My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 632 Finally Becomes a Devil

"Murata, don't shoot..."

Shi Yongcuntai's pupils shrank. This familiar voice was his own uncle, the sergeant who wanted to kill them!

I saw the sergeant walking slowly to the edge of the water source. His face was swollen and there was no trace of blood. His weak state was worse than the two of them.

I can imagine that this guy was injured, and the little food he took away was actually not much. The key was that there was no suitable water source outside. After a few days, he was almost exhausted. He had no choice but to come back here. …

"You cunning bastard!" Shi Yong Cuntai stared at the opponent angrily and put the last bullet into the barrel of the gun.

"Yamiro! Murata..."

The sergeant opened his hands widely to show that he meant no harm. Then he showed a slight smile and slowly said:

"It's June. The groupers in my hometown are getting fat at this time. Murata, do you still remember? When you were a child, I secretly took you to Nagasaki Port to fish, but you almost didn't come back when there was a typhoon. Come……"

"Have you forgotten how we got here? On the way to retreat from Sivagang, if I hadn't carried you all the way, you would have died in the hands of the Chinese..."

The sergeant played the emotional card, saying that the one he loved most since childhood was Shi Yong, and recounted every detail of their support after they joined the army.

Listening to what the other party said and recalling the good times, Shi Yong couldn't help but be moved, and slowly put down the rifle in his hand.

It's not good. Onozuka Jin knows very well that he is the absolutely weak one among the three. If the uncle and nephew are allowed to reconcile, he will be the next unlucky one.

Seeing that there was a show, the sergeant worked harder to show off his acting skills. He burst into tears and seemed to be moved even himself.

"Muntai, I was confused for a moment. Please forgive me. We are a family. We should not kill each other..."

As he spoke, the sergeant took out a photo from his arms. It should be what they looked like when they enlisted in the army:

"Look, at that time..."

Before he could finish his words, gunfire rang out.

The bullet penetrated the sergeant's chest, and the spray of blood dyed a large area of ​​grass behind him red.

Opposite him, Shi Yongcun was so moved that he shed tears, but this did not prevent him from pulling the trigger.

Onozuka Hitoshi, who was worried about his situation just now, can imagine the shock in his heart when he saw such a ruthless and decisive companion.

"Damn old guy, why are you talking so much? You're almost dead and you still want to make my conscience uneasy!"

Shi Yong couldn't forgive him at all, because from the moment the sergeant threw the grenade at them, this unrelenting outcome was already guaranteed.

"Why... why?"

The sergeant's eyes rolled up, and a sense of dizziness rushed straight to his forehead, and then he fell straight down. He was still mumbling, and he couldn't figure out why the other party was so decisive until his death.

There were no bullets in the gun. Shi Yong simply put the rifle upside down on the ground, yelled, picked up the machete and rushed over.

The frightened Onozuka Hitoshi followed behind, wanting to stop but unable to do anything, so he could only watch this scene happen.


One knife, two knives, three knives...

Blood splattered everywhere and the scene was extremely cruel.

The crazy Shi Yong rode on the sergeant, like butchering a pig or dog, slashing wildly with his knife, wanting to tear it into pieces.

It seemed that he had used too much force and the machete got stuck on the opponent's collarbone. Shi Yongcun Tai was also tired at this moment. After pulling out the knife, he no longer had the strength to chop it down.

His eyes were red, and he actually pounced on the sergeant's bloody corpse and bit into it, swallowing the raw meat into his belly, like a hungry beast, only the instinct for survival was left. .

Onozuka Jin was completely stunned on the spot. He never imagined that people would be forced into this situation in desperate situations. It seemed that even the last trace of humanity was completely wiped out at this moment.Crazy, all crazy!They are all devils…

Onozuka Jin couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and ran back.

He was afraid, afraid that the other person would chop him with a knife, and afraid that he would become food in the other person's mouth in the next second.

Hearing the movement behind him, Shi Yong, whose mouth was full of blood, turned around and was startled.

"Hey! Chew Duoma De, what's the matter!?" Shi Yong thought he realized something, immediately got up and shouted, picked up the machete and quickly chased after him.

The two of them seemed to be engaged in a survival competition, both running almost frantically towards the rifle stuck upside down on the ground. Whoever got the weapon would be qualified to survive.

"Yamiro! Aren! Don't be stupid, listen to me first..." Shi Yong shouted while running, trying to stop the other party.

But Onozuka Jin would not listen to him at this moment. He ran forward as if desperately, wishing he had lost two legs.

trust?There is no trust at this juncture. If you don't want to die yourself, you can only let others die.

In the end, Onozuka Jin was the first to get the rifle, but there were no bullets in the gun, and Shi Yong, who was holding a machete with blood on his face and looked like a beast, had already rushed in front of him...

With a simple thrust forward, the Type 1.7 rifle with a bayonet length of nearly [-] meters was like a spear. The bayonet came out of the body and pinned Shi Yong in place.

Shi Yong looked at Onozuka Ren in disbelief, and stretched out his hand to grab the other person's throat, but could only leave a few blood marks on the other person's face.

He didn't expect that this weak guy would take action without hesitation. There was a hint of regret under his shocked expression, as if he was regretting why he didn't take the first step.

" must me too...haha...haha..."

On his deathbed, Shi Yong uttered his last words. The bayonet pierced his diaphragm and left lung. As he breathed, a large amount of blood poured out of his mouth, and he could only make a low howl from his throat. Soon, His pupils began to dissipate, and his life force gradually evaporated.

The main reason why he kept Onozuka Jin by his side was because he knew the sergeant's dark and cruel character, and was afraid that one day he would attack him, so he rescued Onozuka when he met him.

In addition... Onozuka, who has a somewhat cowardly personality, can get along with and control him better than the sergeant. Even if the end of the world comes, he will still be a good reserve ration.

This is Shi Yong's real thought in his heart, and the facts have proved that this choice is right. He has never trusted anyone. In his eyes, others are just rations and tools to extend his life.

It's just that he overestimated his own abilities, and underestimated the determination of human nature in desperate situations.

At this moment, Onozuka Jin was trembling all over, sitting limply on the ground, and his heart was almost collapsed and was being impacted all the time.

He finally understood why the squadron leader was crazy, and why he saw so many inexplicable broken bodies and limbs on the road.

Who should be blamed for getting to this point? Everyone just wants to live. When facing the test of life and death, no one can say that they are innocent. This is human nature.

a long time…

The feeling of hunger brought Onozuka Jin back to reality. There was nothing in his stomach, and his physical weakness forced him to face the facts.

Due to the intense process just now, his lip was accidentally bitten by himself, and the faint smell of blood filled his mouth. The originally disgusting taste did not feel so unacceptable now.

Thinking of the taste of "monkey meat" two days ago, Onozuka Jin couldn't help but swallow his saliva. If you don't consider the human problem, and cook it with wild vegetables, the taste will be endless.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, his heartbeat began to accelerate involuntarily, and an evil thought arose in his heart...

People who have not experienced the pain caused by extreme hunger are unimaginable. It is a double torture from the heart to the body, which will gradually turn a normal person into an irrational demon!

I just don't want to starve to death, I just want to live...

Finally, Onozuka Jin's hand reached for the machete on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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