Ayeyarwady Front…

It is located in a small village in the central part of Ayeyarwady Province, Myanmar. It has been requisitioned by the new army as a temporary headquarters and logistics supply office. It is equivalent to a transfer station. Stop here for a while.

The local residents have dispersed for a long time, and the only ones who dare to approach are those half-grown indigenous children. They gather around the camp in groups of three and four, and some of them climb the treetops like monkeys, curiously observing these people who do not know where they came from. Soldiers who come, but will soon be driven away by the patrol soldiers.

Inside the camp...Fang Jingyao leaned on the table, stared at the map in front of him seriously and fell into deep thought.A few staff officers nearby stood around with slumped expressions, a lot of sweat hanging on their faces, and the weather that was getting hotter and hotter was somewhat disturbing.

Several strategic action routes were clearly marked on the map. The troops of both sides had been completely mixed together, and the expected combat objectives had been initially achieved, but the 201st Division encountered some troubles in the lower reaches of the Pathein River.

"Has the 201st Division not found the position of the main artillery force of the Tianzhong Regiment?" Fang Jingyao asked suddenly.

One of the staff officers quickly replied: "Yes, but the Intelligence Bureau has detected some short-wave signals. If the main force of the Japanese army is ruled out, it must be the artillery unit. Commander Wang and the others have sent a reconnaissance team to intersperse the enemy's rear, and they should be there soon. discovered."

The Ayeyarwady battlefield is divided into three parts. It was originally planned that the three divisions of the new army would be divided into three offensive directions and advance side by side. The 202nd and 203rd divisions in the east have already defeated the Japanese defense line and are driving straight along the river. A large number of armored troops are there The alluvial plain is like a fish in water, coupled with the continuous support of air fighters, it is difficult for the little devil to stop the rushing offensive.

On the other side, the 201st Division encountered a lot of problems. Due to the hilly and swampy terrain in the southwestern part of Ayeyarwady Province, there are many branches of large and small rivers, and it is not easy for soldiers and armored forces to carry out coordinated operations. To put it bluntly It can only rely on the infantry to push hard, and the large bushes have become a natural hiding place for the Japanese army, so the attack efficiency is greatly reduced.

Moreover, the Japanese army used a lot of mobile warfare tactics here, never head-on with the main force of the 201st Division, and chose to fight guerrillas in the bushes, laying mines, ambushes, and ambushes, causing heavy losses to the vanguard of the attack.

In fact, there are not many Japanese garrison forces in the southwest of Ayeyarwady Province, but there are still a large number of local Burmese puppet troops. Although these guys are not very effective in combat, they are better at familiarity with the environment and terrain. It worked out pretty well.

Especially the elusive artillery unit, they used the Type 105 700mm mountain cannon specially improved by the Japanese army for the jungle battlefield. It weighs less than [-] kilograms, and it is easy to disassemble and assemble, so it can be carried by soldiers or horses in mountainous and jungle areas without roads. It has a high range and great power.

The most important thing is that it is light, so that a mountain cannon can be disassembled or assembled in less than 10 minutes, and transportation only requires a mule and horse and three or five soldiers to pull it all over the mountain.

This Japanese artillery unit is very experienced, and it can always provide support to the defending Japanese army at critical moments in the battle. They never love to fight, and they almost change places in one round. It is difficult to calculate their position through ballistics.

Even if it is an aerial reconnaissance plane, it is difficult to find the other party's traces in the face of a large area of ​​low bushes below. The gun carrier ran away, and it was as difficult to catch it as a live loach.

In the hills and mountains around the main force of the 201st Division, there are still many Japanese observation posts hidden, which can provide accurate shooting coordinates for the Japanese artillery. Nearly [-]% of the casualties of the offensive troops on the main battlefield were caused by this artillery.

The commander of the 201st Division was worried about casualties, coupled with the inconvenient supply on his side, and the materials needed for subsequent operations were not in place, which also led to a stalemate in the unfavorable battle.

The most important thing is that there are too many wounded, and the three divisions of the new army don't have much combat experience. It's good to say that they can fight smoothly. With the blessing of equipment and firepower, not to mention 100% combat effectiveness, it is probably no problem at all.

But if it is a tough battle or a disadvantage, it is hard to say how much the soldiers can bear in their hearts. If the Japanese army seizes the opportunity to counterattack, the collapse of the entire division's fleeing front may only happen in an instant.

After listening to the answer, Fang Jingyao threw away the pencil end in his hand, and his face became a little dignified.

Now that the troops of all the troops have been put into the frontline battlefield, they really can't spare their hands to support the 201st Division, but if they are dragged there for a long time by the little devils, it will be difficult to carry out the battle plan to encircle Yangon Province.

Alas... we can only pin our hopes on that reconnaissance team, as long as the Japanese artillery can be found and destroyed, the situation over there can be opened.

"Send a report to Junzuo, explain the specific situation of the 201st Division, request more air support, pay close attention to the battle situation over there, and notify me as soon as there is any change."

"Yes, I'm going now..."

Fang Jingyao walked slowly to the window with his hands behind his back, ready to take a breath to soothe his tense nerves, but a faint smell of blood mixed with disinfectant floated to his nose.

Next to the headquarters is the field hospital, and there are continuous wailing and pain coming from the row of tents next door. He was so busy with both hands and feet that he didn't have time to rest.

This newly formed new army has more than 4 people in three divisions and one brigade. They wear new jungle camouflage uniforms, fishnet M1 helmets, and all kinds of brand-new firearms in their hands. They have reached the ceiling of the expeditionary army, but relatively speaking, their combat effectiveness and combat experience are the lowest in the entire army.

Although the new offensive in Ayeyarwady Province caught the Japanese army by surprise, with the cooperation of all parties, they quickly pushed all the way from the southwest of Bago Province. The cost of a large number of casualties is also breathtaking.

Today, the entire army has killed more than 700 people, and there are more than 9000 slightly and seriously injured. Several field hospitals are overcrowded, and new wounded on the front line are constantly being sent to the rear.

Obviously occupying the upper hand and absolute advantage, and except for the obstacles encountered by the 201st Division, the strategic goals of other directions have been achieved, but this huge casualty is a bloody fact. The teacher will definitely not be labeled like this when he comes over.

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