Chapter 625 Dawn of Hope

It seemed that the other party looked like a couple, and they were unarmed and not threatening at all. Onozuka Ren was relieved.

After thinking about it, he first lowered the muzzle of his gun, walked slowly into the house, and said as politely and kindly as possible:

"I'll give you a few bucks. Don't be afraid. I just want to find some matches or something to make a fire. Do you have any here?"

It's just that his current appearance is really unflattering. He is shirtless and has a military cap crookedly on his head.

His coat was tied behind his back like a bag, his face was unshaven, skinny and skinny, his eyes and cheeks were sunken as if he had tuberculosis, and he looked like an evil ghost that was scary.

The man and woman who accidentally bumped into him were so frightened that they backed away when they saw his appearance. They knew full well that the Japanese committed crimes including burning, killing, looting, and there was no mercy at all.

The man was so frightened that he immediately knelt down, kowtowed and begged for mercy, and murmured local dialect, hoping to beg the other party to let him go.

"どうしたんですか? Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..."

However, due to the language barrier, even though Onozuka Jin made gestures for a long time, the two of them did not understand what he meant at all.

Onozuka Ren tried hard to smile. He originally wanted to tell the two of them that he did not kill anyone, but just wanted to find some matches or something that could light a fire.

Who would have thought that his smile, which was uglier than crying, instantly made the woman's scalp tingle, reminding her of the evil-doing Japanese who once robbed their own people.

At that time... the other party also had this animal-like smile on their face, killing all their men and children, and then dragged the women into the house with a hideous smile to commit the bestiality. After that, they would burn down their house, leaving them alone. The woman inside screamed desperately in the fire...


The devil-like cruelty immediately touched the woman's most sensitive nerves, causing her to scream uncontrollably.

This roar shocked the two men present, especially Onozuka Jin, who was already a little nervous. He subconsciously raised the rifle again.

"Yamiro! Hey! Don't scream!"

Perhaps because of the desperate situation, everyone's hearts were very sensitive. The panicked Onozuka Jin's expression gradually became distorted, and he immediately pulled the trigger.

With a gunshot, the woman's scream stopped abruptly, and the body slowly fell into a pool of blood.

The flying blood sprayed all over the man's face. He was so frightened that he got up and ran out of the door like crazy, knocking Onozuka Jin who was guarding the door and staggering him.

Perhaps because of fear, even if his wife was killed, the man did not show any intention of resisting and only thought about escaping.

However, Onozuka Jin was so frightened by his behavior that his heart was in his throat. He didn't even have time to pull the bolt and change the bullet, for fear that the other party would risk his life with him in this narrow space.

In his current state, it's really not certain who will live and who will die.

The man just wanted to escape and made no other moves. Onozuka was thankful that he glanced at the fleeing figure and did not pursue him.

He also wondered in his heart, why did these two people suddenly appear here?Could it be that they just came back and used this as a shelter? Then what did they rely on to survive?
After removing the woman's body, Onozuka Hitoshi suddenly discovered that there was a linen bag the size of his head under the tattered wooden board.

He picked it up and saw that it was full of a bag of off-white powder. He twisted some and put it in his mouth to taste...

It's salt!

This unexpected discovery made Onozuka very excited. It turned out that the man and woman returned here to retrieve the hidden salt bags, and by chance, he happened to meet him.

The importance of salt is self-evident. If you want your body to be strong, you must ensure that you consume enough salt every day.

There is really no end to the road. Now that we have food and salt, our hope of survival will be greatly increased.

Onozuka Jin quickly wrapped the salt bag and tied it to his body. He looked around for fear of being spied on, and his anxiety was obvious.

He returned to the Japanese soldier who committed suicide, took off his coat and put it on. It was best not to be naked when wandering around in the tropical rain forest, otherwise he would have to feed a lot of mosquitoes in a short while.


The hard days are still the same... A few more days passed before he knew it. Onozuka Ren was wandering alone in the woods, looking for opportunities to survive, but his condition was getting worse day by day.

Although the wound on the thigh had been treated simply, there was no medical treatment, and coupled with staying in this germ-infested jungle every day, he still could not escape the torment caused by inflammation.

Onozuka Jin began to have a fever, which alternated between cold and hot. Sometimes he would have diarrhea all night long, and the pain from his leg injury was even more unbearable.

He was walking weakly on the road with his rifle on his back, his face was sallow and lifeless, and his eyes were surrounded by purple-black spots, like a terminally ill body that would collapse at any time.


"Is this supposed to be a good thing? Is this true?" "Awesome, don't you believe me? The squadron leader has already taken Yoshino and the others there. If we don't leave, we won't have a chance."

"Huh? Look, there's someone over there."

On a hillside, three little devils seemed to be exchanging something. Suddenly one of them saw a sluggish soldier walking towards them in the distance, and quickly called his companions to look.

Onozuka Jin also noticed them and looked up at each other lifelessly.

"Hey! Which army are you from? What's your name?" the leader of the army shouted loudly, and walked towards Onozuka Ren down the slope.

Two other Japanese soldiers also gathered around. The three of them looked at Onozuka up and down, which made the latter's heart pick up in his throat, and he subconsciously touched the grenade on his waist.

"Don't be nervous, we won't rob you."

Seemingly sensing the opponent's vigilance, the sergeant put his hands on the gun barrel like a carrying pole and said casually: "We are from the 13th Squadron. The squadron leader is Okubo Genjiro. Which unit are you from?"

Seeing that they seemed to have no ill intentions, Onozuka Jin swallowed, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Hi, sir, I am Onozuka Jin from the third logistics team..."

"Third Logistics Team? I remember you were on those islands to the west. How did you end up here?" One of the soldiers asked curiously.

Onozuka Jin's eyes were a little dodgeful, and he hesitated and said: "Hey... I am... we were bombed by the enemy. My team and I got lost, and we just... got here."

He didn't know the current situation and was afraid of being punished, so he didn't dare to say that he had left his post without permission and left the team.

The talkative soldier wanted to ask more questions, but was stopped by the sergeant's look.

Looking at the extremely nervous Onozuka Jin, the sergeant kept a smile and said as kindly as possible: "Okay Jin, since you and your troops are lost, please join our team now."

As he spoke, he patted his shoulder and continued to comfort him: "Cheer up and cheer up. Didn't you hear? A naval fleet will be coming to take us home soon."

"What!? Is this... is this true?" Onozuka Jin's face was filled with disbelief.

"Of course, the commander is assembling the team now. Many people are heading there. The commander said that the fleet is not far from here. We need to gather at the beach and we can go home soon."

Hearing this, Onozuka Jin's eyes were slightly red. After being tortured by the problem of survival on the island for so long, he finally saw the dawn of hope.

Once people stay in a desperate situation for too long, their thinking ability will often decline. Even if they don't know the other party's true intentions or whether what they are saying is true, they are still willing to choose to believe in hope.

This is what Onozuka Jin is like at this moment. He naturally wants to grasp the life-saving straw he finally grasped.

"Then, please give me some advice, senior, please!"

"Haha, no problem, just follow us." Sergeant replied affirmatively, but there was a hint of a successful smile in his eyes.

Onozuka Jin nodded seriously, and then to show his sincerity, he took out the few sweet potatoes and salt he had on him and shared them with the three people who had only met for less than 5 minutes.

"Yoshi, it turns out that you are the richest among us, Onozuka-kun."

The sergeant was very surprised. Several people immediately put the salt in their mouths and tasted it. They all showed surprised expressions. They didn't expect that this shaky-looking defeated soldier had such a good product.

These people looked very excited, as if they had discovered a new world when they saw sweet potatoes and salt.

The sergeant's hands were trembling. He twisted the salt powder several times and put it in his mouth to taste it, enjoying the long-lost taste.

Onozuka Jin felt a drumbeat in his heart inexplicably, and asked with some worry: "Um...sir, can we really board the warship and escape...I mean retreat?"

"You don't believe me?" Sergeant suddenly raised his head and looked at him meaningfully.


Onozuka Jin responded with a smile. Now he only thinks about successfully boarding the warship and escaping from this purgatory island. He can't care about much else.

Then Onozuka Jin followed them and walked together. On the way, he learned from another soldier that there were six people left in their team. The other three were looking for food not far ahead, and they were ready to go to what the squadron leader said later. Local convergence.

In order to reassure Onozuka, the sergeant still asked the latter to keep the food, thereby dispelling the other party's doubts.

Now, including Onozuka Ren, there are seven people in total, and everyone has begun to embark on the way home. The sergeant also continued to cheer for a few people, igniting hope in their hearts.

Little do they know...danger is still waiting for them behind...

(End of this chapter)

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