Although he did not receive the support of his father and family, Fang Jingyao, who was rebellious and strong in nature, devoted himself to his revolutionary cause as always, and hone himself in the military.

As the saying goes, the emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love the younger son. Don't look at the old man's tough mouth, but he still cares about everything about the younger son in private. In addition, their Fang family is also involved in some business networks in Yunnan. Even if they go there, Mr. Fang just wants the other party to take care of his son.

However, the young Fang Jingyao devoted himself to the army with enthusiasm, and did not care about these things at all, but even he was surprised that he went from a little-known infantry platoon commander to the third level in a year. battalion commander.

Although there are also reasons for his outstanding military talents, the power of money and connections is the main capital that keeps him rising.

Until the National Defense War, Fang Jingyao was promoted to lieutenant colonel due to his military exploits, and even General Cai E, another leader of the Yunnan Army, praised him. Mix up a big name.

It's just good luck. In the 20th year of the Republic of China, an accident happened in the Fang family. His eldest brother Fang Jingxiao was severely injured and almost died because of a business conflict.

And because the other party is also a well-known and respected family in Nanyang, and also has some relations with foreigners, the British government at that time, based on the principle of minimising big issues, let the other side pay a little money and hastily closed the case, but the real culprit was at ease with impunity.

For this reason, the old man Fang also fell into the bed in a hurry. At this moment, the Fang family seemed to be about to fall, and people became panicked and ready to disperse.

It was such a crisis moment that Fang Jingyao had to retire from the army and return home to take up the responsibilities of the pillar, and nothing could let their Fang family be destroyed.

The British only look at interests, and they discriminate against the Chinese people in Nanyang. The local indigenous people are very resistant to the Chinese, even to the point of hatred. Fang Jingyao knows that no one can be trusted in this troubled world, and only the barrel of a gun can become his confidence.

So he led Agui and gathered a group of young subordinates. With the support of the Fang family's large amount of financial resources, he went to the black market to frantically buy guns and weapons, and soon formed a powerful force in the local underworld.

Fang Jingyao took advantage of the iron and blood skills developed in the military world to wander between black and white. Whether it was the business world or the underworld, he integrated and annexed a lot. In the process, blood and rain were inevitable, but he also quickly helped by his own hard power. The family stabilized the situation.

After this incident, the Fang family not only took revenge and took back what they lost, but even made a big leap and went a step further, allowing the Fang family to truly step into the ranks of the great Nanyang family.

Seeing the unsatisfactory younger son's turbulent means and abilities in the past, Mr. Fang was very relieved. The eldest son's fate has been dealt with, and he also intends to hand over the family business to the former.

It's a pity that Fang Jingyao didn't have much interest in doing business. After the situation stabilized, he left the business to his father and brother, but he plunged into his own gang organization, thinking about entrenching those people in the Nanyang underground black market. The various forces in China were all annexed and integrated into a private army loyal to themselves.

After learning about this, the old man scolded the stinky boy for not changing his mind, but he didn't interfere too much in this regard.Although the eldest son suffers from foot problems, he also actively helps his father to take care of things inside and outside the family. With the efforts of these two generations, the Fang family has grown stronger and stronger, and has become the number one business community in Singapore and even the Malay Peninsula. .

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. With the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia, all these good things came to nothing. The eldest son died, the second son fled, and the family business of several generations collapsed in an instant... "traitors, lackeys..."

Thinking of this, Mr. Fang couldn't help but burst into tears. Everything was because of this damn war and the Japanese who were like pigs and dogs.

"Agui, give me a word for that stinky boy... When Xianyi was an angry boy, he lived up to his youth and knew that I believe that there will always be a day when the world will see the fog, and that day will be left behind by you guys. young people."



Mr. Fang raised his hand to interrupt it, closed his eyes and turned his back to stop talking. The aggravated tone was enough to explain everything.

Seeing that the other party was determined, Agui stopped persuading him, just took a deep breath, bowed deeply with both hands, and said solemnly, "Master, take care!"

After he finished speaking, Agui pushed open the door without looking back, and no one noticed the tears in the corners of his red eyes.


As the war continues, the U.S. military is increasingly taking the initiative, and Japan's sea routes have been attacked more and more, and it is naturally more and more difficult to import materials from overseas.However, Japan's domestic production and life are greatly dependent on overseas, which inevitably leads to a further decline in the quality of life of Japanese residents.

In order to maintain the war, the Japanese concentrated all domestic resources on the military, and increased the plunder of the domestic people, and even the rations of the Japanese nationals were requisitioned.

Urban people can no longer eat white rice, even if the conditions are better, they can only eat some brown rice mixed with coarse grains.The farmers in the countryside are even more miserable. Basically, all the grains they have worked so hard to grow have to be handed over to the state, and they can only eat coarse grains and wild vegetables.

When the cold winter comes, many Japanese farmers who have not eaten or drank can't survive the cold winter.Therefore, people starve to death in many places in rural Japan every year.

Coupled with the continuous bombing of the US military day and night, a large number of houses in Tokyo, Kyoto and other cities in Japan were blown up, and the casualties were countless. In order to avoid the bombing, many people had to live in dirty and smelly sewers and live with mice.

This is not enough. The little Japan, who has been fighting in the military, is even more mad. Whether it is an underage baby or an old man who is half a hundred years old, all of them are forcibly recruited into the army and sent to the front line.

The women and children were not idle either. They were all working like robots in the back, doing tedious work for a long time and with super-long intensity, enduring various tortures and serving the so-called "Holy War" of the Great Japanese Empire.

Take rice as an example. Before the outbreak of the war, the average Japanese consumed 165 kilograms of rice per person per year.By 1940, Japan could only guarantee that each person could get 126 kilograms of rice per year, an average of only about 350 grams per day, only 75% of the pre-war level.

But today in 1945, this number has dropped further, each person is only about 80 kilograms per year, and some people have never even seen rice, so they can only go all over the mountains and plains to gouge out wild vegetables and roots, because they have to eat even basic food. There is no guarantee, and many cities starve to death.

Of course, because of their high positions in Japan, their lives have not been affected too much.They were just worried that they would be liquidated after the defeat, so they strongly advocated resistance to the end, and also announced a national policy plan of [-] million jade pieces.

Under the influence of **** ideas, many Japanese people are also clamoring for a deadly fight to the end. It is not difficult to see how crazy this despicable nation is.

To do this to one's own citizens, not to mention the cruelty of the means to other countries.

In order to save the rotten war situation, the Japanese began to plunder resources more frantically to make up for the increasingly depleted resources in the domestic and local battlefields, and Southeast Asia became their first choice for squeezing.

Earlier, in order to facilitate management, the Japanese pretended to carry out the "Huairou Policy" for several years. Now the devils are forced to do nothing, and they have torn their last camouflage. Evil spirits in human skin, burning, killing, looting, and utterly conscientious.

No way, from the land of China to Burma, Siam, and then to the Pacific Ocean... The battlefields of several sides are starting to get tight. In the Pacific battlefield, several troops were trapped in the islands and lost contact with the outside world. They had been out of food for a long time. It is estimated that Now it has begun to eat branches, and even people can eat people...

Under such a situation, the only way to increase the plunder of the colonial power is to increase the situation, otherwise the situation will only get worse, and this stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the rebellion in Southeast Asia also began to intensify.

After Agui came out of the Fang family compound, he has been busy with the matters explained by Mr. Fang in the past few days. Since he is the big housekeeper of the Fang family, the Japanese did not restrict him too much, but at this time, the other party also increased his attention, and his actions changed. more dangerous and unpredictable.

However, with years of experience and the cover of his local subordinates, Agui managed to escape with ease.

After leaving the city, he did not go directly to the destination, but first sent someone to quietly create an explosive attack in the city of Singapore. After the Japanese people's attention was attracted by the city, he took his men to the warehouse near the Lindong port to find it. group of children.

Taking advantage of the night, a small cargo ship hidden outside the reef area slowly sailed to the vicinity of Lindong Port. There were Japanese patrols in this water area, so the cargo ship did not dare to get too close, and could only stay three nautical miles from the port. place, waiting for the other party to row the boat to send the person over.

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