, his eyes There was a gleam of coldness.

He didn't want to take this team back and leave some time bombs for Liao Mingyu. These hidden dangers must be dealt with in advance.

"Understood!" Gao Xijiang solemnly agreed, and immediately went out to arrange for the troops to move out without any fuss.


In the afternoon of that day, the newly formed [-]th Division began to pack their bags and organize supplies, and each person also prepared three days of dry food, which already looked like the whole army was marching.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Fan Shaozeng also sent a telegram to Nankan, calling in Zhao Gongming's transport regiment to help transport supplies and soldiers to speed up the transfer of troops.

More than 71 military trucks came to Wanding mightily, which startled the [-]st Army stationed next to them, and hurriedly reported to their army commander Chen Mingren.

Chen Mingren didn't dare to be careless when he got the news, and immediately sent troops to block the highway and the entry point into Myanmar. In addition, he also mobilized heavy troops to block the border and prohibited any troops from entering Myanmar.

In fact, Chen Mingren had received an order from the Kunming headquarters a few days ago, as soon as the new [-]th division moved, it would immediately control the opponent, and even use force to subdue it if necessary.

In order to prevent the Fifty Division from entering Nankan to increase Liao Mingyu's strength, He Yingqin, who is as cunning as a fox, made two preparations at the same time. While intimidating and luring Gao Xijiang, he gave orders to the defenders on the border early on. Without his instructions, no one can into Myanmar.

The fire at the city gate affected Chi Yu, and Chen Mingren, who had just taken up the post of commander of the 71st Army, had nothing to do with it. All he did had nothing to do with personal grievances, and was nothing more than following orders.

But this time, the grumpy Gao Xijiang was angered. He ordered the officers and soldiers of the division to prepare for battle immediately, and formed a confrontation with the 71st Army on the border.

Although Chen Mingren didn't want to do this kind of military meeting with his compatriots, he had to do it because of the commander-in-chief's order. At the same time, he didn't pay attention to the opponent, a Sichuan army with poor equipment and low quality soldiers.Probably all it takes to scare them is to back off to camp like nothing happened.

But this time, he obviously underestimated the opponent's determination. The soldiers of the 71th Division acted in three groups, completely ignoring the warnings of the 300st Army, and even placed the mortars [-] meters away from the defenders' positions, and the muzzles were almost at the top. On the opponent's face, there was a look of death.

"The 71st Army of your gods! Dogs and mice meddle in their own business, son of a bitch Chen Mingren, I'm still talking about you?"

Gao Xijiang's temper has always been hot, don't look at him being submissive in front of Fan Shaozeng, this guy is also a master who refuses to accept and does it for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

Let's not talk about whether we can fight well, first of all, we must not lose in terms of momentum, otherwise those guys will definitely push their noses even more.

"Get me to the 2319 Regiment Headquarters. If the other side dares to shoot first, you don't need to report to me and beat his mother!"


(End of this chapter)

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