Chapter 546

The sharp whistle blew from the mouth of the Japanese Army Commander Cao, and the little devil immediately went on alert, but when he was attacked suddenly, he couldn't tell where the enemy was located for a while.

"Urgent げ, 出撃 せ よ!"

Many devil soldiers rushed out of the port, but in the process, several shells had already blasted into the port, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Another shot hit the side of one of the gunboats. Although it didn't cause much damage, it was enough for the sailors to drink a pot.

"Okay, get out!"

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, and the Japanese rushing out were also approaching this side, Agui hurriedly called the team to retreat.

The team members quickly cleaned up the scene and left here in an orderly manner. The night was the perfect cover. Before the little devil came, they disappeared without a trace, and there was nothing but the devastation left in the port.


"A bunch of idiots! Trash..."

The next day, in the office of the Japanese Southern Army Headquarters in Singapore, a piercing roar came from inside, and the sound of slapping was clearly audible, making the Japanese soldiers standing guard outside shiver uncontrollably.

"おまえらは红鹿だ! First the arsenal was set on fire, and then the port was shelled. Are you a bunch of idiots? Let the enemy act recklessly under your nose? You have lost the face of the Empire of Japan It's all over!"

Terauchi Shouichi was so angry that his lips were trembling, pointing at the officers of various ministries standing in a row and cursing.


The few Japanese officers who were scolded could only lower their heads submissively and let the other party's saliva splatter on their faces, especially the person in charge of the navy. The two bright red finger marks on his face were particularly eye-catching.

Although the mortar shell last night did not sink the ship, it still caused damage to one of the Type 50 gunboats. It is now lying in the dock for maintenance. In addition, several Japanese soldiers were killed and injured. Ten, plus the loss at the arsenal, the Japanese military hospital is now overcrowded.

All these actions should prove that the opponent is a group of organized and planned difficult enemies, and they can get away with it under the watchful eyes of the public.

"Jiamura, how is the Huaxia man caught by the army patrol now? Did you get any useful information out of him?" Si Nei calmed down and asked the staff officer beside him.

The two attacks last night were not fruitless. In the chaos, the Japanese army still caught a person who hadn't had time to escape.

"Back to Your Excellency, Commander... that person has already committed suicide by biting his tongue." The staff officer said nervously.

Terauchi Shou slapped his backhand with a backhand, and continued to export culture after the slap: "How did you stare at it? Is the red deer in the super high class just such a waste!?"

As he said that, he pointed his eyes at the other officer, who quickly lowered his head and did not dare to say anything. All departments were indeed guilty of dereliction of duty last night. This incident has a very big impact, especially for Shouichi Terauchi at this moment.


At this time, a short and thin senior officer walked in from the door, his narrow eyes showed a hint of cunning, looking at the military rank on his shoulder... he was actually an army general.

"Hehe, although they are indeed incompetent... But you have shifted the responsibility to your subordinates... Isn't this officer a failure?"

The harsh words made the officers of the southern army a little embarrassed, but they could only hold back in their hearts because of the identity of the other party.

"Hmph, your mouth is still so annoying after all these years... But don't forget, I am the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army now, not you Takahashi Tan!" Terauchi Shou glared at the other party once or twice, and replied without fear.

This Tan Takahashi came from the 31st period of the Etajima Naval Academy in Japan. After graduation, he has been working in the Navy Headquarters. In the past two years, he seems to have been appreciated by someone for his mediocre achievements. His promotion speed has been rising like a rocket. , Soon entered the ranks of the core cabinet generals.

Japan almost lost half of Burma due to the defeat of the Southern Army over the past few months. The base camp was extremely furious, and seemed to have begun to question Terauchi Shouichi’s command, and Takahashi Tan was a representative sent to rectify the Southern Army.

"The temple master is very proud. If you really have yourself, then make some achievements. Now that there are frequent rebellions in Southeast Asia, you, the commander-in-chief, have the face to say it?"

Terauchi Shouyi was so choked that he gritted his teeth, and he couldn't help but get angry when he saw the other party's self-righteous face, but as far as the current situation was concerned, he was powerless to refute.

But Takahashi Tan was very proud. He was born in the navy and looked down on these army nine-cent red deer at all, and he couldn't help but use guns and sticks in his words.

This trip to Malaysia is not just as simple as coming to give lectures. In addition to cooperating with the rectification and investigation of the rebellion, the base camp also intends to make a big change in the southern army.

Especially after losing the battle for several days, the emperor and the cabinet are already extremely angry, and they are also extremely dissatisfied with the record of the southern army. Malaysia is a piece of fat. next commander.

"The two major military installations were attacked this time. Obviously, there is a group of organized and planned underground resistance forces lurking in Singapore. Instead of tracing the source of this force, you are focusing on the responsibility in front of you. It is really putting the cart before the horse."

After Gao Qiaotan finished speaking, he looked at the temple again, his eyes were full of jokes, as if mocking his incompetence.

As the chief of staff of the Southern Army, Iimura Akira really couldn't understand the opponent's face, so he quickly stood up and spoke out for the chief:
"General Takahashi doesn't know. We have implemented strict military control over all parts of Malaysia. Investigations and arrests have been going on. Not long ago, a group of rebels were shot and executed. These are actually..."

"These are actually excuses!"

Takahashi interrupted it unceremoniously, and said sternly: "Don't think I don't know, most of the group you killed in Malacca were civilians, and they reported it to the military headquarters indiscriminately, even if it was... How many are real resistance people?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was speechless, because everyone knew something.

Originally, since it was stationed in Southeast Asia, the Nanyang rebellion has never stopped. When the Japanese army marched forward in 42, it beat the crap out of the rebel organization. It once crushed the Nanyang Self-Salvation Army to Burma, and almost wiped it out.

But who would have thought that Liao Mingyu came to Myanmar, not only saved the life of the self-rescue army, but also pushed them out from northern Myanmar all the way. The military losses caused by the Southeast Asian battlefield can be said to be the largest outside the Pacific Ocean...

(End of this chapter)

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