Chapter 511

The bayonet pierced deeply into a cold and unresponsive body. The Japanese soldier showed no mercy, drew the knife and walked slowly towards the corpse of the next Chinese soldier.

"Azumoto ni pay attention to する, be careful...every corpse must not be let go."


The Japanese search team consisted of only a dozen people, and they were ordered to confirm whether the enemy on the mountainside had been completely wiped out.To put it bluntly, it is to come over to check whether there are any survivors, and to make up for those enemies who are pretending to be dead or injured and unable to move.

After a while, they came to the vicinity of the Sherman tank. The team leader carefully inspected every suspicious corpse on the ground with a samurai sword. The armored soldiers of the enemy were different from the ordinary infantry and could easily recognize them.

Those Huaxia pigs are really disgusting. They killed 200 people in such a short period of time. The casualties are the second most important disgusting people. Just now, the higher-ups have also issued a death order. No matter whether they live or die, this group of those few must be killed. The guy's head was chopped off and brought back.

"Captain Baishi, I found one here!"

The Japanese soldiers shouted to report that a corpse wearing a tank leather hat on the ground attracted their attention, and this corpse was poor Dongzi.

"Yo Xi, this Chinese man should have been blown to pieces by shelling."

Team leader Baishi came over and stepped on Dongzi's body, and used a samurai sword to lift the leather cap to see the other person's face clearly, but the face was so burned that he couldn't see clearly at all.

"It's a pity that no one was caught alive."

"Okay, Ryosuke, you are scared to tremble again if you are still alive? Just now, I don't know who is hiding in the trench and dare not come out."

"The warehouse! I don't have one!"

"Ha ha…"

The Japanese soldiers around were joking with each other while relaxing. They probably all thought that the enemy had died in the artillery fire just now, but they didn't know that there was still a pair of hateful eyes staring at them in the corner.

"みんな黙ってろ! Quiet!"

The squad leader was not in the mood to say these silly jokes, he gave everyone a fierce look with fierce eyes, then he raised his samurai sword, cut off the head as ordered and took it back to claim credit.

Most of the Japanese soldiers' attention was focused on this side, but they didn't notice a black object suddenly thrown from the corner.


"Hand throw げ bomb!!"

Hearing the shout, the concentrating team leader turned his head to look at the ground in surprise. When he saw clearly that a grenade landed at their feet, the unparalleled fear instantly flooded everyone's heart.
With a loud noise, the little devil five or six distance away was killed on the spot, and the team leader Bai Shi was also thrown to the ground. hurt.

"Bakayarou, soshite enemy!"

"Where is the enemy?"

"Are you all right...?"

The rest of the Japanese soldiers hurriedly squatted down to find cover, looking around nervously, they really didn't know where the enemy was.

"Ah! Bastard..."

Captain Baishi covered his injured shoulder and grinned his teeth. The pain made him burn with anger: "Ha Yaku! Find him for me!"

When these little devils were looking for targets everywhere, Huzi jumped onto the roof of the tank three times, five times and two times. The heavy machine gun on the turret was not destroyed, but it became his last weapon to kill the enemy at this moment.

Boom bang bang bang bang...! .
50 bullets are like a hammer meeting tofu, and any body it touches will only become fragmented in an instant.

At such a short distance, one shot would cause limbs to be severed, and a hit to the torso would directly cut it at the waist, and the fire suppression formed by the not-so-low rate of fire made the devils dare not raise their guns to fight back at the first time. Who is that really? Whoever shows up will die.


The deadly sound sounded, Huzi's face turned pale instantly, and the bullets ran out!

He didn't have time to think too much, and immediately jumped off the turret.

The little devil was smarter than anyone else. When he heard that the firepower of the heavy machine gun was gone, he immediately got out and fired wildly in that direction. Thanks to the fast running of the tiger, otherwise he would have become a dead man by this time.

The bullet Ding Ling hit the tank body, and Huzi hid behind the car with his back to his back. Hearing the sound of the gunshot, there were probably seven or eight devils, but he only had one Type [-] and two bullets in his hand now. .

"Rush over and kill him!"

Captain Baishi is very smart. There is obviously only one person on the other side, and he has been suppressed there, so why should he be cautious?
Three Japanese soldiers rushed forward, and one of them pulled the grenade, slammed it on his helmet and threw it out.

The grenade landed next to the tank with a whoosh, and Huzi hurriedly moved to the side and lay down on the side. With the sound of the explosion, he was poured with mud on his back.

But the current situation does not allow him to lie down here. The devil's assault soldiers are already approaching, so he quickly got up and pointed out his gun.


The bullet hit the front of the Japanese soldier's chest, and Huzi quickly pulled the bolt and loaded it without any delay.

"Bang!" Another shot was fired, but this time it missed, and the other two little devils did not dare to charge blindly, and then leaned behind the stone on the side and raised their guns to fight back.

The Japanese machine gunners behind began to shoot and suppress, and Huzi quickly ran behind a rock wall. Hiding in the corner, he even heard the footsteps of the two devils running, and cold sweat unconsciously dripped down from his forehead.

"Kill Shine!"

The devil rushing over yelled and rushed towards Huzi, trying to end the opponent's life with a bayonet, but he obviously ignored the combat effectiveness of this Huaxia soldier.

It is also the nine-nine style with a bayonet, but the tall Huzi is like a spear, and the two stab each other almost at the same time, but Huzi's bayonet hits the devil's head hard. pit of heart.

Seeing that his companion was dealt with in a face-to-face encounter, the devil at the back didn't dare to go forward to fight the bayonet while being frightened, but raised his rifle and aimed at him.

Huzi fell to the ground and blocked the devil in front of him before the opponent fired. However, the 7.7 caliber bullet had a high initial velocity at such a short distance, and it easily penetrated the devil's body.

The stray bullet that came through his body hit Huzi's left shoulder, and blood splashed everywhere in an instant, but he endured the pain and raised the muzzle of his gun, killing the little devil who was sneaking up.

This stunned the devils behind. They didn't expect that Huaxia soldier to be so powerful, and killed the three soldiers who rushed over in a blink of an eye.

"Including されたんだから, さっさと解参しろ, the Imperial Army of Japan が明をguarantee する! (You are already surrounded, give up resistance, surrender quickly, the Imperial Army of the Japanese Empire can guarantee your life safety)"

Captain Baishi who followed did not charge blindly, but asked the soldiers to come forward and shout to force him to surrender. It seemed that he wanted to capture the opponent alive, but in fact he had ordered his men to circle around and kill him immediately if they saw it.

The injury on the shoulder made Huzi feel bad. The situation seems to be at the end of the rope now, but he has nothing to fear. They have a tank team of five people, and they have earned enough by fighting this way. How many times? The enemy is buried with him, it's worth it!All that's left is to meet the dead companion.

Thinking of this... Huzi took off two grenades from the dead Japanese soldier, and as soon as those devils rushed over later, he would pull the tabs without hesitation!

At this moment, the roar of the plane suddenly came from the sky, and dozens of black dots appeared in the sky, flying towards the mountain where the Japanese army was located at an extremely fast speed.

Three B17 Sky Fortresses flew at the forefront of the team, and one of the B17's engines was still emitting black smoke, but this did not affect their flight in the slightest.

"Zi...Call Hunter Fox No. 237...Zi Zi...Coordinates...Map No. 181, East 501, South [-]...Highland No. [-] Southwest corner, northwest area...Please bomb the targets one by one according to the scheduled combat order, over."

"Foxhunting No. 501 received it and is approaching the southwest corner of Height 5. It will start dropping bombs in [-] minutes."

Wesker just got in touch with the ground command. After obtaining the bombing coordinates, he immediately tuned the radio to the air formation channel, and said excitedly:
"All right, ladies, we have reached the sky above the target! Escort squadron, please pay attention to the enemy's ground air defense facilities and launch an attack... It's time for the show, happy hunting!"

The Huzi on the mountainside and the little devils had no way of knowing about it. Although the devil's captain also had some bad premonitions, there were more important things waiting to be done right now.

The five little devils were divided into two groups, one group fired and suppressed from the front, and the other two surrounded Huzi from the side.

Huzi endured the great pain and pulled out the bolt of the grenade forcefully. Because the devil's grenade needs to be knocked against a hard object to activate the fuze, so he is not worried about detonating it in advance. He waited for the Japanese army to come and die together.

In the front, Captain Baishi and his two subordinates were still shooting towards the rock wall from time to time, while the two little devils who circled from the side were already very close. Without hesitation, he knocked heavily on the nearby stone, and in an instant, white smoke came out of the fuze...

(End of this chapter)

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