Chapter 57 The Great Harvest
Qixiong Tachibana struggled on the ground for a full or two minutes before slowly dying.

No one cared about his life or death, and some soldiers even thought that it was cheaper for him, so they should tie him to a stake and cut him off like the captain did last time.

In this battle, I don't know how many soldiers will sleep here forever. In addition to the joy of victory, the soldiers' eyes are more grief of losing their comrades.

"Tuan Zuo, probably according to the statistics, there were more than 800 casualties, and there were more than 200 lightly injured at the veterinarian's side. Even the more than 100 people who were seriously injured may...more than half of them couldn't hold on. We can still stand, that's all. There are more than 600 people left.”

Meng Fan said with a sad face, holding a book in his hand and bowing his head.In the thick roster, countless names were crossed out by him one by one...

The seriously injured are basically missing arms and legs, without reliable medical staff and professional surgical operations, and relying solely on those anti-inflammatory hemostatic agents and the superficial medical skills of veterinarians, they are simply powerless.

Liao Mingyu closed his eyes silently. After this battle, he followed him to the Nantianmen's team of more than 1500 people. Nearly two-thirds of the casualties were lost, and the formation of a regiment was almost wiped out.

That's not a simple set of numbers, it's all flesh and blood Chinese soldiers!Although the record is brilliant, this is the victory that the warriors paid the price of blood for.

"Mengda battalion commander, I can't calculate it like this. I just went to see it. The more than 200 lightly wounded patients in the veterinarian are not a big problem. They can pick up guns again after a month or two of training."

Long Wenwen walked slowly with his gun diagonally, and said leisurely.

"We sent 200 wounded soldiers back to Zenda yesterday. Counting them, our regiment can at least guarantee the formation of 1000 people. Hehe, two brigades will be wiped out after this battle...hehe"

Long Wenwen had already laughed so hard that he could not close his mouth.It's really exciting that the big credit for this day now falls on them.

Meng frowned and pouted, but did not answer.

Yes, although the casualties are heavy, the battle loss ratio of 1:2.5 has wiped out so many small Japan, how is it worth it.

"Ding, the host personally killed the Japanese deputy commander Tachibana Qixiong, and randomly unlocked the equipment: American-made SCR-536 walkie-talkie."

He seemed to sense Liao Mingyu's irritability, and the sound of the system came to his mind at the right time.

SCR-536?The one-man walkie-talkie that's bigger than the big brother?Liao Mingyu is excited, this thing is a good thing, although the intercom range is not long, the maximum is only about 1.5 kilometers, but compared with the radio that starts with dozens of kilograms, it is more flexible and smaller.

In this day and age, no one but the United States has this kind of platoon-level wireless communication equipment.Such equipment is generally used for company and platoon-level combat units, responsible for contacting higher-level commanders, cooperating with neighboring units, and promptly responding to reconnaissance or situations encountered to their superiors, and the superiors or neighboring units that have timely access to information make corresponding responses combat adjustments.

Compared with the previous communication method that relied on messengers, the walkie-talkie is much more efficient and timely, and the communication is more secure, and it is possible to clearly know whether the information has been accurately transmitted.From today's point of view, a walkie-talkie is as convenient as a walkie-talkie, which can improve the operational flexibility of grassroots units to a higher level.

Haha, after having a walkie-talkie, Meng was so annoying that this guy was going to lose his job, Liao Mingyu couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Battlefield analysis system opened: The Nantianmen campaign ended, and the host stood at Nantianmen with 1566 people. It successfully defended 11 Japanese attacks and annihilated 2270 Japanese soldiers. Among them, there were three middle officers, major officers...

The own troops killed 612 people and injured 334 people, battle evaluation: excellent +, tactical evaluation A,

Get 5000 points for battle, 4000 points for tactics, and 946 battle-damaged personnel, for a total of 8054 points.The host has 10433 remaining points.

As an additional reward, 105 Krupp 4mm howitzers and 300 rounds of FH.Gr. high-explosive ammunition have been stored in the warehouse, and the cannon and various types of ammunition have been unlocked in the mall. The report is complete. "

Krupp 105 howitzer!Haha, now I finally have a large-caliber howitzer, and I will no longer have to hit the little devil's heavy artillery without fighting back.

Liao Mingyu was so excited that he almost jumped up. This battle was really worth it. Not to mention that the points consumed are coming back, the key is to get the reinforcement of several heavy weapons. Chuan Army, still need to look at the face of the little devil?
The two people next to them saw their leader, who was sometimes sad and sometimes excited, from the beginning, and their facial expressions had been changing wildly as if they had been stimulated.

Long Wenwen was afraid that he couldn't bear it in his heart, so he comforted him with a little concern: "Tuanzuo, it's nothing, don't think about it. The foundation of our army is still there."

"I can't think of your sister, messenger, let the brothers rest for a while, and then quickly clean the battlefield. Take away everything you can take away, and destroy what you can't take away. You can't leave a bullet for the little devil!"

"Yes! Group seat."

Then Liao Mingyu walked to a high place and shouted at the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion.

"Brothers, when everything is sorted out, we will go home!"

"Oh...! Go home...!!!" The soldiers of the Sichuan Legion cheered and shouted loudly, and many soldiers couldn't help but burst into tears. They had waited for this moment for too long!

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the sky had already started to brighten, and the sound of artillery fire that had been ringing on Nantianmen all night finally stopped slowly.

Yu Xiaoqing didn't sleep all night. He stood on the bank and blew the river wind all night. He raised and lowered the binoculars dozens of times.

He Shuguang and Zhang Lixian, who were standing beside them, couldn't bear to persuade them: "Tuanzuo, go back and rest."

"Yeah, the group seat, you've been standing all night, your health is important."

Yu Xiaoqing didn't answer, but silently raised the telescope again, and said to himself, "There's no more gunfire, they should have fired, right?"

"All night long, the battle is like this, Chinese soldiers, there are no more innocent people!"

"We're all sinners."

He Shuguang looked at each other, not knowing why the group seat suddenly said such words, and did not know how to answer, so they had to bow their heads and stand silently behind him.

Yu Xiaoqing wanted to kill the enemy in his heart, but he was powerless. He knew the importance of the Nujiang defense line. At this moment, it was meaningless to cross the river and compete with the Japanese army for Nantianmen.

Moreover, his troops couldn't stand the toss, and it was the Yu family's hard work to die.He couldn't bet on his own soldiers without being completely sure.

He now desperately hopes that the Japanese army on the opposite side will continue to forcefully cross the Nujiang River after they have captured Nantianmen, then he can give this group of little devils a head-on attack.As long as he defends the Nujiang River, the great credit is his own.

Coupled with Tang Ji's reminder, Yu Xiaoqing was very entangled in Liao Mingyu's heart. He admired his sacrifice of life and righteousness, and did what Yu Xiaoqing wanted to do but dared not do, but at the same time, he was afraid of his ability and regarded him as the greatest. competitor.

Alas, hate is hate, but now the dust has settled, facing such a fierce attack by the Japanese army, the opposite Sichuan Army is destined to die.

"Send the order, let the troops get ready, and beware of little devils forcibly crossing the Nu River!"

Yu Xiaoqing suddenly said loudly that he had determined that there would be no trace of Huaxia soldiers on the opposite position.

"Yes!...Huh? Tuanzuo, listen to what that is!"

He Shuguang, who had just turned around and was about to leave, suddenly heard a roar from the opposite hillside, and was immediately puzzled.

Yu Xiaoqing didn't speak. He raised his binoculars again to observe. Could it be the cheers of the little devil celebrating his victory?

(End of this chapter)

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