Chapter 607
The first team to rush into the city of Yangon was the mechanized tank regiment belonging to the armored brigade. In terms of speed, the brisk infantry tank ran much faster than the 30-ton Sherman, let alone those legs Running infantry.

Less than half an hour after the attack order was issued, the vanguard of the Chariot Regiment appeared at the foot of many civilian houses.

"Get off! Get off!"

The driver clattered the clapboard, and the co-pilot also climbed up to the machine gun position on the roof, and stared ahead with the M2 heavy machine gun.

"Quick, quick! Move fast!"

As the rear hatch of the vehicle opened, the soldiers on board filed out one after another.

Nine fighters could be seated behind each infantry chariot. Under the command of their respective officers, they quickly lined up and spread out to establish a line of defense.

"Pay attention to the left and right wings in the first and second rows, unload equipment in the third row, everyone stay alert!"

"Don't get together, don't fucking get together! The machine gunners go upstairs, whoever, send them the bullets!"

The commander of the infantry company who got off the car was in a hurry to direct the team. The devils have not come out to attack for the time being, so they must make arrangements before the opponent counterattacks.

"Put the mortar in the yard and don't fire without my order!"

After each armored convoy arrived at the combat position, they did not fight inward immediately. Instead, they unloaded the infantry on the vehicle and launched defenses on the spot, responding to sudden enemy attacks at any time, and waiting for friendly troops who were still on the road behind.

Next, more brutal street fighting may have just begun...

Unlike the life-and-death battle on the Yangon battlefield, the Ayeyarwady Province has hardly seen the Japanese army resisting directly.

After the general offensive last month, the new army did not launch a new offensive, and was mostly doing expulsion tasks.Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, he drove the more than 1 devils all the way south.

The southern part of Ayeyarwady Province is basically full of great plains and rivers criss-crossing. There are few mountains and dense forests. The Japanese army can't establish any effective defense line in such places. They can only retreat southward, trying to retreat to the rivers. Haikou left here by transport ship.

The Japanese army's original plan was to start withdrawing from Ayeyarwady Province at the end of April and send all troops to Yangon to strengthen the defense there.

As a result, the naval fleet had not yet started to move, and the Yangon War had already begun. The fleet that was forcibly dispatched to the Ayeyarwady River Delta waited for several days at the mouth of the sea, but the retreating team did not arrive. Instead, the British army arrived. Submarine attack.

Don't think too much about the ending. The British army's pocket-class submarines dare not say anything else. It is really a kid who hits this kind of defenseless transport ship.

In one night, they sank seven of the twelve Japanese transport ships near the mouth of the sea, and the rest disappeared with their tails between their legs.

It is also due to the slow underwater speed of the submarine, otherwise none of these civilian ships converted into troop carriers would be able to escape.

In order not to make a fool of themselves in front of the army, the navy deliberately concealed the news. As a result, a few days later, the first batch of Japanese troops who rushed to the sea to prepare to evacuate were suddenly dumbfounded.

None of the ships waiting here were watching, but a few more British submarines were docked on the water at the estuary.

When the Japanese observed with binoculars, some British sailors stood on the submarine floating on the sea and looked at them, seeming to laugh at their incompetence and weakness.

The little devil was so angry, he wished he could bring the cannons and send those British guys to the sky, but they fled without any heavy weapons around them, so they could only stand on the shore and sigh.

The British guy was not idle. After seeing the traces of the Japanese army, he immediately reported the news to the Mandalay Air Force Command. Soon, a large number of fighter planes appeared over the beach, bombarding the little devils below. Chaos.

At this point in the battle, most of the Japanese soldiers had no fighting spirit in their hearts. Originally, many of them were recruits who had only been on the battlefield and had not fought a few battles. Coupled with the chaos of logistics and supplies, there were many teams out of food. .

At this moment, they just want to escape the enemy's blockade as soon as possible, and they can't bear the desire to continue fighting.

The way of retreat was cut off, and it was impossible to go back north. The little devil could only continue to flee west because he was forced to do nothing.Because in the southwest is the mouth of the two big rivers, the Pathein River and the Irrawaddy River.

Due to the buffering effect of the southern plain, the river has formed a huge delta basin here, with no less than a hundred large and small alluvial islands, among which the overgrown trees can also play a certain concealment role.

More and more Japanese troops were driven to the Ayeyarwady River Estuary Delta. After learning the news that the transport fleet was attacked, everyone's hearts fell to the bottom of the valley, and despair arose spontaneously.

As the saying goes, house leakage coincides with continuous night rain. What the Japanese army is facing now is not only the enemy's siege and interception, but also the increasingly severe supply problem.

Since they broke out from the encirclement of Gan Jidang and retreated all the way south, they basically lost all the supplies and equipment that should be lost. There was a serious shortage of weapons and ammunition. Many people walked forward hungry. They thought they could escape here by boat. , but who ever thought it would be a dead end.

It didn't take long for the leading troops of the 201st and 202nd divisions of the new army that were chasing after them to meet the Japanese army again.

Originally, some Japanese officers tried to organize troops to lay an ambush on the main road, and then find the opportunity to break out, but the opponents did not give them a chance to fight head-on.

The soldiers of the new army used white phosphorous bombs, and the dense forest was filled with the howls and screams of the devils. Their bodies were burned to pieces, and they easily smashed the team that the opponent had finally assembled.

After a series of encounters in the past few days, the demoralized Japanese no longer had the heart to meet the enemy, and soon there was a greater trend of defeat.

The various units gradually lost contact with each other, and they all went their own way. The officers could not find the soldiers, and the soldiers could not find the officers.

Faced with the situation of chasing soldiers after nowhere to go, the desperate little devil had no choice but to build a small raft and run to the small islands in the delta to hide.

There are still many local aborigines on these small islands. They have lived here for generations, relying on fishing in the delta basin to make a living, and now they can be regarded as unlucky for eight lifetimes.

The little devil who was cut off from water and food didn't care about anything else. After arriving on the island, a wave of burning, killing and looting began. The houses and food of the aborigines were all looted, and men and children were ruthlessly killed.

The worst ones are those women. The little devil has been kept in a state of fear after several days of fleeing. In this desperate situation, it seems that he needs to vent his animal desire.

So they took all the aboriginal women, no matter their old friends, into the camp, tortured them severely, and buried them alive after they were done.

For a time, an extremely cruel killing trip was staged on the entire Irrawaddy River Delta islands and reefs.

With the food and water source of the natives, this also gave the Japanese army a little respite, but they didn't know that this was actually a tomb built by the expeditionary army, and the real abyss was only after stepping into this place...

(End of this chapter)

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