Chapter 51 Cruel Battlefield

"Baga! Eguchi, you bastard!"


On the Japanese army's position, Tachibana Qixiong was confronting the head-to-head insults of Captain Eguchi.The sound of slaps kept ringing.

"You are a disgrace to the empire, and even with such fierce artillery support, you didn't win the position."

Kikio Tachibana growled angrily.The firepower and number of the Huaxia army on the opposite side were beyond his expectations.

Logically speaking, even if there is a regiment on the opposite side, his two squadrons should rush into the enemy's position under the cover of artillery.Unexpectedly, the result was heavy casualties.Fewer than 100 were withdrawn from the fighting.

If it weren't for the southwest wind blowing at the moment, he would have wanted to use special bombs.However, in the case of the wrong wind direction, the rash use of special ammunition may affect oneself, and the gains outweigh the losses.No matter how stupid he is, he understands this.

"I'll give you one more chance. After the shelling is over, press all of your brigade up, and I'll let Sakai send two infantry squadrons to cooperate with your attack."

"This time, if you can't take the position of the Chinese stupid pig, you will die on the battlefield for me!"

Tachibana said fiercely.

"Hey! Your Excellency the Vice-Captain!"

Eguchi lowered his head, the old man with swollen cheeks on both sides, damn it, that damn Chinese person, the slap in the face that he has been slapped all his life, is not as much as tonight.

When they capture their positions, they must chop off the heads of a few Chinese people to vent their hatred!Eguchi thought angrily that this time he personally led the troops and must take down the enemy's position!

boom!boom! ...

Japanese artillery fire was still rampant on the ground.Meng Fan huddled in a one-man bunker and looked at Ah Yi who was also hiding beside him and shivered. He couldn't help laughing:
"Sir Ayi, whoever has stabbed the Japanese soldiers, what are you shaking? That's how the little devil is. After the infantry rushes to the artillery, the artillery rushes to the infantry, and the tactical attack has not changed for thousands of years. Look at it. The little devil is about to rush up again with eight-character steps."

Ah Yi looked up at him, and said with difficulty: "Aren't they tired? It's almost midnight, and they still have to attack? Can we go back to Chanda?"

"Hey, then you don't know much about the urination of these grandchildren. If you say that this is hard-working, it's really a little devil. Haha"

"The head of the regiment said that people in our country are too comfortable. If our army can work together like them, even if the weapons and equipment are poor, they will not be swallowed up by others."

Meng Fan sighed, having said that, but the tactical literacy of the little devil is really not covered, the firepower configuration is not as good as others, the quality of individual soldiers is not as good as others, the little devil rushes hard, and the marksmanship is accurate, not only the marksmanship is accurate, but also the bayonet. Also very cruel.

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, except for the few precious German armorers of the head of state, which troops fought with the little devils was not a battle loss ratio of 1 to 10.A united team can defeat a division of you, and if you want to confront the Japanese army head-on, you often have to assemble several times more troops than the opponent to stand firm. You are not angry.

The real situation is so tragic. Huaxia has paid a lot of young soldiers' blood to form a tug of war with the Japanese army, and it is still on the side of the disadvantage.

So it's a miracle that the regiment can lead them to fight like this, otherwise, he is still dragging a rotten leg, struggling to live and die in the group of rout soldiers.So this made him even more convinced that the group seat would definitely be able to bring them home alive.

"The shelling has stopped! They're all out to work!"

Long Wenwen's screeching voice sounded on the ground.Immediately, the disgraced soldiers of the Sichuan Legion got out of the bunker, ready to meet the next wave of Japanese attacks.

"Dead, die, did you see the steep slope to the northwest? The terrain there is dangerous, there are many boulders, and it is a natural defensive position."

Liao Mingyu pointed to a steep slope one kilometer to the northwest and said to Long Wenwen.

"I noticed that the place is not too big, and it can't accommodate many people." Long Wenwen said.

"You don't need to put too many people. You bring a battalion to nail it there, and form a supportive situation with our main position. It will be very uncomfortable for the little devil to attack first."

"If in the middle of their attack, they suddenly shoot in that direction, it can form two huge crossfires and hit the little devil with a surprise attack!"

Liao Mingyu's eyes lit up, his keen observation noticed the opportunity on the battlefield.

Long Wenwen is not a layman either, he just nodded his head thoughtfully:
"If the main position can withstand the most violent attack of the little devils, I will raid their rear positions from a commanding height there, and it will definitely make their army confused, haha, okay, just do it!"

This lunatic, his mind is always full of crazy ideas, others only think about how to defend their positions, but he can think of directly copying other people's nests.

Liao Mingyu urged: "Take advantage of the darkness, take people there, don't rush to fire, wait for the opportunity, let's catch the little devil by surprise!"

"I want it, I want it! Hehe." Long Wenwen replied in Sichuan dialect. This daring thought drove him into madness, and he could not wait to take action immediately.

He immediately dispatched a team of 300 people and went around from the back hillside. At the same time, the Japanese attack started again!
"Boom! Boom!"

The grenade and mortar shells began to explode again, and countless little devils rushed towards the top of Nantianmen!
This time, there was a large group. Eguchi formed four echelons with the remaining Japanese soldiers and the two squadrons sent by Tachibana to support them, and attacked the Sichuan Army in their usual triangular formation.

"Da da da da da!"

The machine gunners on both sides of the Japanese army kept strafing at the positions of the Sichuan Army, trying to suppress the opponent's firepower and provide cover for their teammates.


Whoosh whoosh!
The charging soldiers were experienced and experienced while rushing forward while doing tactical evasion, and from time to time they leaned down and attacked the enemy.

Not to be outdone, the Sichuan Army Corps, with dozens of machine guns blazing with long fire snakes, poured all kinds of bullets at the little devils. The soldiers in each trench held the rifles in their hands and aimed at the running little devils. Shooting.


A little devil had just set up a grenadier 100 meters in front of the position when he was shot in the chest by Liao Mingyu and fell heavily to the ground.

Although the sight was not good at night, it did not affect Liao Mingyu's marksmanship. He pulled the bolt and re-inserted a bullet, aiming at another Japanese squadron leader with a samurai sword.

"Push!" A soldier from the Sichuan Legion was hit in the head by a bullet and fell backwards without saying a word. Liao Mingyu was not affected at all, only the target running forward was in his eyes.


The squadron leader was shot in the chest, the samurai sword was thrown aside, and the running figure was like an unstoppable car, rolling several meters forward before stopping.

"Ding, the host kills the Japanese squadron leader and unlocks the German-made S-type mine"

A screeching sound swept through, and Liao Mingyu hurriedly fell to the trenches. "Boom!" The mortar shell exploded in front of his bunker, and several sandbags were blasted into the sky.A large amount of dirt debris was spilled on him.

The battle between the two sides heated up. Countless bullets dragged the light and flew across the front of the Sichuan Legion's position.The shells on both sides bombarded each other in each other's formation!
From time to time, someone was shot and fell to the ground, or was blasted into the air by artillery shells, and the smell of gunpowder and blood permeated the entire battlefield!
Veterinarians and more than [-] medics kept shuttling in various trenches, rescuing the wounded that could be seen everywhere, carrying the seriously injured out of the position, and bandaging the lightly injured on the spot. If they couldn't be saved, they could only give him a note of morphine... It was so miserable, there was blood and screams of pain everywhere.



A medic who was running in the trench was hit in the neck by a stray bullet shot from an unknown direction, and the hot blood sprayed out behind Li Erwa's face!
I saw his hands covering his bleeding neck, and he wanted to shout loudly, but he could only make a painful grunt. Li Erwa stood there and stared blankly at the comrade who was hit, and did not respond for a while. come over.

Liao Mingyu next to him knocked it down into the trench.

"Whoosh whoosh" A few bullets slid past where he had just stood, hitting the sandbag and splashing a cloud of smoke.

"What are you stunned for! You're fucking dying! Ah?" Liao Mingyu yelled with a dark face.

At this time, Liao Mingyu's face was black and gray, his body was covered with soil and gravel, and there were several bloodstains scraped by debris on one side of his cheek.

He slapped Li Erwa's head on the head, which made the boy come back to his senses...

(End of this chapter)

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