Chapter 486

Besides, on the side of the [-]th Division, after two days of siege and interception, nearly [-]% of the Japanese troops who broke out to the east were wiped out on the road, and a large number of little devils were captured. The remaining rout troops were still hiding in the jungle. Evacuation plans have now turned into exodus.

Originally, Yamashita Fengwen wanted the people from the Fourth Division to go west, but who would have thought that these guys ran so fast that they had no intention of covering the retreat at all.

They only had a symbolic battle with the 200th Division on the first day, and then... there was no more. It was not until the officers and soldiers of the 200th Division who confronted them three days later that they found out that the bunch of bastards had already run away. The next pile of mines left nothing.

I wasted a few days in vain without talking about it, the key point is disgusting people, the Gaoji people were so angry that they cursed on the spot, and they were about to lead people to hunt them down.

Xing Fuquan, who was still prudent and prudent, prevented this idea. You must know that although the current Fourth Division is in a retreat, their equipment and organization are still complete, and the troops basically have no losses. Its strength is absolutely not to be underestimated. If they bite back, there is no guarantee that it will cause much loss.

The most urgent task at the moment should be to turn the gun and work with the [-]th Division to contain the Japanese army that was defeated from Mandalay, so as to further expand the results of the battle and wipe out the enemy's vital forces.

So the two made a calculation, and Chief of Staff Ah Yi led some troops to stay in Taunggyi to defend against the Fourth Division. The mobile unit of the 200th Division immediately set off to the west to join the encirclement and suppression campaign.

In order to eat up all the Japanese troops, Long Wenwen personally led the team and followed Milong's third main force group.

Now it's all right, the siege and interception of more than [-] people from the two divisions made the Mandalay Japanese army even worse.The two sides staged a scene of chasing each other in the western jungle of Zen State, and more and more little devils were annihilated or captured.

Most of the little devils were desperate in their hearts. They were divided and surrounded by soldiers who were not familiar with the terrain, so they could only break up into small groups and linger in the woods.

However, these little devils were also determined to escape. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, they each found a good place to ambush in the dense forest, covered with weeds and leaves, as if they were integrated with the jungle.Then he began to sit and wait, shooting as soon as he saw someone passing by, and then he would be covered by more intensive gunfire from the other party, turning into a pile of mud.

This kind of life-threatening dismissal is really disgusting, and the vanguard of the search force is frightened, and they dare not be too aggressive, for fear that if something bad happens, they will be shot in the head by a cold gun from nowhere.


"Where's Gaha? You bastard, hurry up, or I'll stew you in soup!"


Gourou lay on the ground with drooping ears, his scarlet tongue sticking out long, panting heavily, no matter how hard Milong pulled him, he refused to get up.

"Damn, do you really treat me like a dog? It's much more useful than you!" Long Wenwen walked over cursingly, and kicked away Milong who was squatting on the ground.

"Is that so, Black Panther? Come on, have some food and rest, and work hard for me later."

The guy turned around, his face changed, he touched the dog's big head with a smile like he was looking at his own son, and took out a piece of beef jerky from his pocket to feed it.

Milong got up muttering in his mouth, rubbed his buttocks with resentment on his face, but at this time he really didn't dare to offend this dog, and even begged for it.

Many soldiers in the team are holding a big dog in their hands, and they are sitting quietly resting at the moment, after all, they have been exhausted for the past two days.

As the saying goes, the height of the devil is only one foot, and the height of the road is one foot. The suicide counter-ambush adopted by the Japanese army did cause many casualties, but Long Wenwen is not a vegetarian. This time he resorted to another killer, the military dog ​​search Team.

As early as when the 88th Army was reorganized into an army some time ago, he began to build a search force to deal with the Japanese soldiers who appeared in the jungle.

After all, the roads in the woods are rugged and densely wooded, and they are extremely vulnerable to ambushes, and the armored troops can't do their best. As long as the little devils can't beat them, they will start hunting, hiding in the corners of various bushes and popping up out of nowhere. The early days have had enough of them suffering.

So Long Wenwen began to collect a large number of hounds in the villages along the way, and began to train them to search, track, and kill them according to the standards of military dogs, and his old buddy "dog meat" was one of them.

Regardless of the size of these dogs, some are fierce and scary, some are petite and sensitive, but they are all first-class tracking experts, completely leaving those little devils hiding in the jungle nowhere to hide.

General Long Wenwen sent the dog search team to each company and platoon to work together with the search troops. As soon as they found something wrong, they would bark at the target from a distance. An all-round firepower coverage, until the field was blasted to pieces before going to collect the corpses.

Only the Yankees and the 88th Army are the only ones who play like this. The other troops will cry when they see it. They don't take the consumption of ammunition seriously at all.

But this also minimizes the loss of troops, and can quickly find those little devils who are hiding, which is very efficient.

They are all forced. You must know that it is difficult to recruit personnel now. It is hard to recruit tens of thousands of recruits in the resettlement camps. , this is the rationale right now.


At this moment, the dog meat that was lying on the ground suddenly raised its head, growled in one direction, and its sensitive nose twitched rapidly, as if analyzing the smell that suddenly appeared in the air.

"There is a situation!" Long Wenwen's eyes were fixed, staring at the direction Gou Rou was looking at.

The surrounding military dogs also began to become restless, seeing this situation, Mi Long hurriedly called his men to be vigilant around them.

"Black Panther?"

Long Wenwen asked in a low voice, and the dog meat rushed out as if he had a heart, and disappeared after a few jumps in the dense bushes.

"Go, keep up!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Long Wenwen immediately ordered the others to prepare their combat equipment. At the same time, he also held the Li Enfield behind him in his hand, pulled the bolt on, and rushed out with one step.

Milong was startled, this guy looks like a division commander, he is as reckless as a big soldier, but at the same time, he hastily called the surrounding soldiers to keep up with the protection, no matter what, he can't let the division commander take the lead.

A group of people moved forward very cautiously with pressing steps, and quickly passed through the bushes under the leadership of Gou Rou and several military dogs, and came to the left-wing hillside of a small river valley.

The river is only five or six meters wide, and it doesn't look particularly deep. It feels like a person holding a gun can swim across it. There is a mountain with a steep slope on both sides, and Long Wenwen and the others are on one side.

Looking around, there are dense trees and overgrown weeds, and the river splashes against the accumulated stones on the river surface, but there is no one in sight.

Long Wenwen squinted his eyes and stared at the opposite bank. The dense forest was lush, but it was eerily quiet. His intuition told him that there must be danger ahead.

After arriving here, it was obvious that something was wrong with the military dogs, whimpering and restless, and kept trying to move forward with their stirrup ropes. The soldiers could only try their best to appease them and lower their voices.

After a while, Dog Meat, who had been going back and forth, got out from a bush, and leaned in front of Long Wenwen, moaning and not knowing what he was expressing.

"Die, die, what is your son talking about?" Mi Long smirked, and asked meanly.

Long Wenwen ignored him, turned around and called a communication soldier, and said in a low voice: "Contact the nearby troops immediately and let them meet here."


"Huh? What's the matter? Isn't our company enough to fight?"

Milong was a little puzzled. Now the Japanese have organized small groups of troops to disperse the encirclement, and those who can't break through will stay in place to make the final resistance, but they are all small in number, and the search team usually has a hundred or so people enough to find them. And wipe out these sporadic devils.

"You know what a fart, there must be a big fish on the opposite side, tell your people to be quiet, and lie in ambush for me, even if you shit, you have to pull it in my crotch!"

After finishing speaking, Long Wenwen ignored it and continued to observe the situation on the other side.

The jungle in the west of Zenbang is a typical tropical rainforest. The vegetation here is dense and vines are overgrown. The canopy covers the sky and the sun can't be seen at a glance. Don't look at the small area on the other side of the bank, and hundreds of people hiding in it can't be seen at all.

It is not so pleasant to stay in this scorching forest. The hot and humid environment makes people very uncomfortable. The soldiers can only endure the bites of poisonous insects and flying mosquitoes, lying on the spot and waiting.

Fortunately, all this was not in vain. Half an hour later, the bushes on the opposite bank finally moved. Four or five Japanese soldiers appeared in everyone's field of vision, walking from the slope to the river.

These devils walked a few steps with their guns in their hands and turned their heads to look left and right. The cautious look seemed frightened, for fear that someone would be ambushing nearby.

After looking around and finding no one there, the Japanese soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. When they came to the river, they untied a large string of water bottles on their backs and began to pour water into them.

"Sure enough, there is a show, dead, dead, what should I say?"

Milong stared at the Japanese soldiers intently, and touched Long Wenwen next to him with his elbow. After all, the latter is the biggest here, and it is not easy for him to leapfrog command.

Those Japanese soldiers brought so many water bottles, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that there must be a large army hiding somewhere behind them.

"Zhang Liu, can you use that new gun to send these guys away without making a fuss?" Long Wenwen raised his brows and asked in a low voice.

Zhang Liu frowned and didn't say much. He checked the distance visually. Luckily, there were only more than 100 meters. Of the five devils, two were fetching water, and the remaining three were guarding with guns. Shouldn't be a problem.

So he found Yangdanzi, and after giving some orders, he got a bolt-action carbine with a strange shape from the latter.

The gun body of this gun is short and thick, and the barrel is covered with a thick layer of iron, which looks like a cylindrical barrel, and there is an M1911 magazine under the gun, which looks a bit nondescript.

This is the De Lier silencer carbine, one of the main standard light weapons of the British Army during World War II, and it is also a new weapon that Liao Mingyu exchanged from the system some time ago.

The biggest feature of this gun is that it adopts an integrated noise reduction design, which is equivalent to that the entire barrel in front of the gun is a silencer. It fires 0.45-inch ACP subsonic bullets and has a very good micro-sound effect.It's even been called one of the quietest expressions ever.

Although it uses pistol bullets, its range of more than 200 meters also gives it a great advantage in the middle distance, especially in front of excellent snipers. It is definitely a very good assassination weapon.

Zhang Liu and Yang Danzi quickly found a sniper spot and set up their guns, holding their breath and concentrating on adjusting their posture.

"Five devil soldiers, first deal with the three who are on the watch, and then each will use his own ability." Zhang Liu explained coldly, and at the same time pulled the bolt with his right hand to load it.

Yang Danzi nodded with a smile. It seemed that the master wanted to test his skills. He took a deep breath and pressed his cheek against the butt of the gun. The little devil in the distance had already appeared in the scope.

Since the Delille rifle is designed based on the Lee Enfield No. 4 sniper rifle, most of the parts of the two weapons can be interchanged, and the same rear-end locking pull bolt with a short stroke can also play a shooting role comparable to that of a semi-automatic rifle. It can also be equipped with No. 4 Lao Li's 3x scope.

The Japanese soldiers by the river were still pouring water into the pots, unaware that the danger had come...

(End of this chapter)

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