The Japanese army marched on the small road without knowing it. The squadron they were in the lead received an order to reinforce the Kawashima Brigade as quickly as possible, so they had to rush to Meitiera there as soon as possible.

A tense atmosphere permeated the hearts of every Japanese soldier. It was unexpected that such a good situation would turn out like this. It is not known how many enemies have come. The enemy planes in the sky that day alone are enough for them to drink a pot.

Masao Ishikawa, the squadron leader in the team, was full of sadness. His current army is still made up of two squadrons that were disabled. The battle in Xigao Village not only failed to meet expectations, but also caused a lot of losses. Going to reinforce elsewhere, I really don't treat them as human beings.

The team followed the road and turned over the small hill. In front of it was a small depression, which stretched forward in a ladder shape with high left and low right. There were dense forests on both sides. It seemed that only the small road in the middle of the depression could be used for people to move on.

"Asada! Come here!" The squadron leader Masao Ishikawa greeted loudly.

At this time, a short lieutenant with glasses ran out from the team, stood at attention when he arrived, and saluted and reported: "Squadron leader!"

"Is our marching route correct?" Ishikawa asked hurriedly.

Asada quickly opened the map bucket bag on his body, carefully looked at the route on it, and after comparing it with the surrounding environment, he said affirmatively: "Yes, the route is no problem, and we will reach Meiktila in 15 kilometers."


Ishikawa agreed casually, but looked forward vigilantly.

The shallow slope of the terraced fields on the right is overgrown with weeds and drifts with the wind, and no one can be seen. The dense forest on the mountain wall on the left is also quiet, which makes people suspicious.

After Shi Chuan stood there and hesitated for a moment, he waved his hand and winked to the side. The two machine gunners immediately set up their weapons and fired at the shallow slopes on both sides.

The muffled gunshots echoed in the valley, and the bullets swished towards the grass and dense forests, and the yellow sand splashed on the ground flew all over the sky.

The two Devil machine gunners quickly emptied a magazine. While reloading, their squadron leader obviously didn't intend to end it like this.

"Keep shooting!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...!
These little devils were too cautious. The soldiers of the Falcon Squad lying in ambush in the mountains quietly lay on the spot, even if the bullets hit them, they had to keep their bodies still, because once the current ambush circle would be completely exposed.

Fortunately, they ignored it after shooting two rounds of bullets, and did not send anyone to the mountain for reconnaissance. Presumably, time was tight and there was no extra time to delay here.

The Japanese army slowly entered the valley. Due to the dangerous terrain, Ishikawa Masao still felt heavy in his heart, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously. He immediately ordered the troops to pass quickly, and did not want to stay here for a moment.

"All combat groups...ready..."

Seeing the little devil who was about to enter the minefield, Dong Dao calmly issued an order through the intercom.

Crack... Boom!

A fragmentation instant mine was stepped on by some unlucky guy, and the slight tinkle at the moment the safety was released became the last sound he heard in his life.

The Japanese soldier's calf was blown to pieces on the spot, and countless landmine fragments splashed all around while blood clots flew across. Four or five little devils fell to the ground in an instant.

"Mine ga あ る か ら 気 を つ け TE!"

"Be careful! Don't run around!"

The Japanese army was in a mess, and in the chaos, many people stepped on the S-shaped jumping mines planted by the roadside. The terrible steel balls made the little devil feel miserable, and the wailing and screaming were endless...


Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...!
There was a sudden burst of gunfire on the seemingly empty hillside, and the dense barrage seemed to attack them from all directions without any gaps. fall down.

It's over, I'm really afraid of what will happen, watching the soldiers fall one after another, Masao Ishikawa's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Panic てるな! Build a defensive line and fight back!"


In a panic, Lieutenant Asada's glasses were knocked off. Being highly myopic, he could only kneel on the ground and keep groping.

And surrounded by companions lying in a pool of blood and broken limbs and arms, this touched his heart that was not strong at all.

"Baga! Li っ て くれ! Damn coward, stand up for me!"

Squadron leader Ishikawa angrily pulled Asada up from the ground, and the latter's cowardly appearance made him so angry that he couldn't beat it.

"Your family will be ashamed! Fight like a warrior..."

I haven't finished speaking yet... A bullet pierced Masao Ishikawa's chest. His slightly half-opened mouth seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't utter a single word.

In the distance... Zhang Liu calmly withdrew from the shell, without even looking at the devil officer who was hit by him, and looked for a new target from the scope.

The sprayed blood poured over Asada's face, and the limp corpse fell on his body. His eyes widened, and Asada sat down on the ground in fright, and quickly pushed him away as if he had encountered a ghost. open.

The killing continued, and the condescending Falcon team mercilessly harvested lives.

The Japanese army was so beaten that they could not fight back. They retreated frantically, but the chaotic team was disorderly. No matter how fast they walked, they couldn't run past the bullets.

Some sober Japanese soldiers tried to charge towards the hillside. Right now, they could only get closer to the enemy and maybe still have a glimmer of hope, but the enemy obviously wouldn't give them a chance.

The soldiers had already placed a large number of TNT explosives on the mountainside. Seeing the Japanese army rushing up, the blaster showed a cruel smile and pressed the detonator without hesitation!
Boom! !
After a loud noise, a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky. The power was like being hit by a 155mm howitzer. There was no living thing within a radius of 50 meters, leaving only a charred black wreckage in human shape...

The psychological defenses of the remaining little devils completely collapsed, they could no longer stand the repeated blows, and fled out of the mountain depression desperately like throwing away their helmets and armor.

And at the gap in the ambush circle, there was already a group of people waiting there, pointing their black guns at the fleeing Japanese soldiers, dragging them back to hell again...


Inside the Heihe Base…

"Junzuo! Junzuo!"

The army commander's office was pushed away, and Meng Fanle rushed in with a document in a hurry, even the guard standing guard at the door was almost knocked down by him, and the word came in before the person arrived:

"Junzuo, good news! The Merrill detachment has wiped out all the Japanese troops in Meiktila. Few people from the Nakajima Regiment escaped. These grandsons are all left in the forest as fertilizer... Eh? Commander Fan It's there too."

Meng Fan, who walked in, took a closer look. Liao Mingyu and Fan Shaozeng were sitting comfortably on the chairs. They smoked two big pipes while drinking tea leisurely, looking at themselves like idiots.

"Got it, General Stilwell has already talked to me on the phone." Liao Mingyu stubbed out his cigarette, folded his arms around his chest and gave him a helpless look.

" is the combat report sent back by Dong Dao. They ambushed a Japanese army on the way, and..."

"I know this too. Brother Liao was telling me just now that his Falcon Squad has made new achievements. With less than a hundred people, they beat up hundreds of little devils and ran away with their heads in their arms. They just didn't want to fall."

Meng got annoyed and hadn't finished speaking, but Fan Shaozeng took over the conversation again.

… After being stunned for a while, he suddenly felt his face was dull, and you both knew it clearly, and I was the only one who knew it last.

"I said Junzuo, you have to learn to delegate power. If you want to grasp information with one hand, don't put me in the Communication Department to stare at those machines every day. My mind is full of the sound of those radio stations, and I can't even sleep at night. Can't sleep well, really... Anyway, I am also the deputy chief of staff of the military department..."

Seeing Meng Fan who kept complaining there, Liao Mingyu almost laughed out loud, the grandson's mouth is still so broken.

How can this be explained?You can't say that you learned this series of news by the system reporting the end of the battle, right?
"Okay, don't gossip like a woman, if you feel uncomfortable in the military department, I'll transfer you to the front line?" Liao Mingyu reprimanded with a straight face and pretending gesture.

"Don't worry, Jun Zuo is worrying too much, I'm fine here, so what... I still have something to do, so I won't bother you two..."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Meng got annoyed and quickly rubbed the soles of his feet with oil. Are you kidding me? How can I stay here comfortably if I go to the front line? Although I have no real power now, I am the fourth in command of the 88th Army in name, right?I didn't know that it was still a colonel's rank, maybe one day I would be able to be a general and wear it on my collar, and then I would be called Guangzong Yaozu.

"Don't rush to run..."

Liao Mingyu stood up and patted his clothes, picked up a coat from the back of the chair and put it on, then came over and put his arms around Meng Fan's shoulders, and walked out the door involuntarily: "It's really a little bit of a trip to the weapon production workshop with me. I'm looking for you..."

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