My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 635: Unhappy "Yamato" Officers and Soldiers

Looking back in time…

At the end of May, Liao Mingyu received secret information from the Americans. The Japanese Navy dispatched a fleet headed by the battleship Yamato, departing from the mainland Wu Port and sailing to Singapore waters.

At that time, the U.S. military planned to send the Fifth Fleet to the area to attack the Japanese navy, which was one of the few naval forces. However, as the Battle of Okinawa was entering a fierce stage, the forces that could be deployed were limited, and it became extremely difficult to defeat the opponent on its own. .

Therefore, we had to ask the Allied forces in Southeast Asia for help, hoping that Stilwell, the supreme commander of the Burma-India theater, would support us.

Originally, judging from the situation, the Allied forces in Southeast Asia wanted to invade the war in the Pacific, but they were simply beyond their reach.

Even with the "long-legged" B29, it is impossible to fly directly from India to attack the Singapore area, and it is even more impossible for other fighter jets. The range is one aspect, but the key risk is too great.

But who would have thought that Liao Mingyu's expeditionary force was so powerful that it marched all the way from northern Myanmar, conquering almost the entire territory of Myanmar, and almost reached the Kra Isthmus, with a strong tendency to march into Malaysia.

So the important task of helping him fell out of his expeditionary force, and he really couldn't find anyone else.

Liao Mingyu was not ambiguous, and immediately asked his air force to start preparations, and asked the two squadrons headed by Andrew to rush to the southern Bago Airport to stand by.

However, due to the limited range of fighter jets, if the battlefield is in the Andaman Sea or the Strait of Malacca, it can still help. If it is further away, it will be beyond reach. You can't drive a B29 to drop bombs on the Yamato.

The plan could not keep up with the changes. The Japanese army seemed to have discovered the Americans' intentions against them. The Yamato fleet suddenly split into two, allowing the two destroyers to change their routes and actively slow down their speed to expose their whereabouts, causing the US military to incorrectly judge their positions.

The weather at that time was not conducive to the attack. The heavy rain gave the Japanese Navy a good hiding environment. After the Fifth Fleet rushed to the location based on wrong intelligence, it discovered that it was not the enemy's main force at all.

At this time, the main force of the Yamato fleet took advantage of the time difference, arrived in the Sulawesi waters first, and headed straight for Singapore. The two Japanese destroyers also relied on their maneuverability to quickly get rid of the US military's tail.

It wasn't that the US aircraft carrier-based aircraft didn't want to chase them at that time, but they took the risk of flying in bad weather to attack the two destroyers... It was really not worth the gain.

This fleet interception attack was unexpectedly tricked by the little devil, which really embarrassed and embarrassed the senior leaders of the Allied Forces Command.

It was obviously unrealistic to attack the Singapore port. This operation had to end in failure, and the Japanese Yamato had a few more days to survive.

However, the current occupation is still unfavorable to the Japanese army. The Yangon battlefield has remained relatively stable under Liao Mingyu's deliberate actions.

This made Seishiro Itagaki, the new commander-in-chief of the Southern Army, relieved and no longer eager to send the navy to rescue the troops in Yangon.

However, the good times did not last long. The Japanese warship was now leaking everywhere, and there was no way to recover from the erosion on various battlefields.

First of all, the war in the Philippines is urgent. The Mindanao campaign that began in March has now seen the Japanese army completely defeated.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf last year basically confirmed this fact. Although the Japanese army was at a disadvantage at the time, after losing battles such as Saipan and the Mariana Islands, if it loses the Philippines or the Chinese treasure island, its empire will "southern". The lifeline of "line" resource transportation to the mainland will be cut off, and the connection with China, North Korea and the mainland in Southeast Asia will be cut off.

Japan, a war gambler, committed another old habit and decided to make a desperate attempt to repel the Allied landing force on Leyte Island and defeat its maritime power.

After much consideration, the Allied forces gave up attacking the Chinese treasure island and landed in the Philippines first. They were determined to cover the landing with superior military strength and defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy that came to support them in one fell swoop.

The result was as expected. The Japanese's reckless behavior was destined to fail. The numerically inferior Japanese naval combined fleet suffered heavy losses, and 13 heavy warships above cruisers were sunk.

Japan's sea-based and land-based aviation forces in the Philippines were wiped out, severely damaging Japan's overall strength. From then on, the Japanese Navy no longer competed with the United States in strategic strength in the Pacific War.

This battle also laid the foundation for the subsequent successful capture of the Philippine Islands, Okinawa and other places by the US military.

As the war situation was hopeless, Japan launched its first organized kamikaze suicide attack in this battle. In the first battle, the Australian cruiser Australia was severely damaged, which seemed to show that the special attack had some effect. Starting from October 10 last year, the Japanese army began to carry out suicide attacks on Allied ships in an organized manner. A large number of so-called "kamikaze agents" joined the crazy attack on the enemy's naval fleet, trying to inflict heavy damage on the enemy with their pitiful flesh and blood bodies and fearless spiritual pillars.

In the original time and space, the Yamato was penetrated by the U.S. Fifth Fleet during a suicide mission and sank under the deep Pacific Ocean.

However, due to the butterfly effect caused by some external reasons, instead of sinking, the Yamato survived for nearly half a year and arrived in Singapore with full health.

The main purpose of the Americans is to liberate the Philippines, end Japanese rule and eliminate the remaining Japanese defenders, and cut off the material routes between Japan and Southeast Asia in order to prepare for further landings on the mainland.

At present, the Japanese army has reached a life-and-death moment in the Philippines. If it does not take corresponding countermeasures, it is a certainty that it will eventually lose the Philippine Islands.

At this time, the Yamato fleet that came to escort Singapore came in handy. Itagaki Seishiro immediately thought of sending the fleet north to support the Philippines.

But the navy was very arrogant, and the fleet commander, Lieutenant General Ito Seiichi, didn't take him, the supreme commander of the Southern Army, seriously at all.

The reason is that our navy is here under the orders of the base camp to maintain the security of the Malacca Strait and prevent the enemy navy from attacking Singapore. As for other matters, it has nothing to do with it. Anyway, it has not received new orders from the base camp.

There was no other way. Itagaki Seishiro had no choice but to report to the senior management first. After several days of ink scrambling, the base camp finally issued an order to the fleet.

But Ito Zhengyi refused to move because the fleet lacked necessary supplies, which made Itagaki Seishiro jump in panic.

Time waits for no one. If we delay any longer, the U.S. military will almost occupy the entire southern Philippines. He has only been in office for a few days and the war situation has gone wrong. Is this commander going to do his job?

The reason why Ito Zhengyi violated the law was not only due to his original lack of dealings with the Army, but also related to several recent military conflicts.

Because the current sea navigation lines are seriously blocked by the Americans, many materials plundered by the colonies cannot be transported back. In addition, the Japanese high-level officials are militaristic and give priority to the limited resources to the army. This has led to the civilians' lives getting worse day by day and famine sweeping across the country. Throughout the four islands of Japan, people starved to death in many places.

Even the Japanese Navy, which is known as the hope of the empire, is not in a good situation at the moment.

When the officers and soldiers of the Yamato fleet were resting in Wu Port, each person could only get less than half a catty of rice and kelp per day. It took a long time to eat meat. Some sailors even became fishermen and went to sea to catch fish.

But the situation in Singapore and Malaysia is much better, because here they only need to continue to plunder and exploit the local residents, at least they can still have enough to eat.

Although it is difficult to transport the looted items now, the supplies are quite abundant.

This excited the officers and soldiers of the Yamato fleet who came from afar. They were like country bumpkins who had never been to the city. They wanted to take whatever they saw. Just like a group of fucking bandits, the Army, which was also Japanese, met They all shook their heads.

Originally, Japan's land and sea did not want to deal with each other, even if it was imminent, they could not stand the quarrel. In just a few days, there were several fights between navy soldiers and army soldiers.

When Seishiro Itagaki learned about it, he immediately denounced his troops and punished several waves of army officers. This prevented the incident from becoming serious and prevented the other party from finding fault.

Before setting off, this old devil generously held a sorority party, provided a large amount of food and benefits to the fleet officers and soldiers, and also presented many young girls to the senior fleet officers, which made the navy officers praise him repeatedly.

Itagaki Seishiro was smiling on the face and criticizing in his heart, but for the sake of the overall situation, no matter how unhappy he was, he had to choose to settle the matter.

So on the morning of June [-]th, the Yamato fleet, which had been resupplied in the Singapore port for more than a week, embarked on the journey again...

But little did they know, their fate quietly returned to its original trajectory at this moment... (End of Chapter)

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