This... how is this possible! ?
At this time, Onozuka Jin stood there at a loss, his brain seemed to be short-circuited, and there was no trace of thoughts in an instant.

I still remember that a few days ago, the squadron leader was still muttering from time to time that if this continued, people would have to eat people.

But he couldn't imagine that those joking words actually happened in front of him.

Do not…

He is not his comrade at all...


He is definitely the devil!

Only the devil eats his own companions!


Such a terrifying scene made Onozuka Hitoshi's stomach churn, and he felt nausea welling up in his heart. He couldn't help but squat on the ground and retched.

His stomach was violently convulsing, and the nausea made him burst into tears and runny nose.

But there is nothing in my stomach, and the feeling of wanting to vomit but not being able to vomit is not to mention uncomfortable.

This is just the instinctive reaction of a normal person when faced with an unacceptable disgusting scene.

"Are you OK?"

Unexpectedly, the man in front of him actually asked.

It's just that the voice was dry and hoarse, like a ghost.

At this moment, Onozuka didn't dare to stay here any longer. He stood up in a hurry and ran away.

Severe pain came from his injured thigh, but he couldn't care less about it at the moment, wishing that the wind would blow under his feet and escape from here.

The scene just now was simply too unacceptable. If he stayed there for a little longer, I'm afraid even he himself would become food in the other person's mouth.

Onozuka Hitoshi was like a frightened wild donkey, running headlong regardless of direction.

Fortunately, the man behind him had no intention of chasing him, otherwise he would be able to outrun anyone with his limp appearance.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Onozuka Jin felt dizzy, his whole body was soaked with sweat, his lungs were more like a leaky bellows, and he was moaning and out of breath.

This weak body finally couldn't hold it up any longer, and he lay on the ground panting.

There was a trace of firelight in the forest ahead, and the familiar scenes around him came into view.

Damn it, why did you go back to that medical center again?
Could it be that all those people had to do to warm themselves over the fire was...?
Onozuka Jin secretly speculated, but his exhausted body tortured his nerves and he fell to the ground panting.

After lying there for a long time, the shock he just suffered slowly subsided, and his body gradually regained some strength.

The group of people surrounding the campfire not far away were still feasting, and the aroma of meat wafted over, making people's mouths water.

After all this trouble, he, who was already exhausted from hunger, became even more hungry and thirsty. He really wanted to snatch the food from those people's hands and gorge himself on it.

Even if...even if you just take one bite, it's worth dying...

Smelling the scent of meat in the air, Onozuka Ren walked towards the small thatched hut of the medical center unconsciously as if he was possessed.

"Yamaguchi, what are you doing!? I roasted that piece of meat!"

"Fart, you've already finished yours!"

"Baga! Give it back to me!"

...At this time, two soldiers beside the campfire seemed to have a dispute over the distribution of food, and the quarrel gradually turned into violence.

After a while, the two of them were punching and kicking each other, and they were wrestling on the ground without giving in. In the end, it was more like a fight between shrews, with scratching, biting and pinching being used.

"These two idiots..."


The people around them were no longer surprised, and had no intention of stepping forward to stop them. Instead, they looked at these two people as if they were laughing, to add some fun to their boring time.

The military doctor stood up and looked at the two men with disdain. He was still cursing, and he hit the two guys with a branch that pierced the flesh in his hand, making them scream and forcefully separated them.

"Two red deer! Stand up and get out of the way!"

The two soldiers who had been fighting fiercely just now did not dare to do anything wrong after looking at the fierce expression on the military doctor's face, and just like children who had done something wrong, they went to the side to reflect.

It's not that the military doctor is kind-hearted, but the two fighting bastards caused a lot of dust and almost knocked over the barbecue grill. This affected his mood for eating, so he beat them All are considered light.

The little devils around were still noisy, but the laughter and laughter suddenly stopped with a scream in the air.

call out…

boom! !

A napalm bomb struck from the air accurately landed near the campfire. The blazing flames swept through a land area of ​​more than ten square meters, and the Japanese soldiers inside were instantly turned into charcoal...

Onozuka Jin, who was still dozens of meters away, was stunned on the spot. The scorching heat wave hit his face, and his eyes turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Thanks to his leg pain and lack of strength, he walked slowly. If he had walked faster, he would have been cremated on the spot.

A raging fire broke out in the medical center, and the dozen or so wounded soldiers lying inside didn't even say a word and went to see their Amaterasu in an instant.

The power of napalm is not only reflected in the thousands of degrees of high temperature, but also in the instantaneous depletion of oxygen near the explosion point when burning, allowing the enemy to feel the pain of lack of oxygen and suffocation while burning.

Several "Fire Men" jumped out from the explosion flames, their whole bodies ignited by the fire, and danced all over the ground. After a while, they fell to the ground and lost their lives, but their painful wails resounded throughout the sky.

I don’t know if these little devils were fainted from hunger or if they broke the jar. They made a fatal mistake and should not light a bonfire this night.

Because there are still night reconnaissance aircraft of the expeditionary force circling at night, in order to monitor the movements of the Japanese troops and beware of their escape and breakout.

Such an obvious target was simply a living target, and the reconnaissance aircraft pilot quickly reported the discovery to the command headquarters.

Recently, the New Army troops have been encircling but not attacking. Fang Jingyao has repeatedly issued orders that no one is allowed to launch an attack unless the enemy breaks out or has a suspicious target.

So being idle is also idle. Wouldn't it be exciting to finally have an attackable target?

The fighter pilots in Mandalay didn't even think about taking off immediately after receiving the order. They were very happy about this kind of dimensionality reduction strike mission.

Half an hour later, two F4U pirates carrying napalm bombs came to the sky. After confirming the target, they dropped the bombs without hesitation.

Looking at the flames below, the pilots were very satisfied with their masterpiece, but they still felt that it was not enough. They turned the nose of the plane and dived several times, and the cannons fired towards the vicinity of the bomb explosion.

The bullets whizzed past, causing the nearby woods to crackle and branches to fly, and also hit a few unlucky ones who were running for their lives.

The nearby Japanese soldiers were like a group of frightened quails, fleeing in panic and without any organization or discipline.

Seeing this posture, Onozuka Jin could not stand still. He turned around and ran towards the forest, not daring to stop at all.


It was dark in the woods at night, and he was in a panic. After running a few steps, Onozuka Jin tripped over a raised tree root, hit his head heavily on the ground, and lost consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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