
The supreme commander of the Yangon Defense Forces, Heitaro Kimura, was transferred to a bunker in the east of the city under the escort of the guards.

There was a lot of gas under the gas masks, but they didn't dare to stay. The explosions from all around made everyone extremely nervous.

After finally reaching the bunker, the soldiers quickly closed the entrance gate after all the senior officers had entered.

This is a fortification deeply embedded in the ground, about [-] square meters, divided into three floors, half of which is exposed on the surface, and the rest is buried under the ground, all of which are poured with reinforced concrete.

In addition, there are tunnels leading to other exits. The entire fortification is extremely strong. Even if it is hit by a 500-kilogram aerial bomb, it will only destroy its surface at most. There are three layers of partitions at the bottom, which is very safe.

It's just that the location of this bunker is too close to the periphery. It was originally used as the core of the defense line in the east of the city, but the original command post has been covered by poison gas bombs. For the sake of safety, the headquarters can only be transferred here.

Heitaro Kimura, who had just arrived in the bunker, hurriedly took off his gas mask and breathed in the fresh air. The people around him did the same, all of them had lingering fears about the scene outside.

"Have you sorted out the casualties of each unit?" Kimura, who had just taken a breath, put his hands on the table and asked the chief of staff hurriedly.

"All the wings on the outskirts have been affected by the enemy's chemical bombs to varying degrees. According to a conservative estimate from the reports of the troops below, more than 5000 people have lost their combat effectiveness..."

Chief of Staff Nobuo Minazawa glanced at everyone, and continued to speak helplessly:

"The most severely damaged were the 45th Division and the 22nd Brigade. Their garrison was right at the center of the enemy's attack, and they had the greatest impact. Four brigades lost contact. Among them, the Matsumoto Wing of the 29th Brigade had less than [-] soldiers who escaped. one thousand…"

Hearing that the officers around here were all silent, Kimura Heutaro gritted his teeth in anger, his whole face trembling.
"Damn Chinese people! Damn!"

With the continuous explosions from outside, the floating ash on the surrounding solid walls could not stop falling down, and the gas bombs were followed by endless shelling. This was obviously a long-planned plan by the other party, and it did not give them any respite. Chance.

"Call me the commander-in-chief in the temple, report the current situation in Yangon, and ask for tactical guidance! And Siam's Fourth Division, when will these cowards be willing to cut off the logistics line of the Chinese people!?"

Kimura Hyoutaro had a ferocious expression on his face, and he looked desperate. He walked around the room at a loss, and he had long since lost the high-spirited look he had at the beginning.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we should take the initiative to contact the navy now and ask them to continue to counterattack the enemy's artillery..." Nobuo Minazawa weakly made a suggestion.

"Are those red deer in the navy blind!? They are so beaten up and don't know how to fight back? Do you want me to beg them?"

This mediocre, incompetent and uninitiated guy is indeed worthy of his title of "robot". He only knows how to obey orders, and when he encounters problems, he is at a loss. Right now, he still cares about his face and refuses to take the initiative to contact his allies.

Nobuo Nanzawa was very contemptuous in his heart, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only continue to dissuade him patiently:
"The Huaxia people are so generous, it is obvious that they have made sufficient preparations for attack. At present, we should actively rescue the wounded soldiers, organize the remaining warriors to rebuild the defense line, and at the same time let go of prejudice and let the navy side provide us with full reinforcements, otherwise..."

Nobuo Minazawa didn't say it too bluntly, but everyone knows what the most terrible result will be.

"Okay, I know!" Kimura Heutaro couldn't help but sighed, no matter how proud he was, he had to judge the situation at this moment.

When I arrived in Yangon, I thought that with the help of tens of thousands of troops and the navy, the Chinese could be completely blocked.

From the very beginning, he commanded the troops to take the initiative to attack the Honor Third Division that had just gone south from Bago Province, but the cruel reality slapped him hard.

The current Japanese army is completely disproportionate to the expeditionary force in terms of firepower and logistics. Some recruits recruited from the country are even more combat-strength. It is conceivable to go to battle blindly, and they are directly beaten by the honorary third division and the armored brigade Can't find North.

Then the 200th Division and the [-]th Division landed on the beach and went straight to the rear. At this time, Kimura Heutaro realized that he was not an opponent at all, and hurriedly asked for help from his superiors. After receiving permission to retreat, he retreated to the southern area of ​​Yangon Province.

So much so that in the days that followed, he was always suppressed and beaten by Long Wenwen, and lost Yongsheng, Boxi, Donggua and other important towns one after another. He had four divisions in his hands but could not do anything to the opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that there are several high grounds that are easy to defend and difficult to attack outside the city of Yangon, and the heavy cruisers of the navy that came to contain the offensive momentum of the Third Rong Division, I am afraid that the entire Yangon garrison will be joined by the victory at this moment. The 88th Army rushed to the sea to feed the fish.


At this time... under the guidance and correction of the airship, the artillery units of the expeditionary force are firing at the enemy in full swing. Every round of shelling can almost accurately hit the target. The intense artillery fire seems to dye the city of Yangon red.

The Japanese defense line has become a cemetery, like a doomsday meteorite, countless civilian fortifications have been destroyed, and the soaring number of casualties made their commanders scratch their heads anxiously.

However, in the case of a serious shortage of heavy firepower, they can only be beaten passively. There is really no other way but to request support from the navy.

This was the first time in several months that the expeditionary force had opened up its full firepower, and the horrific bombardment made one's mind shattered.The billowing dust covered the sky, and the shells were like hail with little pause.

At this time, hiding in ordinary trenches has lost its meaning. The shells will blast people and soil into the sky, leaving only a deep pit a few meters wide on the ground.

Even those seemingly solid fortresses will be hit by a round of 155 heavy artillery, and the soldiers inside will be killed or injured.

For this general offensive, Liao Mingyu mobilized five transportation regiments and three engineering regiments, as well as a large number of civilian laborers, and all non-front-line combat troops joined the logistics transportation queue.

There are more than 105 tons of shells above [-] mm that have been transported to the front line recently. Coupled with high-intensity and high-density shooting, a large amount of ammunition is consumed every minute.

This kind of scene is also a rare encounter. Many soldiers have never seen such a terrible battlefield. Those shells seemed to be free of money, and they crazily smashed on the Japanese positions. Wherever they went, there was no grass.

At this time, an observation hydrogen balloon was also raised on the ship of the Japanese Navy. Headed by the three heavy cruisers, all the muzzles began to adjust the angle parameters, preparing to contain the opponent's shelling in the same way.

Although somewhat dissatisfied with the Army's attitude,

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