Chapter 587
Soon, three B17 bombers took off from Mandalay Airport. Most of the pilots were retired soldiers hired from the Allied Forces and Southeast Asia. Besides daily combat, they could also serve as instructors, and they also trained a lot for Liao Mingyu. crew.

Eight F4U fighter planes followed closely behind to escort them. With the roar of the propellers, the air team full of ammunition rushed to the battlefield.

In order to improve combat efficiency, Liao Mingyu split the Nankan Flying Brigade into two aviation brigades some time ago. One is located in the Heihe base and is responsible for supporting the Honor No.30 Division, the New 200th Division and the [-]th Division on the Yangon battlefield. Wait for the troops.

Another former Japanese airfield in Mandalay was directly responsible for handling all support requests from the new army on the Ayeyarwady battlefield.

The original Nankan flight base was reduced to a logistics airport for supplies and training grounds for pilots.

Ordinary tactical support orders for fighter planes to dive and bomb to cover the attack of ground troops do not need to pass through the Heihe Command. The front-line regiment-level command units can contact the flying brigades behind their respective battlefields. As long as it is a reasonable request, it must be implemented immediately, and there must be no any excuses and excuses.

For such a task of dispatching a bomber formation, the military department must issue an order directly.

This is the advantage of gaining air supremacy. You can fly over the enemy's head and bombard it like you are in no one's land anytime, anywhere, but the opponent has nothing to do.

With the firepower configuration on the b17 bomber and six escorting pirate fighter planes, as long as the Japanese army does not send out a flying brigade, it can basically come and go freely.

It's just that with the current situation of the Japanese army, even if they know the whereabouts of this bomber squad, they can't send decent fighters to intercept them. The only thing to pay attention to is their air defense weapons on the ground.


At this time, the Japanese army had no idea that a catastrophe was about to come. Because of the sudden incident, they had just packed up and started marching northwestward, without noticing that there was a team of dozens of people behind them.

The order given by the regiment headquarters is very simple. Get to the right position as soon as possible to start shelling the Chinese army in front of the front line. Now that the enemy has fully mobilized, this may be the signal for a general attack, so there must be no delay.

Xio Zhongshan was still struggling with where to set up the artillery position. The Chinese team that landed on the east bank of the Basin River was stuck in his throat like a thorn, which made him restless all the time. .Now I am worried that the other party will attack suddenly, or set up an ambush and wait for them to step in.

Forget it, I can't care about that much anymore, after hearing the report from the major, it is estimated that the number of the Huaxia team is not large, and it also suffered some losses in the battle.

At least there are two full squadrons on my side, plus those in the artillery brigade, as long as the defense work is done well, I am not afraid of the opponent's sneak attack.Tadayama Xio thought so.
Those nine-nine-style mountain cannons were disassembled, and the heavy parts were carried by mules and horses, while the light ones were carried on the shoulders of soldiers. Due to the large amount of ammunition, the infantry under Tadayama Xio needed to help the artillerymen carry some ammunition.

The roads in the mountains and forests are not easy to walk, not to mention that with so many artillery equipment, the Japanese army did not dare to take the road at all in order to conceal their whereabouts, but chose to walk through the woods. The difficulty can be imagined.

But for the Japanese who have been "hardworking and hardworking" for a long time, this little thing is nothing to worry about, and they have been living like this for the past month.

There is nothing wrong with describing the little devils as opportunists. This group of people is just running around on the battlefield with gun barrels, going wherever they need artillery support, and dodging immediately after a round.

Although tiring is a bit tiring, it is also due to their chicken thief style of play, which caused very heavy casualties to the offensive troops of the 201st Division of the New Army.

Every time the new army assembled artillery and air power to retaliate, the opponent hid in the woods and hid, and the general bombing had no effect at all.

Tadayama Xio looked back again, uneasy emotions were still disturbing his thoughts...

Except for the Huaxia team hiding in the dark, which is a variable, nothing else seems to threaten their existence, and it's hard to say whether that team has discovered them.

But this vague sense of crisis really made him uneasy.

The site selection of the Japanese artillery positions is also very particular. Not only must attention be paid to the range of the artillery, but also whether it is suitable for the artillery to be placed, and whether it is convenient to retreat and transfer after the first round of shooting, so they did not find a suitable place so quickly. .

More than half an hour passed quickly, and the Japanese army only walked northward for a little over two kilometers during this time.

But judging from the location, it is less than 6 kilometers away from the troops defending Ganjidang on the front line, and the faint sounds of guns and cannons seem to be heard, and it is barely possible to fire from this gun.

Due to the urgency of the order from the regiment headquarters, Tadayama knew that the situation must be very critical now, so he didn't care to choose a better position, so he asked the artillery to pick a relatively flat dry riverbed as a position.

Then he let the infantry team spread out to establish a defense line, ready to defend against possible surprise attacks by the enemy at any time.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance company, which hung far behind and followed closely, did not dare to get too close at this time, lest they be discovered.

Chen Xinmin said to himself what a pity. The devil commander on the opposite side was too careful. In a short time, he deployed all the defense forces to the south, and there were firepower points in the nearby high places, so it was somewhat difficult to get close.

"It's time to come, too?" Chen Xinmin muttered to himself, and he looked at the blue sky above his head through the branches.

The roar of the plane engine seems to be heard vaguely, but nothing can be seen in the cloudless sky except the glare of the sun.

In fact, the bomber formation came to the sky above this area a few minutes ago, but due to terrain problems, it is difficult to find the specific location of the enemy artillery from the sky.

Looking down, there are mostly lush bushes, and there is no sign of enemy fire, let alone any signs of smoke bombs or signal flares.

In order not to startle the enemy, they did not lower their altitude to carry out low-altitude reconnaissance. The pilots of the bombing formation were not sure about the situation, and they could not just leave after bombing. They could only hover at high altitude here and continue to wait for the signal from below.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and about half an hour later, the Japanese artillery had assembled more than a dozen Type [-] mountain artillery.

The riverbed where they are located has been dry for a long time due to the dry season, and instead of dripping water, it is covered with various shrubs and vines.

The Type [-] cannon is low in size, with a short barrel, and a lot of hay for camouflage. As long as the cannon is not fired, even after the combat body is deployed, there is no need to worry too much about being discovered by aerial reconnaissance.

Although the engine of the b17 bomber is loud, there will be reconnaissance planes circling overhead almost every time period in the past two days.The Japanese army is used to this kind of sound, and it is just that the enemy is investigating again.

As long as you hurry up and shoot two rounds, even if you are discovered by the opponent, you can quickly move into the mountain, so you don't take it too seriously.

The artillerymen were adjusting their elevation angles according to the shooting angles, while Xio Zhongshan, who was standing on a nearby high ground, was still watching everything on the battlefield nervously.

"Notify the artillery, don't fire for now, wait for my order." Zhongshan raised his hand to cover the sun and looked at the sky. The roar from the sky made him feel more and more uneasy.

"However, the Huaxia people have already started to attack, and the captain ordered us to fire immediately, if..." The liaison officer was very puzzled, why did the captain, who had always followed the rules, suddenly give such an order.

And now that the enemy has launched an attack on the frontline positions, if the artillery support is slow, the disadvantages in combat are small. If the position is lost, everyone will have to go to a military court.

"Baga! Don't I know? Execute the order, and I will bear all the consequences!"

The concerns of the liaison officer were quickly reprimanded by Xio Tadayama, how could the latter not know the benefits, but if something went wrong with the artillery, the entire front would be in jeopardy...

(End of this chapter)

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