My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 642 The attack continues


This battle has been going on for more than two hours. The Yamato has been hit by several heavy aerial bombs. Black smoke billows from many places on the deck, and the situation is precarious.

A 155mm secondary gun was blown up with only half of the turret left. The raging fire caused by the explosion burned the little devils in the operation room to charcoal, and was about to spread to the ammunition room next to it...

Japanese sailors dragged several high-pressure fire pipes and sprayed water into them desperately to put out the fire, trying to prevent the spread of the fire.

Several veterans risked being killed at any time by trying to pry open the turret ammunition chamber and lift out the shells one by one.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

The Hellcat fighter jets roared past in the sky, and the cannons swept across the deck. Bullets penetrated the high-pressure water pipes. Water began to spray everywhere uncontrollably, and several little Japs were beaten to a bloody pulp.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg on the battlefield...

Aerial bombing is not the only threat that the Japanese are worried about. At this moment... twenty-four F4U Corsair fighter jets taking off from the British Navy's "Glorious" aircraft carrier have arrived on the battlefield.

"Huha! Boys...are you ready to have a big fight? Gulu...Gulu..."

At this time, a rough and unrestrained voice came from the formation radio.

After Andre finished speaking, he did not forget to take a sip of vodka in his mouth. This fighter formation was the expeditionary air support team led by him.

"Zizi...Received, ready, ready to perform at any time..."

"Zi... Haha Colonel, Lekatov can't wait any longer, and neither can I. But don't get drunk and be careful about bumping into the Japanese deck."

The companion's answer made Andre burst into laughter. He took another small sip before putting down the bottle of wine with unsatisfied taste.

As a Soviet citizen, I feel enervated unless I take a few sips of vodka before going into battle.

Andre received Liao Mingyu's order half a month ago, and then flew a fighter formation from Mandalay to northwest Yangon. After a transition, he arrived at the British aircraft carrier Glorious as they sailed along the coast.

At present, the only large warship the British can use in the Far East is the Excellence-class aircraft carrier.

The Excellence-class aircraft carrier, the Glorious, has very few carrier-based aircraft. It plays more of a "logistics staff" role. It usually does some work of transporting supplies for the US military and serving as a landing pad. Its sea surface combat capabilities are almost zero. .

But no matter what, this is still a sea monster that Liao Mingyu envies. Just like they were originally unable to participate in the task of besieging the Yamato fleet due to distance problems, but with the aircraft carrier as a bridgehead, this problem is no longer difficult.

Turning to look at the battlefield outside the cockpit, Andre's expression gradually became serious. He picked up the radio again and began to issue orders:

"Attention all units, the 1st and 2nd groups, commanded by Lekatov, will immediately join the Allied attack echelon, target the Japanese lead ship's anti-aircraft artillery group, and fire freely."

"Group 3 follows me, launch a low-altitude attack formation, and feed me your torpedoes to these Japanese dwarves!"

"Lekatov received it!"


The twenty-four F4U "Pirates" immediately began to act separately. At this moment, the third batch of U.S. attack formations had just finished their baptism of artillery fire on the Japanese fleet. A hole was opened in the middle deck of the Yamato. The anti-aircraft gun group on the port side received a serious blow and was seriously damaged. Thick smoke erupted from many weapons depots. cigarette.

However, under the desperate resistance of the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower, the US military itself also suffered considerable losses.

More pilots parachuting appeared in the sky. At least they were lucky, because some unlucky guys didn't even have a chance to escape by parachuting.

While the seaplanes were busy going back and forth for rescue, they also had to deal with the harassment of Japanese destroyers. The anti-aircraft machine guns placed flat on the bow of the ship prevented them from getting too close.

Other fighters also had to return early to replenish fuel and ammunition due to consumption problems, while the next batch of attack echelons were still on the way.

The frequency of the US military's attacks began to decrease. Only a few Hellcats in the sky still looked for opportunities to dive and shoot from time to time, which also gave the Japanese a chance to breathe.

Andrew's new force just made up for this gap in time. The 1st and 2nd groups, a total of fighters, carried ground attack weapons and immediately began to dive and strafe and attack the Yamato with rockets.

Although these weapons caused limited damage to the Yamato as a whole, they were very deadly to the soldiers on it.

Every time a machine gun sweeps through, there will always be debris on the deck. Tragic scenes of severed limbs, broken limbs, and exploding intestines and stomachs are everywhere. The Japanese corpse collection team has no time to clean up, and they may themselves become one of them in the next moment. member.

The Japanese army with soaring casualties had to rush the second-line personnel in the cabin to the deck to help, and the scene became increasingly chaotic.

Kamio and Uchida almost stepped on the corpses and blood of their companions before reaching the lower entrance with difficulty.

At this time, the cabin was also in a mess. The few warehouse crews were busy cleaning up the corpses. Countless remains and materials were piled up into hills. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the sounds of wailing and screaming could be heard. surround.

The two Kamios didn't have time to look further, so they hurried to the ammunition depot and picked up two boxes of 25mm artillery shells.

As soon as they reached the deck, the aircraft bombs roared and landed near the door of the warehouse, leaving a string of bullet marks on the wall.

Rockets followed closely behind, and the deck was instantly ablaze. Uchida, who was walking in front, bore the brunt and fell in a pool of blood in an instant.


Kamio, who was still in the hatch, shouted anxiously. Since he was injured from being beaten with a stick two days ago, he walked slowly and was lucky enough to escape this wave of attacks.

But Uchida, who was rushing back to support, was not so lucky. The power of 127mm rockets could easily destroy even tanks and armored vehicles. How could the fragile human body withstand it?

The unlucky Uchida's thighs and stomach were blown apart by shrapnel and shock waves, tearing two-thirds of his abdomen apart, leaving only a little flesh and tissue connecting his lower body.

At this moment, Uchida was still breathing and was speechless. His eyes were blurred and black blood was dripping from his mouth. His only movable right hand was slightly raised, as if he wanted to grab something at the last moment of his life...

At the same time, the cruisers outside the Little Devil were entangled by the US military, and the two destroyers Chaoxia and Xinyi also sank into the sea under the continuous attack of the US military. This was an excellent opportunity to attack.

The six pirate fighters led by Andre were flying at low altitude. They deliberately chose this direction with weak protection and quickly approached the Yamato under the cover of friendly fighters.

A few minutes later, the observers on the Yamato's control tower discovered Andre and the others and quickly reported them.

This low-altitude formation flight is obviously the state of torpedo attack aircraft preparing to attack. The torpedoes on the belly of the aircraft are clearly visible, and even many soldiers can see it with the naked eye!

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