Chapter 542

"Good! Good! Good..."

Mr. Fang applauded again and again, and his turbid eyes flashed brightly for a moment, and it could be seen that he was very concerned about it.

"I just don't know if I'm an old bone... Can I still see the second son lead the troops to fight back."

"Definitely! The second young master's greatest wish is to one day lead soldiers to come back to rescue our compatriots, but sir... we have to leave this place of right and wrong first." Agui frowned, looking a little anxious.

At present, the situation has reached a critical juncture. As the war situation becomes more and more unfavorable, the Japanese have also begun to fight the beasts. Once again, a massacre has been launched, and all the underground rebels in Southeast Asia are madly arrested, including anyone who provides them with convenient cover. of people.

Even the intelligence organization that Yu Sifan set up earlier was arrested and killed by the Japanese. Now these people can only hide around like mice, and if they are not careful, they will be killed.

The reason why the Fang family is still in Singapore is that the Japanese value Mr. Fang's influence in Malaysia and keep him to better manage the local Chinese and indigenous people and plunder more resources.

In the past few years, Mr. Fang endured the humiliation and pretended to compromise the Japanese, pretending to be a so-called obedient citizen, and also the chairman of the so-called Nanyang Co-Prosperity Association.

On the other hand, he secretly arranged people to join other big families to form the Nanyang Self-Rescue Association, and used his position and financial resources to participate in the actions against the atrocities of the Japanese. The Self-Rescue Army was one of the important resistance forces.

People who didn't know the truth called him a traitor, a lackey... There were even some angry youths trying to assassinate him in the street.

These misunderstandings and insults to Mr. Fang can be ignored, but the most unacceptable thing is that whenever he sees the little devil torture and slaughter his compatriots, the sense of grief and powerlessness also torments him.

Fortunately, the efforts of the past few years have not been completely in vain. The underground anti-Japanese organizations have always been active in this area of ​​Southeast Asia. Although they have sacrificed many compatriots, they have been bloodletting the little devils in the dark. The self-rescue army has also found support again. The business is in progress.

"By the way, Agui, is there any news about the people who fled to Koh Samet Island?" Old Man Fang said with a heavy cane while leaning on his cane.

Hearing this, Agui looked at the door and window subconsciously, and after confirming that there was no one around, he whispered, "I don't have much information here, I only know that the 88th Army has sent people over to rescue them. I'm gone, I guess I have reached the Siam intelligence station now, and I encountered the Japanese twice on the way, and many people died."

"Then... that piece of information?" Old Man Fang showed a nervous look and looked at Agui without saying anything.

"Don't worry, sir, the information has not been leaked. The Japanese army does not know what it is for the time being, and they have not sent too many troops to pursue them. As long as they pass Siam, they are basically safe."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

After getting the answer, Mr. Fang finally breathed a sigh of relief. The military strength and military deployment map of the Malay Peninsula exhausted a lot of manpower and material resources, and countless people died to get it. If it was discovered by the Japanese, it would not only be in vain Sacrificing so many people, the Japanese army will definitely redeploy, and all the efforts will be in vain.

"It's just my lord, the Japanese may be aware of our private operations. Those mad dogs have now ignored it. I guess you too..."

Agui took a deep breath and pleaded in embarrassment.

"Come with me, this is also what the second young master meant. The Japanese have now started a curfew to completely block all major ports. There will be a fishing boat in the east of Sangcha port at night. This is the last chance."

As the war dragged into the later stage, many important places on the front line in Myanmar were lost one after another, and the number of US bombers dispatched increased. Those factories, airports, and fortress bases became the focus of the US military. Bombers visit the Malay Peninsula almost every day.

The Japanese are also anxious. The opponent's daily bombing is obviously guided by someone. The problem of information leakage is obvious. In addition, the resistance forces in Southeast Asia are resurgent like a spark of fire, and their forces scattered everywhere are already tight. The situation became extremely difficult.

So they stepped up their crackdown on resistance organizations, especially in dealing with counter-intelligence. They would rather kill them by mistake and never let them go. Many people were unjustly killed by their guns.

Agui waited expectantly for the other party's answer. Now the little devils have reached the point of madness. They have started to arrest all suspects, and brought them to the interrogation room, and there is basically no possibility of them coming out alive.

This trip back to Singapore was under Fang Jingyao's orders. In addition to the intelligence mission, he had to find a way to take the old man away from this place of right and wrong.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Fang shook his head and categorically refused: "Alas... I can't leave yet."

"Why, sir?" Agui asked in confusion.

Mr. Fang walked to the window and silently looked at the few Japanese soldiers standing guard in the courtyard downstairs, with disgust on his face and his gaze at the same time.

There is a rubber plantation not far from the manor. There are hundreds of workers working hard. The surrounding Japanese soldiers patrol back and forth lazily. When they are bored, they will punch and kick a few workers for fun.

Those workers, however, could only bear the brunt of their anger and not dare to resist at all. Compared with their compatriots who were tortured in concentration camps, their treatment was quite good.It's just a pity... all the fruits of this labor will be ruthlessly abused by the Japanese.

"It's easy for me to leave, but how many innocent lives will be lost because of me."

Mr. Fang closed his eyes in pain, as if he had predicted the result in advance.

"Master is worried that those Japanese will be bad for us? Don't worry, those brothers under my command have already made all preparations. They have long been afraid of life and death. If they want to escape, it is not..."

Agui thought that the old man was just afraid that many of his own people would die when he was blocked by the Japanese when escaping. He walked up confidently and wanted to do some persuasion, but was interrupted by the thin arm of the other party in front of him:

"You don't understand. With my identity here, the Japanese will definitely be angry and angry. At that time, there will inevitably be a bloody storm. Rubber plantations, sugar factories, several copper and iron mines... Those thousands of workers can't do it. Good will be implicated because of me..."

At that time, in order to plunder more resources and wealth in Southeast Asia, the Japanese frantically started the Chinese massacre. As long as the Chinese were all robbed and killed, thousands of Chinese were brutally murdered by the devils, and the Japanese army went everywhere. Blood flowed into rivers of corpses.

There is no reason and no sign, just because you are from China, you have the blood of China.

At that time, Mr. Fang found Fengwen Yamashita, who was in charge of the matter, and said that he was willing to donate all the properties under his name to support the establishment of the "**** circle". people.

But the old devil under the mountain was extremely vicious, and he agreed to Fang Chong'en's request on the surface, but he turned his face and refused to recognize him the next day, and arrested Mr. Fang on the charge of collaborating with the enemy. Dozens of servants were all taken into concentration camps, and I had to send and rob them.

Mr. Fang had only two sons, the eldest son died in this chaotic misfortune, and the second son, Fang Jingyao, was forced to flee Singapore at that time and moved to Siam to start his anti-Japanese road.

Later, Shouyi from the temple also saved the life of Mr. Fang. This guy was not out of compassion. The temple from Osaka just felt that killing blindly would not solve the problem. As long as it still has to rely on China to control China, it can develop in the long run. Fang Chong'en's influence in Malaysia is large enough to be fully qualified for this position.

The eldest son died, the second son fled, and the family business of several generations was destroyed. Maybe it would have collapsed on an ordinary person, but Fang Chongen didn't only think about himself.

After coming out, Mr. Fang, who survived the disaster, ran around in all directions, and took the initiative to propose to the temple to set up a factory industrial park, and he took over everything on the premise that the slaughter was stopped, because a large number of Chinese were needed as workers.

Terauchi Shouichi readily agreed to this request, and provided Mr. Fang with many conveniences. In addition, he released a large number of Chinese in the concentration camp to show his sincerity, but the first condition was that the latter must convert 80.00% of the Malay Peninsula within one year. More than [-]% of the industrial resources have been put into operation, and there must be no rebellion in various places, otherwise all participants will die.

(End of this chapter)

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