"Damn it? Why are you coming back now!?"

Seeing Onozuka Ren walking slowly from the forest, the squadron leader hurried forward to check the situation.

It's not that he cares about this little soldier, but the water bottle on this guy, which is an important material for everyone to survive.

"I'm really sorry, squadron leader." Onozuka Ren resisted the severe pain and replied: "I was stunned by the shelling of the Chinese people just now, so I..."

The squadron leader didn't have the patience to listen to Onozuka Jin finish his words slowly, so he directly reached out to take a water bottle, and impatiently took two sips.

Afterwards, many Japanese soldiers also surrounded them, and divided up the water bottle hanging on Onozuka's body, leaving him standing awkwardly on the spot with a tree branch.

Looking at his companions who were scrambling for water like a group of beasts, Onozuka Ren had mixed feelings in his heart.

After working all morning, his throat was almost smoky, and he wanted to go up to get a share of the action, but the pain from his legs made him unable to stand any longer, and he sat down on the ground, moaning.

The squadron leader put down the kettle after only a few sips, closed the lid with some insatiable desire, and carefully hung the kettle on his body.

Only then did he notice Jin Onozuka who was sitting on the ground covering his legs and howling.


"I'm very sorry, it's the shelling just now... Hiss... please rest assured, the squadron leader, I can do it."

Onozuka Jin gritted his teeth in pain, with a pleading look in his eyes, because he didn't want to be abandoned by the chief because of his injury.

You must know that the wounded in the current team are basically thrown in the corner to die.

Losing the ability to act means losing value, and no one cares about them.

"It's really troublesome. I have to change another person to fetch water."

The squadron leader just glanced at him, then turned and left, muttering as he walked, not intending to help Onozuka Jin with his injury at all.

In his eyes, suffering from this kind of injury is basically the same as death. In this place where eating and drinking water is a problem, who has the time to care about you?
Even if the other party had such an attitude, Hitoshi Onozuka was helpless.There is no way, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.

"How is it, Ren? Can you still walk?"

Just when Onozuka was at a loss, a familiar voice came from his ear.

The squad's Sergeant Yoshino Jiro came over, checked his injuries, and said solemnly, "Your condition is not very good."

"Yoshino-kun, please help me, please!" Hitoshi Onozuka begged, grabbing the other person's arm as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

Jiro Yoshino and Hitoshi Onozuka come from the same place, and both are from Nagasaki Prefecture.

Yoshino had to enlist in the army two years earlier. Because of his military exploits, he was promoted to the sergeant of the team, and he usually took good care of him.

Now it seems that only this fellow countryman can help him, Onozuka Ren is full of expectations, after all, no one wants to die.

"I don't have gauze and medicine, how can I help you?"

Yoshino Jiro shook his head helplessly, looked into the distance and pondered for a moment, then said, "The island to the south of the alliance's medical facility, or where would you like to go and have a look?"

"Ah? But... But how do I get there?" Onozuka Jin asked.

"Wait for a while and the tide will ebb, and we will go through the swamp outside the forest. There is no other way."

Yoshino Jiro pointed in one direction, although he also understood that this kind of behavior was very dangerous.

The Irrawaddy Delta is actually a large depression, and all the islands are almost connected together.

Once the tide rises or there is heavy rain, the sea water will divide these places into hundreds of small islands of different sizes, and you have to rely on boats to go to other places.

After the tide ebbs, the waters between the islands will become shallow, exposing a lot of land and muddy swamps, and in some places you can even walk directly across.

The team of the former alliance medical center was on an island not far away. Yoshino had helped carry the corpses of the wounded there when he first came to the island, so he was deeply impressed by this incident.

Hearing this, Onozuka Hitoshi seemed to have hope in his heart, no matter what, it was better to go there than to stay here and wait for death.

Anyway, the squadron leader already regarded him as a dead person, and he didn't care where he went. If he wanted to survive, he had to figure out a way for himself.

"Let's eat something first."

Yoshino crushed the vines and fruits of the sunflower potato and put them in the helmet. The helmet was full of green and bubbling paste, which looked even more unpalatable than pig food.

Even so disgusting, Onozuka Jin still held it up and swallowed it down.

He hadn't had a normal full meal since the day before yesterday, and he ate up everything he could find on the island. If someone hadn't discovered that Luokui potatoes could be eaten later, they would all have starved to death here.

Although the taste of this thing makes people sick, it is also the only wild vegetable that can be eaten raw, and it is an important source of intake of starch and water.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and at noon, the surrounding tide finally receded.

Onozuka Jin, who had suffered all morning, came to the southwest side of the island with the help of Yoshino.

Sure enough, there is a road here. After the tide ebbs, the depth of the water drops sharply, exposing a large area of ​​shoals and swamps, and at the same time connecting to the small island adjacent to it.

Now the water between the two islands is less than knee deep, and you can walk along the shoal normally, but the danger is not in the water, but in the sky.

The planes of the Huaxia people often hover in the sky. It is okay for them to hide in the woods, but once they are exposed to the open ground, they will be shot by the opponent.

Because there was no food, the little devil was forced to wait for the low tide to sneak to the water's edge earlier, picking up fish and shrimp on the swamp.

And those fighter planes would get stuck in the skies above the Gu Islands at low tide every time. As long as they saw traces of the Japanese below, they would dive in and output firepower unceremoniously.

Pilots called this behavior rat shooting, and even competed to see who could shoot more rats.

Yoshino Jiro watched for a while by the edge of the woods, and now there seemed to be no shadow of enemy planes above his head, nor did he hear any sound.

Right now, he could only pray that the enemy hadn't noticed this, so he immediately greeted Onozuka Jin, preparing to swim across the shallows now.

It's just that Yoshino Jiro did not agree to the request to escort Onozuka to the past.

Before leaving, Yoshino took out two pieces of wild sweet potatoes the size of a palm and stuffed them into Ono Tsukahito's arms, telling him to leave quickly without saying anything.

Onozuka Ren understood the other party's intentions, and it was his utmost benevolence to send him here. After all, the other party was also afraid, and he didn't want to risk himself alone and expose himself to the enemy's gunfire.

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Onozuka gritted his teeth and mustered up his courage, using a wooden stick as a crutch, and limped towards the opposite bank.

There was no cloud above the head, the scorching sun made the skin ache, and the sea water splashed on the wound on the leg was even more painful, but all these were far inferior to the desire to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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