Chapter 567
Boom boom boom...!
A military column loaded with guns and food roared past the railroad tracks, and the plaster flag on the front of the vehicle fluttered with the breeze.

White smoke billowed from the train, and it slowly entered the station with a rumbling sound. The Japanese puppet soldiers on it set up machine guns and watched the surrounding situation vigilantly.

This is a small town called Panlagon on the front line, only 80 kilometers away from Yangon. It was originally famous for producing jade. The British had already opened the railway here. Now it is used as a front-line supply station for the Japanese army, and supplies are sent from the rear. Basically send it here.

"くそっ! だんだん货物が量... There are fewer and fewer things coming from the rear."

Looking at the huge pile of supplies unloaded from the train, Ryosuke Kawashima, a Japanese soldier standing on the sentry tower with a gun on guard, couldn't help sighing.

In the past, three to five military trains would come here every week, but now it only takes one train every half a month, which is simply incomparable.

"Mr. Liangjie, don't you know that the railway in the rear has been seriously bombed? There are not many lines that can still maintain track transportation. Our place is still a piece of pure land."

The companion next to him was lying on the machine gun, his eyes drooping, and he was speaking eloquently. As a veteran, he knew the situation here better, so it was not surprising.

In addition to the supplementary supplies on the train, soldiers from two squadrons also came down from the train compartments behind.

On the surface, those soldiers were no older than sixteen or seventeen at most, and they were all skinny, and some were not as tall as the barrel of a gun. Their immature faces were full of surprise and bewilderment.

"Damn it, the reinforcements sent by the base camp are like this now?!" Ryosuke clenched his fists and couldn't help cursing angrily. Rather than talking about soldiers, it's better to talk about those children in military uniforms.

The machine gunner lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and handed the cigarette to Ryosuke, then said indifferently: "It seems that these soldiers are going to replenish the 75th Regiment. Cursed."

Ryosuke took the cigarette and glanced at the companion beside him in surprise. The other party seemed to be an outsider and didn't seem to care about this matter.

"Ishihara-kun, how can you say that?"

"Oh...I'm very sorry Ryosuke-kun, I made a slip of the tongue." Machine gunner Ishihara cast a glance at Ryosuke and smiled contemptuously.Although he said he was apologizing, the tone of his voice was unspeakably harsh.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Ryosuke was also very angry, turned around and muttered to himself:

"The base camp should mobilize more young people and let them take up arms to serve the emperor, instead of sending these child soldiers here to fool us and transfer the elite to the Pacific to fight against the Americans. What about Burma? There is a group of recruits who have never fought and cowards who don’t want to fight, so it’s no wonder they won!”

Hearing these remarks, Shi Yuan sneered and sneered and didn't say anything more, and didn't even think about it. If there are still young and strong in the country, why let these child soldiers go to the battlefield?

In the past, if anyone said that he was a coward and dared not fight, Shi Yuan would definitely rush forward and get a big slap in the face.

But now... I have been fighting for five years, and moved from the Chinese battlefield to Burma. I have experienced too many things, and I have already seen through some things.

The young soldier next to him seems to have maintained his enthusiasm for the war all the way. This is not necessarily a good thing. He has seen too many people with this kind of thinking, and now... most of them have gone to see Amaterasu.

Shi Yuan is considered lucky. After fighting for so many years, he has never been bitten by a bullet. The comrades around him are like leeks. Rotting in the soil of other lands, but no matter what, it can't change the fact that they are victims of war.

It stands to reason that with five years of military experience, he should be a lieutenant, but it is precisely because of his stealth and cunning in certain aspects that he is still a first-class soldier.

But Ishihara doesn't care, being an officer means more responsibility and dedication. He has witnessed too many lieutenants and sergeants rushing impassionedly at the front line with samurai swords. Without exception, most of them turned into cold corpses. not worth.

The unpleasant conversation brought the atmosphere into an awkward situation, and the two stopped chatting, each fiddled with their weapons, and passed the time bored.

Looking at the mountains to the west, the sun has already hidden, and the afterglow of the setting sun has turned the sky red, Ryosuke can't help but think of the fiancée who is far away in his hometown, wondering how she is doing at this time...

Just when he was in a daze, a terrifying roar suddenly appeared in the sky from far to near. Accompanied by bursts of roars, dozens of fire dragons rose slowly from the other side of the mountain range and headed towards this side at a speed visible to the naked eye. hit.

"あれは何ですか? Cannon... Cannonball!?"

Ryosuke exclaimed, and those "fire dragons" like falling meteorites continued to enlarge in his pupils.

Before he could react, Ishihara next to him pushed him down, and then his eyes were covered by countless flames, and the huge explosion drowned out everything!

At this moment, in a low-lying open space seven kilometers away, thirteen Katyusha rocket launchers were firing rockets one after another at a speed as fast as lightning.

When the rocket rushed out of the launching vehicle, the ear-piercing sound was like the roar of death, and the smoke and flames were like countless fire dragons flying across the sky. The fire covered a wide area and fell suddenly like a violent storm.

For Katyusha's destructive power, only the Japanese at the center of the attack felt the deepest.

The terrifying power of the rockets is self-evident. The most desperate thing is the round after round of bombardment without gaps. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the solid fortress and steel armor will be wiped out in an instant.

Countless shells slammed into the station like raindrops. In an instant, most of the unresponsive Japanese soldiers and their supplies hoarded in the station were all blown up to the sky. The train stopped on the track was intercepted by several rockets. , The huge carriage instantly became a pile of scrap iron.

Ten seconds later, the place fell into a complete dead silence. Under the baptism of 208 rockets, the ground was full of stumps and broken legs. The scorched soil mixed with blood presented a strange color, and the wailing of the wounded became The only voice here.

The sentry tower where Shi Yuan and the others were located had already been blown up. His last consciousness before coma was that a shell exploded not far away, and his body was also blown away by the shock wave.


Ryosuke, who was lying on the ground, twitched his fingers, and he didn't know how long it took before he gradually regained consciousness, and slowly opened his eyes, the tragic scene that greeted him made him despair.

Ryosuke tried his best to sit up and looked around. Ishihara was lying on the side five or six meters away. Remembering that the other party threw him down regardless of the danger just now, he felt sorry and crawled forward. .

"Ishihara-kun? Ishihara-kun! Please cheer up!"

Shaking Ishihara who was lying on the ground, but there was no response from the other party, Ryosuke turned Ishihara over forcefully, only then did he find that a palm-width broken wooden board had been inserted into Ishihara's lower back, almost penetrating the entire abdominal cavity, intestines All dripped from the open wound on the stomach.

"Medical soldiers! Where are the medical soldiers!? Help!"

Liang Jie was so frightened that he shouted loudly, but everyone was in danger at this time, and no one could pay attention to his side.Moreover, such an injury would not be able to recover even if the Immortal Da Luo came...

The students and recruits who just got off the train suffered countless casualties. Some soldiers who survived by chance stared at the devastation on the ground blankly, with shapeless corpses lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, the real battlefield is even more terrifying than Shura Hell.

In just ten seconds, more than half of the more than 1000 devils in the station were killed or injured. The Japanese veterans who survived were even more terrified. shells.

Did the enemy use hundreds of large-caliber howitzers?How could there be no sign of so many artillery deployments! ?
At the same time, on the Katyusha rocket launcher position...

The first actual combat opened the eyes of the soldiers. Such devastating power is unheard of, and it is so exciting!
"Hurry up, hurry up! Move quickly, cooperate with the loader, don't be a fucking jerk!"

Judging from the information sent back from the forward observation post, the effect of the first round of shooting was very good, basically annihilating most of the targets in the station and the active forces of the Japanese army, but the order from above was to shoot the targets twice, and the remaining shells would not be finished. You are not allowed to go to get off work.

Under the command of the artillery officer, the soldiers are intensively carrying out the second loading, preparing to let the enemy feel the baptism of steel rain again!

(End of this chapter)

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