Chapter 474
The walls outside were trembling slightly from the explosion, and the entire underground fortification could feel the devastating power even through the thick concrete.

Dust slowly sprinkled on the little devils' heads, each of them looked ashamed and miserable. The dark incandescent lamp hung on the top and kept shaking. The light appeared and disappeared with the vibration, as if it would go out at any time.

"Your Excellency, Commander? You should avoid it."

The staff officer tried his best to hold up a military overcoat with his hands, intending to cover the dust on the top of Yamashita Fufumi's head, but he still overestimated his height, and it was difficult to cover the opponent's head even if he stood on tiptoe. The "giant man" looked very funny in front of him.

Fufumi Yamashita was a little impatient, he pushed the nosy guy away, and let the ashes fall on his body.

"Ahem...Report the situation on the front line, Xiao Linzheng!"

"Hey, the Hayata brigade is fighting fiercely with the Huaxia people at the mouth of the river. The right wing defense line has been breached. The Ishikawa brigade has suffered heavy casualties and has withdrawn to the second position. The left wing has suffered the most serious attack. A small amount of enemy armor has been found. I'm half an hour. The position will be lost..."

Listening to the report of staff officer Kobayashi Masa, Yamashita Fufumi closed his eyes helplessly. The enemy launched an all-out general offensive. Airplanes and artillery opened the way, as well as armored vehicles and terrifying firepower, which made it difficult for the Japanese troops on the front line to parry for a while.

How can this be a war with the Chinese people? The Yankees in the Pacific are nothing more than that. The most important thing is that according to the latest information, a large number of Chinese troops are also rushing to Mandalay from the direction of Taunggyi.

The damn Fourth Division didn't stop the enemy at all, and even the gang of red deer who were greedy for life and fear of death showed signs of retreating.

Moreover, the news of Meiktila's occupation has already spread throughout the base camp, and now the soldiers under him are panicking. Facing the situation where the enemy's rear is cut off from the left and right, not many people can remain calm and calm to deal with it.

"Your Excellency, Commander, about retreating first?" Kobayashi was bending over, carefully making an opinion.

"Baga! Are you making me a coward?" Yamashita Fengfu was furious, and slapped the face in front of him.

retreat?It's easy to say, if you want to withdraw now, you will be defeated for thousands of miles, and the Chinese people can't chase after their ass?

"Hey! Smith Marseille..." Xiao Lin was apologizing quickly, and then stood aside to be his tool man, not daring to speak too much anymore.

boom! !

Another shell landed near the bunker, and the dust kept falling like chaff in a sieve, causing the ground to tremble uncontrollably.

After losing his temper, Yamashita Fengwen shook the dust on his body, and paced back and forth in the war room restlessly. He was also in a state of anxiety, but he couldn't find a better way for the current situation.

"When did the Huaxia people become so strong? Could it be that even I have to die in this place?"

Fengwen Yamashita thought silently in his heart, and he couldn't help looking at the saber on his waist.

If the situation really develops to an irreversible step, then the only way to preserve one's reputation is to die.


"Call Corsair [-], this is Fox Hunter [-], please pay attention to the direction of [-] o'clock, a new round of enemy fleet is about to enter the battlefield."


"Pirates received it, leave it to me here, you guys...God damn! This damn anti-aircraft gun!"

"Pay attention to evasion! Pay attention to evasion! The target is just below, let us clear the way for the bomber formation..."

At the same time, the battle between the two sides seemed to be heating up, and the air was even fiercer. Countless planes roared and launched a series of dazzling ignition snakes.

Several white dots appeared in the sky, which were the figure of the pilot parachuting. The fighter plane that was hit fell down with thick black smoke. fire.

This time, the Japanese army was ruthless, gathering all the land and aviation forces that could be mobilized in Mandalay and Yangon to fight this air battle. The U.S. military also mobilized most of the Indian air force formations. Overwhelm the opponent in momentum.

Buzzing... buzzing...!
An F4U pirate fighter jet emerged from the clouds at high speed, roaring and swooping towards the ground.

Andre, who was piloting the plane, clenched the joystick and dodged left and right. It seemed that he could not hear any sound except the roar of the machine gun.

Ding ding ding...!

But there were two Japanese Falcons closely following behind them. Bullets swished through the air, and some even hit Andre's fuselage, forcing him to keep turning to avoid it.

Thanks to the rough skin and thick flesh of the pirate fighter, it is basically no problem to get a few bullets. However, there are two 300 kg aerial bombs mounted under Andre's plane, and the turning maneuver is very limited. Time can't get rid of the enemy plane.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...Boom!

Suddenly, a string of fire snakes came obliquely from above, and the 12.7mm large-caliber machine gun directly blasted one of the Falcons in the air. The huge explosion fire was reflected in the sky, and the other Falcon immediately turned its head when it saw that the situation was not good. just run.

Looking back, it turned out that two P40s dived and attacked from a high altitude, and destroyed the fleeing Falcon within a moment. The broken fuselage was like a bird with broken wings, spinning and falling to the ground dragging black smoke.

"Хорошосделано!" Andre couldn't help laughing out loud, even speaking his mother tongue.

Without thinking about anything else, he immediately turned the nose of the plane, his sharp eyes scanning the battlefield below like eagle eyes.

"Zizi... call the bomber formation, there is a concrete machine gun bunker on the west side of the enemy's estuary position, request air strikes, over!"

At this moment, a call from the attacking troops below came over the radio, and Andrei immediately regained his spirits, and immediately pressed the intercom button to reply: "F4-101 received it, and it will arrive at the target location in 2 minutes. Please use Smoke bombs are marked, it's over!"


The melee in the air continued, and the troops on the ground of both sides were not to be outdone. The dozens of howitzers of the Heavy Artillery Brigade fired several rounds in a row. Among them, the Japanese left-wing defense line was hit particularly hard. The entire position seemed to be plowed by iron rakes. It seemed that there were bullet craters everywhere, and broken and charred corpses abounded.

It seems that there are not many Japanese defenses in this area, but the soldiers of the first main regiment of the third division who are attacking know very well that the surface is just an illusion, and those little devils are very dark.

Don't look at the estuary position is now calm, the dark tide is hidden under that calmness, no matter how terrible the bombardment is, they will always find a way to survive like mice, and then jump out to give you a head-on blow when you charge.

(End of this chapter)

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