Chapter 468

At the same time, in front of the armored brigade was the 67th Regiment and the 163rd Regiment of the Japanese Army. In order to ensure speed, they abandoned most of their luggage and only carried the necessary supplies. They even used bicycles as transport vehicles. Guns and ammunition equipment, or dismantled mortars and mountain cannon accessories are all hung on the frame, together with some motorized infantry and small light trucks, it is like a mechanized rapid response force...

Oh no... It should be said that it is a half-mechanized and half-human army... Two catties of rice can run 30 kilometers. Such a wonderful tactical idea can only be imagined by the Japanese with a strange brain circuit.

Yamashita Fengwen has two preparations, one is the result of the Taunggyi battlefield, and the other is to repeat the old tricks and reproduce his reputation as the "Tiger of Malay".

He mobilized a large number of bicycles from Malaysia and Siam in advance, starting from the west bank of Mandalay and then going north through the Kyaukse Plain, taking advantage of his quick action to penetrate behind the enemy and attack the Chinese rear. If successful, Mandalay The Huaxia people on the defense line will definitely have a strong military spirit, and then it will be a good opportunity to counterattack.

"Ding, ding, jingle, jingle, jingle..."

There was a sound like steel colliding constantly in the marching team. The cold steel ring directly contacted the hard ground, coupled with the frame without any shock absorption, the taste of the buttocks can be imagined.

However, the Japanese soldiers who have always been accustomed to hard work can accept it. The large plains in the west of Mandalay are very suitable for marching on wheels. The two regiments with more than 6000 people and more than [-] bicycles marched northward at an astonishing speed.
Although the process was a bit uncomfortable, this novel marching method is faster than running with two teams. It only took them 5 days to get here from Mandalay, which would at least double the cost of taking the India-Myanmar Highway time.

The two sidecar motorcycles in the team stopped on the side of the road, and a senior and a lieutenant came down from them respectively.

"Mr. Sasaki, we will arrive at the Minjin Mountains in about [-] kilometers, so there is no need to worry so much." Zhong Zuo stepped forward and said with a smile, as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's right, it's finally here."

The general felt the same way. They set off from Mandalay a week ago. During this period, they could only stop and go in order to avoid aerial surveillance. Most of the soldiers used weeds and branches to weave camouflage. As soon as they heard movement in the sky, they stopped immediately. Lie down on the ground motionless, a few days of eating and sleeping in the open air made everyone look like a group of savages.

Although the Jiaose Plain is convenient for marching, there is no hidden terrain. If a fighter plane flies through the air, it will not be easy to be found.

Fortunately, the most dangerous journey has passed, and the Minjin Mountains and the large rainforest in northern Myanmar are ahead. As long as you can enter it, you don't have to worry about aerial reconnaissance. When the time comes, the troops will go all the way north to Lashio, which will definitely disturb him. Turned upside down!

Thinking of this, Sasaki was in a good mood, waving his hands as if to say: "Hehe...Thanks for your hard work Suzuki-kun, let the soldiers rest and get ready first, and we will move forward after eating and drinking enough."

"Hey! Your Excellency is too polite." Suzuki bowed his head slightly and said respectfully. Although everyone is the captain, he still has to bow his head in terms of seniority.

The teams of nearly 6000 members of the two wings stopped to rest on the spot. During the period, the squadron in front also sent sentries to explore the way, but everyone was exhausted and wanted to sit down immediately to relieve their stiff legs. How many people had the energy to carry out that task? Boring scouting missions.

And all this was seen by the armored brigade scouts hiding in the bushes in the distance, and reported the situation back immediately.

"I'm supposed to be tired! My legs can't take it anymore."

The Japanese military soldier Jijiro threw the bicycle to the ground, and fell straight on the ground regardless of his companion's surprised eyes.

The two calves twitched slightly, and there were bursts of soreness in the buttocks. The situation of the Japanese soldiers in the surrounding troops was almost the same, and it was all caused by long-term riding on the bicycle with only steel rings.

"Kusuo! Do you look reasonable, brat? Be careful that the captain will give you a few slaps when he sees it later." The elder sergeant walked over and kicked him, cursing bitterly.

The two were originally from the same hometown, and they knew each other before joining the army, so he just reminded them, otherwise other soldiers would have pulled them up and cleaned them up.

Hearing this, Zhu Xialang reluctantly climbed up and sat down, but he was still muttering: "Then we can't let us die on the bicycle, it's only after a day's driving..."

"Shut up! Sit down, don't talk nonsense, and go to the front after a while, don't forget what we are here for."

The sergeant interrupted him unceremoniously, his cold eyes swept around, and the soldiers lying crooked beside him quickly sat up straight.

Still complaining, don't look at when this is, it is quite scary to deal with this kind of thorny soldiers in the Japanese army, and these new recruits are unruly, how can they be so unruly if they are placed in the former soldiers rule.

After being reprimanded by the big brother, Zhu Xialang didn't dare to say anything more. Obviously, he had been dealt with by the chief many times before because of certain things.

The scorching sun was shining in the sky, scorching the earth and making the people below sweat profusely. The team of Takeshijiro was actually sent out to carry out the investigation mission, but the soldiers couldn’t stand the exhaustion of the days, and most of them had already hid in the shade of the trees. After resting, only a few people barely stood guard.

Buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing...

The Japanese soldiers happily enjoyed this hard-won leisure time. Suddenly, a strange sound came from directly in front of them.

It sounds like a stone mill grinding the ground, or the hammering sound of steel and steel colliding with each other. It sounds very strange, just like the sound made by their large army of bicycles and motorcycles mixed together. .Most of the Japanese soldiers looked in that direction curiously, but because they were far away, they didn't react for a while.

"This is···?"

"Could it be people from the transport brigade? How could they go in that direction?"

"No! Everyone is on alert!"

The sound became louder and louder from far to near, and experienced veterans could already tell that this was some kind of transport team, it was obviously the sound of tank tracks rubbing against the ground and the engine.

At this moment, a few small black spots suddenly appeared on the hillside hundreds of meters away, and more than a dozen Sherman tanks slowly crossed the hillside. The thick 75mm barrels were shining in the sun, but this situation This scene made the Japanese soldiers present feel heartbroken.

"Enemy attack!"

"Chinese tanks!!"

The tank convoy opened fire first, and the loud shouts were accompanied by the roar of the cannons. The shells slammed into the Japanese squad, and the barrage instantly covered a large area in front of them, and the smoke was filled with flying sand and rocks.

"Damn! What's the matter? Another girl can shoot better than you!" In one of the tanks, Hong Mu roared with a walkie-talkie

Since the artillery was fired on the move, the accuracy was a bit embarrassing. A dozen shells only took away a few people, but it also frightened the Japanese soldiers of the reconnaissance team, and the remaining little devils all turned around and ran away in fear. .

"The tank convoy continues to advance at full speed, all machine gunners, give me a hard hit"

After Hong Mu finished speaking, he was the first to get out of the turret, straightened the M2 heavy machine gun in front of him, loaded the bolt in one go, and pulled the trigger without hesitation...
(End of this chapter)

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