My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 506: Air Combat Crisis

Chapter 506: Air Combat Crisis
As far as the eyeliner could see, a Falcon jumped out of the clouds, followed by two F4U pirates behind him.

The pirate's flying speed is extremely fast, and the enemy plane is close in an instant. The Falcon can only dodge with good low-altitude maneuverability, but it can't get rid of the opponent's lock.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

The machine gun Hydra completely blocked the retreat of the Japanese fighter plane, forcing it to choose to climb again to avoid bullets.

The other pirate was waiting for this opportunity, and saw that it quickly raised its height to be one step ahead of the opponent's path, and opened fire directly when the Falcon was unable to change direction as soon as it climbed up!
…boom! !
The six .50 caliber machine guns instantly smashed the opponent's fuselage into pieces like splashing ink, and the cockpit was already bloodstained. The Falcon-type turned into a ball of fire and exploded in the air within a moment, and the wreckage fell powerlessly...

After losing two aircraft, Jamie's Eagle Squadron still had eight F4U Corsairs and ten P40 Tomahawks.

They are all formed according to the two-plane tactical formation, the wingman is responsible for expulsion, and the lead plane is responsible for shooting down, calmly and skillfully launched a counterattack against the twelve enemy Falcons.

Originally, the Japanese fighters were not superior in number, and even worse in terms of performance. Under the tacit cooperation of the opponent, they were completely powerless to fight back. In a short while, six fireballs fell to the ground...

After solving an enemy plane again, Jamie finally breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that this battle would not be too difficult, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden danger on the radio:
"Damn it! Attention everyone, an enemy plane has been spotted in the southwest!"

" come there are so many?!"

"At three o'clock, approaching quickly!"


Sure enough, another formation of Japanese fighter jets attacked from the right wing, but there were more of them. In addition to the main force of the Japanese Army Aviation, there were also the older generation of Type 40 fighters. At a rough look, there were at least more than [-] fighters.

The crew of the bomber couldn't help but gasp. It's hard to guarantee a full retreat in such a scene.

"Calm down! Northern Bear Squadron, meet the enemy!"


After Andrew gave an order, the other members of the escort formation followed him and turned the plane's head without saying a word, and took the initiative to meet the enemy plane, trying their best to prevent the opponent from approaching the three bombers on their side.

Boom bang bang bang bang...!
swoosh swish...

Both sides were fighting to the death. Countless fire snakes formed by tracer bombs intertwined in the sky, and from time to time a fighter plane would drag black smoke and fall to the ground.

The tactics of the Andrew North Bear Squadron are more rough and wild, directly attacking 1v1, even if they have been bitten by the enemy plane, they will find a way to lock other enemy planes while evading, and even resist the bullets of the Japanese plane behind them. wreck.

The F4U pirate fighter itself has extremely strong protection. It has an all-iron fuselage, and the cockpit and fuel tank have thickened armor. Not to mention that the Type 12.7 only has two pitiful 7.7mm machine guns, and the latter is estimated to be difficult to shoot P40.

The two sides fought inseparably, and the little devil even took advantage of the number advantage for a time. When he was not careful, several Japanese fighter planes broke through Andrew's defense line and rushed towards the bomber.

"Is coming!!"

The belly turret and rear turret on the bomber fired first, and the two M2 heavy machine guns ejected huge flames.

The Japanese fighter planes were taken aback, but they also shot forward indiscriminately while evading. The bullets left a series of holes in the B17 fuselage. Fortunately, the latter had rough skin and thick flesh, and did not cause any damage.

The other two bombers also unleashed their full firepower. The B17 is worthy of being called a fortress in the air. Several machine gun positions hooked up a dense firepower network, so that the approaching Japanese fighters did not dare to stay nearby. They had to hang far away. shooting.

"Shit!" Jamie cursed secretly. Seeing that the bomber formation was in trouble, he immediately called his wingmen to go to the rescue: "The second and third groups come with me, and the others continue to encircle and suppress!"

The six pirate fighter planes immediately left the air battlefield and flew towards the bomber formation.

But in this gap, the Japanese army with a sudden drop in pressure seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. The remaining seven Falcons desperately broke through the siege, and after paying the price of three, they successfully passed through the opponent's fire blockade and also headed towards the bomber. pounce.

"Come on! Fuck!"

Chris in the spherical turret screamed and pulled the trigger. The twin machine guns bit a Japanese fighter plane tightly. Hot brass shells were thrown out of the gun magazine and fell on his feet with a bang. side.

There are more and more enemy planes around, and the b17 where Chris is located has already been hit by several rounds of bullets. Thanks to the strong skin of the fuselage, otherwise it would have disintegrated in the air.


"Mike, reload!"

When Chris looked back, Mike, the deputy shooter, was quietly curled up on the ground. He was not breathing at the moment, and the blood mixed with dirt made the turret a mess. It was the wave of bullets that pierced his abdomen just now.

The windshield of the turret had long been shattered, and the gust of wind was pouring in. Seeing what happened to his companions, Chris shouted in grief, but he couldn't hear his own voice.

At this moment, the Falcon fighter turned back, and the vacant firepower under the belly of the plane made him realize that the opportunity had come.

"Son of a bitch!" Without thinking about anything else, Chris grabbed the chain box next to him and loaded the bullet with the fastest speed.

"Quick! Quick!"

Seeing the opponent getting closer, Chris could even see the ugly plaster flag on the opponent's wing, cold sweat kept running down his face, and his hands couldn't stop shaking due to nervousness.


Chris finally pushed the bullet into the gun, and when he grabbed the grip and was about to aim, the opponent's bullet had already been fired.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The spherical turret was instantly covered in bullets, and at that last moment he only had time to press the trigger, and then it and the turret were turned into a pile of fragments.

However, this dying counterattack happened to hit the tail of the enemy plane. The Japanese pilot wanted to turn around at this time, but found that the fighter plane was out of control, and slammed into the opponent's fuselage.

"Oh my god!" Wesker gritted his teeth, and hurriedly turned the joystick to the right to avoid it.

However, the speed of the Japanese fighter plane was too fast to completely evade, and the opponent's wing seemed to be slashed over with a sharp razor.

As the flames splattered, an engine on the left side of the B17 was crashed, and the wing of the Japanese fighter plane was also broken into two sections at this moment, and fell weakly downward.

The sudden drop caused by the stall shook the people in the cabin to this side, Wesker cursed in his mouth, and tried his best to regain control of the plane.

"Come on! You bloody bastard! Get up!"

Seeing an opportunity, the surrounding Japanese planes rushed towards them like flies smelling shit.

(End of this chapter)

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