Chapter 484

Lashio Command Operations Conference Room...

Liao Mingyu sat alone on the chair with his hands on his chin, his eyes closed as if he was resting his mind, but the slightly twitching eyelids revealed his restless heart at the moment.

"Master System, how do you play this base? Let's also settle the rewards for our victories in so many battles."

"Ding... It is detected that the host army has completely controlled Mandalay Province and the western region of Zen State, with a total area of ​​about 47023 square kilometers, which has met the requirements for base construction..."


"Fuck, so many!?"

Liao Mingyu was amazed for a while. He was busy fighting and neglected the system during this time. He didn't expect to accumulate so many points unknowingly.

This is really rich, let alone other things, Sherman doesn't feel bad for another thirty or forty cars, and the planes can be bought in pairs.

"Ding... Please don't get excited, the host, your thoughts may change later..."

Liao Mingyu, who had just been ecstatic, was instantly stunned when he heard this. According to the irregular urination of this dog, it would not be happy for a moth to come out, and he had to trip himself to be comfortable.

"Let's get down to business, what's the situation in the base area?"

"Ding... The host can understand the base area as its own logistics manufacturing center, that is, the physical base after the system is embodied. The base radiates from the command center to the surrounding control area, which can affect all system buildings in the area."

"Tip 1: After the base is established, the host can open the building panels in the system to build corresponding military buildings, which will be of great significance for the update of logistics supply equipment in the future.

Only one main base can be built, which is divided into levels 1-5. Upgrading requires a lot of points, and each level can bring new functions to the host. It is recommended that the host find a hidden place. If the main base is destroyed or occupied, the system will It will cease to exist, and everything about the system will be erased, including the host itself! "

Damn, it's like throwing all the eggs at one basket, Liao Mingyu felt chills in his heart, he had to find a way to guard his home after he took root, he couldn't just go wherever he wanted like now, otherwise once his home was gone, he would be gone too.

"Ding... the host doesn't have to worry too much. The establishment of the base definitely has more advantages than disadvantages. Whether it's equipment updates or logistics supplies, it will bring different benefits to the host, and form an independent industrial supply system, no need to rely on any party to come. Replenishment is crucial to the strength of the troops in the later stage."

Liao Mingyu nodded slowly, and quickly scanned the new system building column in his mind.Radar stations, military camps, air force bases, steel mills, weapons factories, power stations, oil refineries, large machine tool factories, equipment laboratories... the things inside can be described as dazzling, but in four words... self-sufficient.

At least after the establishment of the base area, you can get rid of the influence of other forces and gradually have your own industrial system, so you don’t have to be controlled by others. No matter what you want to do in the future, you have enough confidence. Compared with so many advantages, that little bit is insignificant Don't worry about the disadvantages at all.

It's a pity... that outrageous price is still a bit daunting. Except for the main base, which is given as a gift, other buildings can only be built with tens of thousands of points.

"Ding... Reminder 2: All buildings can only be constructed after the main base is deployed. Once confirmed, the location cannot be changed for a short time..."

Liao Mingyu frowned and listened to the introduction of the system silently. He felt that it was quite troublesome to establish a base, and this thing had to be highly confidential, otherwise it would be impossible to explain it to others.

There are also some buildings that are even more strange, such as the intelligent human body reproduction center, the military skills rubbing camp, etc., I have never heard of it and I don’t understand what it is for.

As if hearing Liao Mingyu's concerns, the system immediately explained: "Ding... the intelligent human body cloning center is the key to ensure the normal operation of the main base. It can use gene duplication technology to clone a series of professional talents, such as skilled Mechanics, medical staff, maintenance workers, etc. Please check the list for the call price.”

Liao Mingyu was stunned, the good guy actually has this function, it is simply a magic skill, if a few hundred thousand people are created, it will not directly push Malaysia...

"Ding... Please don't imagine the host randomly. The replica center will limit the number of people according to the size of the base of the host and the level of the base, not just as many as you can make. Moreover, the clones have certain physical defects, and such personnel can only carry out individual professional training. Sex work, you can’t participate in wars, and don’t completely treat them as normal human beings, if the host wants to let them participate in the war and cause various problems and panic, it will only be worth the candle.”

Sure enough... Liao Mingyu curled his lips, which was equivalent to blocking this road.But it's good to be able to solve the shortage of logistics personnel. At that time, I can just fight the war and don't need to be distracted like I am now.

Look at the prices, 200 points for an ordinary worker, 300 points for a skilled worker, 300 points for a basic medical staff, 500 points for an ordinary engineer... It's not too expensive, but it's not cheap, and because they are cloned, their life expectancy is generally low. There are only five years, if you want to increase the lifespan, you must first upgrade the base and the corresponding buildings.

"Okay, okay, then how do I expand the main base now? Do I need someone to go to that position or something?" Liao Mingyu asked quickly, and he can gradually understand everything else. What he cares most about now is how to start first step.

"Ding... The host can choose the corresponding location according to the map information, and then the system will analyze and confirm it. After it is correct, the main base can be directly deployed at this location. However, other buildings in the later stage will require the host to operate in the main base."

As it turned out, Liao Mingyu immediately took out several local topographic maps of Mandalay from the table, and began to slowly search for a suitable location.

Due to unfamiliarity with the area, Liao Mingyu searched for a long time but could not find a suitable place. Although Mandalay looked relatively large, it was relatively long from north to south and had a lot of plains, which was not suitable for defense.

After much deliberation, Liao Mingyu finally decided to locate the main base in the Heihe area bordering Meiktila and Zen State. It is backed by jungles and surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is a big river named Gutan Bodang flowing from north to south. It is not far from Meiktila and can be reached in an hour by car.

The mountains and jungles in the east are natural barriers, and the ground troops are almost insurmountable. In the west, there are Gutambodang River and Meiktila as the external defense line. The whole area is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Don't even think about attacking.

The most important thing is that this area is sparsely populated and the secrecy is stronger. The large-scale plains to the west are very suitable for building a road and rail network, and it will also be convenient for resupply in the future.

"Okay, let's do this! You can't find anything more suitable than this, Mr. System, it's up to you next?" Liao Mingyu said firmly with his heart set.

"Ding... location confirmation, please wait..."

"The system has been confirmed, the main base is unfolding, please wait patiently..."

A piece of map information immediately appeared in Liao Mingyu's mind, and the dots on the coordinate axis were clearly visible with red light shining.

at the same time…

A hundred kilometers away, in an open space in the Heihe area, a wild boar is leading several piglets to forage in the bushes. The delicious berries in the forest are very attractive to them, and the piglets are also running around in the open space play.

Suddenly... There were several ear-piercing bird calls from around, and then all the birds on the tree soared into the air, screaming and flying into the distance.

The big wild boar raised its nose and sniffed, as if it also sensed some dangerous breath in the air, and immediately wailed and beckoned its child to run away.

Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate violently like a ground cage turning over. The original hillside was instantly smoothed, and countless big trees were knocked down or swallowed by the cracked ground...

A few minutes later, the earthquake finally stopped, but at this moment, the ground seemed to have been planed by an iron plow, and the originally rough ground now seemed to be flattened, becoming very flat.

In a short while, a 15-meter-high energy body building slowly appeared at the location of the earthquake just now, and the light green almost transparent building frame is gradually solidifying at a speed visible to the naked eye...

(End of this chapter)

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