Chapter 457
In the Meiktila area of ​​Mandalay Province, a Japanese army team is passing quickly on the main road.

If you look closely, almost every Japanese soldier is riding a bicycle, but what is strange is that there is no tire skin on the bicycle tires, only bare steel rings rolling on the ground, and the long line is like a black snake lying on the ground Walking on the winding and rugged road, you can hear the sound of Ding Ling's sugar palms from far away.

These Japanese soldiers seemed to regard their bicycles as war horses, and hung all kinds of weapons, equipment and personal items on them, and some even carried two spare bicycles on their backs, staring at them with difficulty. Pedal, the strange behavior can be called Ah San.

Although somewhat nondescript, the speed of this team was very fast, far surpassing the two-legged march, and it took only one hour to rush from Meiktila to Mandalay.

"He だこれは? Ozawa, why did you send so many bicycles? You even took off the tires. What are you doing?"

Hashimoto, the Japanese soldier in charge of the task, was full of doubts. Recently, a large number of bicycles have been sent from the rear one after another. He doesn't know what the higher-ups are doing with these things.

"Idiot...don't you know what General Yamashita relied on to defeat the British? It was these iron horse chariots."

Ozawa patted the iron wheel casually, and looked around, row after row of [-] big bars glowing with silver light, at least a few thousand in size. You can imagine that large troops would ride on them to walk through the forest What a scene it will be.

"I just heard from the squadron leader that the general has also transferred a lot of tanks and artillery from the 17th Front Army. Now the gap between us and the Huaxia people is not so big."

"Suoga, now I don't have to just be bombarded, but is it..." Hashimoto's eyes widened in disbelief, it seems that this time there will be another big battle.


The two guys who deserted were discovered by the team leader, causing a burst of shouting.

"Who asked you to chat here? Go and count the number of bicycles that just arrived!"

"Hi huh..."

Looking at the two people who ran away in a hurry, the team leader secretly sighed, recalling what they said just now, he felt extremely helpless.

Alas... There was a time when the Chinese were only second to none in terms of firepower. Often, a division chased several armies to fight, and one army could defeat hundreds of thousands of opponents.

But now...there is only one army on the opposite side, and four or five divisions on our side dare not attack, and they have to mobilize heavy firepower from the rear to be sure of countering it.

Fortunately, General Yamashita is strong and has a great face, and he has the full support of the commander-in-chief in the temple, otherwise he really doesn't know how to fight this battle.


Just when he was lost in thought, bursts of roar suddenly appeared in the sky, and the ear-piercing alarm sounded immediately.

"Air strike!"

"Find concealment!"

The surrounding soldiers were yelling and running in all directions. During this period of time, they had been cleaned up enough by the enemy's bombers. When they heard the alarm, they were all upset. They all hurriedly sought cover on the spot, or fled to the woods to hide.

The little devil in the air defense position hurriedly lifted the camouflage canvas, operated the anti-aircraft gun to aim at the target, and only waited for the opponent to enter the range.

"Hurry てるな! Move the bicycles in the clearing! Move fast!"

The team leader screamed with all his strength, and was the first to rush to the pile of bicycles, picked up the bicycle as much as possible and ran desperately into the woods.At this moment, there are still many bicycles that have not been transferred in time, just piled up on the ground without defense. If the bomb falls, it is unknown how much damage will be caused.

Just above the little devil's head, two B17 bombers descended slowly under the escort of a fighter squadron. The hatch of the bomb bay had been opened, and the bombardier was lying on the sight finder carefully calculating the bombing position.

"It's time, John, get ready, we... oh... Shet!"


The little devil's anti-aircraft guns started to show off, and countless exploding barrages followed the trajectory of the plane and exploded around. The pilot quickly adjusted the flight angle to avoid the shells as much as possible.

"Jamie, it's time for you guys to get on the field, get rid of those anti-aircraft guns!" The pilot grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly.

"Received. Attention all flight formations, attack the air defense firepower points below one by one!"

Jamie straightened his eyes and put on the windshield, controlled the joystick to make the plane fly downwards, and the other fighters around them also changed their directions, and galloped towards the target in a two-plane combat formation.

Explosions kept ringing in mid-air, and the pilots controlled the fighter planes to avoid shells left and right, and soon approached the target, ready to start licking the ground.

The p40 itself is famous for its high-speed dives. The roaring fighter plane is like a bolt of lightning. While approaching the target, the machine guns on the wings have already started to spray fire snakes.


The bullets shot at the firing anti-aircraft guns, and the smoke and dust splashed up to cover the sky and the sun. Countless little devils were torn apart by the barrage, and the hissing sound was endless.

The moment Jamie approached the ground, he suddenly pulled up the nose and released the aerial bombs under the fuselage almost at the same time. The fighter plane climbed up quickly with relief, but the two [-]kg aerial bombs smashed to the ground like meteorites.

The violent explosion directly blasted a deep hole in the ground, and the anti-aircraft gun was thrown to nowhere. The entire anti-aircraft team suffered countless casualties, and the broken limbs and broken arms mixed with blood mud slowly scattered all over the ground like raindrops.

Such scenes are being staged everywhere. The Japanese air defense strength here is not high, and the few anti-aircraft guns are also lost under continuous strikes. Facing the ferocious tiger-like P40 fighters, they have almost nothing to do except to be beaten head-on.

Thick smoke was already billowing from the ground, and after circling in a circle and flying back, B17 could throw bombs down without restraint this time.

"Threat cleared, ready to drop bombs!"

"Position calibrated, 3, 2, 1...throw!"

One after another high-explosive aerial bombs fell from the belly of the aircraft at an extremely fast speed, and the ground was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​flames, just like the beautiful fireworks of the Chinese New Year.


"Nani? Meiktila under air raid?"

At the Mandalay Command, the shocked Yamashita asked loudly, the flesh on his face trembled involuntarily, and his eyes were full of anger.

"The Huaxia people are too arrogant. Immediately order the 67th Squadron of the Army Aviation to take off to fight, and stop them no matter what!"

"General, if our fighter planes take off to fight now, it may attract more enemy planes. From the current point of view, the strength of Army Aviation has been lost, so we should preserve our strength for..."

Before the staff officer finished speaking, a big mouth was slapped on his face.

"Bastard! Coward! The weaker you are, the more arrogant the enemy is. Don't you understand this simple truth!?"

The furious Yamashita Fengwen grabbed the opponent by the collar and roared furiously.It's up to you whether to fight or not, but you can't lose in terms of momentum, otherwise the opponent will ride on your neck and shit.

"Hi huh..."

The staff officer was held by Yamashita Fengwen in his hand like a chicken, and he was terrified in his heart, and he still had to endure his slobbering, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Go and give orders, you useless trash! The face of the 53rd Division has been thrown away by you!"

The relieved staff officer hurriedly bowed his head and said yes, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and ran out quickly, while Fengwen Yamashita, who was still angry, stared at the bull's-eye and looked around. The soldiers who were working around hurriedly lowered their heads and went their own way. The newly appointed commander looked at each other.

"Hmph! A bunch of trash..."

Fengwen Yamashita walked out of the headquarters cursing. He had been in Mandalay for a month, but the soldiers here gave him the feeling that they were weak and incompetent, and their fear of war was too serious, as if the enemy was an invincible demon.

It's not like this situation is timid before fighting. We have to find a way to give them a shot in the arm, otherwise how can we display our combat effectiveness in a state of low morale, let alone win the battle.

"Kutian, how many bicycles have arrived from the various units?" Yamashita greeted the headquarters.

Hearing the question, another staff officer inside immediately ran over and bowed his head to report:
"Hey... So far, there are a total of 450 bicycles according to the statistics. In addition, a batch from Siam should have arrived in Mei Tila today... The specific number has not been reported yet."

Fengwen Yamashita's heart was shocked, Meiktila...the batch from Siam could not have been destroyed by the enemy, right?And even if you look at the current number, it's still less than half of what you expected.

(End of this chapter)

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