Chapter 521

The stabbing thunder hit the right side of the armored vehicle without any accident. The moment it touched, the three kilograms of high explosives in the conical iron shell at the top were instantly detonated under the action of the detonator.

Regardless of the strange shape of this toy, its power is quite astonishing. The huge force blasted a big hole in the armor of the tank, and the high-temperature jet poured into the tank, and the driver and machine gunner were instantly swallowed by flames.

This kind of suicide weapon is not so easy to use. The blast wave also blasted the little devil who was holding the top stick and flew upside down. The fragments covered his face and he lost his breath on the spot.

The machine gunner on the right side of the car lost consciousness, and his chest was bloody and bloody from the shrapnel blown up.

"Ahhh!! Help!"

The flames ignited the entire cockpit, black smoke filled the car, and the driver next to him was covered in raging flames. The pain made him scream wildly, but there was nowhere to hide in this narrow cabin, and even more There is no way to put it out...

"Ahem! Zhang Daosheng... hurry... get out!"


The flames had already burned wildly in the cabin, even reaching the thighs. In order to survive, the captain and Zhang Daosheng crawled out desperately.

With a plop, Zhang Daosheng climbed out of the armored vehicle and fell heavily to the ground, ignoring other things, he hurriedly extinguished the flames on his pants.

The driver on the other side was miserable. His entire thigh and back were covered in flames. He was screaming in pain and kept rolling on the ground trying to put out the flames.

"Take off your clothes!"

Zhang Daosheng was taken aback, and quickly ran over to take off the coat on the opponent's body, ignoring the pain from the flames, and hurriedly helped him put out the fire on his legs.

At this time, the entire armored vehicle had been ignited, and the driver was burned to coke in the fire.

The two escaped from the dead stared blankly at the burning car, until now they seemed to be able to vaguely hear the desperate screams of their companions.

"Nannuri ni Tansu!"


The yelling of the Japanese was nearby, the driver endured the pain and picked up the pistol on the ground, and hid in the nearby cabin with Zhang Daosheng.

The two of them had just entered the room when they happened to meet the kid who threw the Molotov cocktail just now. The latter was also taken aback. He seemed to have been affected by the explosion. He was treating his own wounds at the moment, but he didn't expect that there was still life in the armored vehicle. people.

There was no extra nonsense in the four eyes, the commander immediately raised his pistol, but the other party shouted first: "ここにはまだ敌恩がいる! (There are still enemies here!)"

One shot killed him, but the sound of the gunshot and the cry of the Japanese soldier before he died also attracted the attention of the little devils around.

The bullets hit the window with a thud, and there were several little devils approaching them outside.

A smoked grenade was thrown in from the window, Zhang Daosheng picked it up and threw it out with quick eyesight and quick hands.

The explosion sounded, but the situation outside was unknown, but both of them knew that staying in this house could only lead to a dead end.

Zhang Daosheng took out the grenade on his waist, pulled the ring but did not throw it out immediately, but pressed the safety pin and looked at the driver. The latter instantly understood the opponent's intention and nodded resolutely.


A second lieutenant of the Japanese army raised his samurai sword and gave an order to assault, and three Japanese soldiers approached the hut without hesitation, armed with rifles.

The heavy footsteps outside could be heard clearly, Zhang Daosheng's eyes lit up, it was this time!
The fingers holding the safety pin spread apart suddenly, and the choking smoke came out of the grenade. Zhang Daosheng didn't realize it, holding the grenade in his hand for three or four seconds, and he didn't throw it until it was almost about to explode. go out.

Before the grenade hit the ground, it exploded in mid-air, and the scattered fragments were like pear blossoms in a rainstorm. The three little devils who approached were instantly hit, and fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

The driver raised his hand and fired several shots out of the window. Zhang Daosheng took the opportunity to jump out of the window. He rolled on the ground, avoiding the enemy's shooting, and picked up a rifle without saying a word, pulling the bolt.

Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to just fuck him, the two of them are also ready to fight, at least they can't die too aggrieved.

"Sir! Let's go!"

Zhang Daosheng shouted loudly, and the last grenade was thrown out, the smoke from the explosion formed the best cover.

The captain of the car in the room also fell out of the window. Just as he was about to move forward, the devil's machine gun swept over, and the dense bullets forced him to hide behind the millstone, unable to move.


Zhang Daosheng killed the machine gunner with one shot. Just as he was about to continue shooting, he found that the gun was out of bullets and had to hide in the bunker again.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...!
The devil's deputy shooter pushed away the corpse, and the machine gun roared again, frantically suppressing the positions of the two, while the other Japanese soldiers slowly moved forward.

At least [-] Japanese soldiers surrounded the hut, and behind it was an impassable wall. Although there was a small alley next to it, it was completely exposed to the shooting range of the opponent, and it would have been beaten into a sieve in the past. jedi...

Sighing heavily, Zhang Daosheng had no choice but to accept this fact. He found a bayonet from the corpse of the devil next to him, and silently put it on, his face was determined!
The commander leaning against the millstone took off the pistol magazine and checked it. There were only three bullets left in the magazine. This would also be his last swan song.

Just when the two were about to give it a go, the Japanese machine gunners on the opposite side suddenly stopped firing, and the charging little devil also stopped.

"Huaxia people in front of!"

The second lieutenant in the Japanese army came out and shouted to Zhang Daosheng and Zhang Daosheng in half-baked Chinese:
"Immediately drop your weapons and surrender! Your lives will be protected by the Imperial Japanese Army!"

The driver and Zhang Daosheng looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes. The little devil actually wanted to persuade them to surrender, which surprised them both.

In fact, it wasn't that the Japanese showed great kindness, but that their commander wanted to catch a few survivors to understand the specific military strength and defense system of the Chinese in the village.

The scene became extremely quiet. Seeing that the other party did not respond, the second lieutenant of the Japanese army was very angry. If it wasn't for the commander's order, he would have blown up the two Chinese people to scum.

But now...he had no choice but to hold back his anger and shout impatiently again: "Don't do any more unnecessary resistance, come out quickly..."

"I listen to your shit!"

The captain let out a loud shout, raised his hand and fired two shots, but due to the relatively long distance, the bullets just passed by, and did not hit the Japanese second lieutenant who made such a fuss.

"Baga! Kusottare Chinese people!"

This time, however, the second lieutenant of the Japanese army was very frightened. He became so angry that he ignored the commander's order and immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare to attack directly.

Several devils immediately set up a grenade on the spot, loaded the grenade in a hurry, and sent the Huaxia people on the opposite side to the west when the officer gave an order.

"Give you one last chance! Put down your weapons and come out and surrender! Otherwise... お前たちは will die!"

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army who hid in the corner yelled several times in a row, but got no response. A kind of humiliation of being ignored spontaneously arose, which also made him very unhappy.

"Damn it... prepare to fire and kill them directly!"

call out…

The whistling sound suddenly sounded in the air, but this was not the shells fired by the Japanese grenadier, the sound was more like coming from overhead!

"What's going on? どんなsituation?"

The little devils looked at each other, but at this moment...a 250-kilogram aerial bomb fell on a village not far behind them, and the powerful shock wave reduced all the buildings within a 50-meter radius to ashes. The little devil within the explosion range didn't even hum, and went straight to heaven!

At some point, the entrances to the two villages were already covered by enemy smoke bombs.Above the sky, more than a dozen "pirate" fighter planes swooped down, and standing on the ground, they could almost clearly see the heavyweight aerial bombs loaded under the belly of the planes.

The fighter plane roared in the air, and the area marked by the smoke bombs seemed to have turned into hell. Countless aerial bombs fell to the ground like meteorites, and the explosion shock wave destructively destroyed everyone or everything within the range.

Zhang Daosheng felt as if his body was out of control, and he was pushed to the ground with a bang. Countless fragments and wreckage were swept by the air wave and flew around, but there was no sound in his ears...

"Andre, pay attention to the direction! Don't blow up the friendly troops inside the backing body!"

Jamie yelled into the radio that this Russian dude was a fucking loser when he had a drink, and he almost dropped a bomb on one of his own men, and the friendly troops were probably scared by him too.

"I know, I know...relax man..."

Andre, who knew he was about to get into trouble, smacked his lips in embarrassment, and immediately flew away from the sky above the bombing area, turning his target to the Japanese soldiers fleeing on the open ground.

(End of this chapter)

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