My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 656 Win-win cooperation

"That's it...thank you very much."

The lieutenant colonel officer was a little stunned. He was surprised by how quickly Zhang Lixian's attitude changed. After a moment of doubt, he saw that the other party had really moved out of the way. Then he waved his hand and let his men pass quickly.

Zhang Lixian didn't say anything more. It wasn't that he did it on purpose. The people who released the expeditionary force had only received the order from the military before arriving.

Not to mention the garrison company commander, even he himself was kept in the dark. It was unclear why Yu Xiaoqing suddenly compromised.

The two military stations of Ruili and Mangshi not only housed troops from all parties transferred to western Yunnan, but also included many veterans who were recovering from injuries and waiting in the rear, as well as strong men recruited from the common people. The number far exceeded 100,000. It is said that Just give it?

No one knew that half an hour ago, a call was made directly to Yu Xiaoqing's headquarters through a dedicated transfer line. The caller was Liao Mingyu, who had just arrived at Nankan Airport by plane overnight.

Of course, Yu Xiaoqing would not agree to the 203rd Division of the Expeditionary Force coming to meet the troops in Mangshi. If he did not talk about the orders from above, he would not be able to get through it even in terms of face.

Although he looked down upon the soldiers of those miscellaneous troops, it did not mean that he, Liao Mingyu, could poach them right under his nose.

I originally thought that with the strength of the 66th and 71st armies on the border, Liao Mingyu would have to think carefully even if he wanted to do anything random, but he didn't expect that this madman really didn't act according to common sense.

Three divisions were immediately assembled in Nankan, and the march route and troop deployment were deliberately released, making it clear that they wanted to put pressure on the 71st Army.

Fighter planes even made dozens of sorties hovering in the sky of Ruili every day, and even flew provocatively over the positions of the 71st Army, making many officers and soldiers angry and frightened.

This time it was even more ruthless. The 203rd Division marched straight into western Yunnan. Wanding Bridge was just one of them. The expeditionary force also had three river crossing points on the Ruili River. They opened up their posture, and the artillery and air force aimed at the river. On the opposite side of the battlefield, there is a strong intention to open fire if there is a disagreement.

This frightened Yu Xiaoqing enough. Regardless of whether the two sides won or lost in the fight, even the current situation was unexpected.

I reported it to the Kunming Command, and the response I received was still the same official tone: to prevent the possibility of mutiny at all costs, to strictly prohibit the escalation of conflicts, to make decisions based on the situation, and to carry out armed counterattacks when necessary, and reinforcements will arrive soon...

This is to let him figure it out by himself. If he wants to solve a big problem, if there is a fight, he should resist it first. There will definitely be reinforcements, but it is not clear when they will arrive.

Yu Xiaoqing knew very well that the 71st Army in his hands was far from the opponent of the expeditionary force in terms of equipment and combat effectiveness, and facing his former comrades from Paoze, no one was ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, the other party had an aggressive attitude from the beginning. Recalling Liao Mingyu's previous experience, there was really nothing that this stupid young man didn't dare to do, which instantly made Yu Dajunzhi panic.

At this time, a phone call came to his office at the right time. Liao Mingyu made it clear that he must take away these more than 71 people no matter what. If he wanted to stop him, he would not mind calling one from the st Army. Kouzi.

A total of three infantry divisions, a fighter squadron and a bomber formation of the expeditionary force have arrived in Nankan, and follow-up troops will continue to arrive here in the near future.

Moreover, Fan Shaozeng, who is staying in Mangshi, has already gained control of most of the troops. Under attack from both front and rear, the four divisions deployed by Yu Xiaoqing in Ruili may not be able to stop the wolf-like expeditionary force.

However, Liao Mingyu also knows that you can't make people anxious when doing things, let alone people like Yu Xiaoqing who are obsessed with face.

After some "intimidation", the emotional card started to play again, and La Jia Chang talked about the time they spent fighting together in Zenda and Nantianmen. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would definitely not be on the opposite side of his brother's troops.

Just when Yu Xiaoqing wanted to reply angrily, Liao Mingyu proposed a win-win cooperation. He said that he could provide the former with brand-new weapons and equipment from the two regiments, as well as a corresponding amount of ammunition supplies, and could continue to deepen cooperation in the future. , in short, he will not let him, Lao Yu, suffer. I have to say that this sweet date really touched Yu Xiaoqing’s heart. The beautiful weapons and equipment of the two regiments were all provided according to the configuration of the expeditionary force, such as Garand, M1 Carbine, Thomson, 60 Force, 105's not much better than the Yankees' own standards, and far higher than the Chongqing government's reorganization standards.

To be honest, the forces of the Yu family want to control the army. After Yu's father has worked hard to manage and operate in his position for so many years, the most he can do is send him to the position of commander of the 71st Army. This may be the bottom line that Chiang Kai-shek can allow.

For example, not long ago, they wanted to take over the 66th Army, but they encountered a lot of obstacles. The cronies who were transferred there were all transferred away for various reasons, and they couldn't get the slightest hint of it.

This also made them realize that Chiang Kai-shek could not give the Yu family more opportunities to control the army. The military supplies provided by the superiors were only so small, and it was basically impossible to seek more development by relying on Chongqing alone.

Liao Mingyu proposed cooperation at this time, which hit Yu Xiaoqing's heart directly. No matter how you consider it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

If you don't borrow Poxiadonkey and make the opponent anxious, you will really suffer the loss in the fight.

Yu Xiaoqing could imagine that once there was a fight with the expeditionary force, the 71st Army would definitely lose troops and generals. When the time came, the superiors would use the excuse to take back the military power of the 71st Army and transfer him to other places at will, then he would really have nothing to cry about.

After all, old Jiang was very proficient in his methods of ascending and descending secretly, and Yu Xiaoqing did not want to be the scapegoat.

The war has come to an end, and the situation across the country will undergo earth-shaking changes. No one knows what the fate of the country will be next. But no matter what happens then, it is true that the military power is in your own hands.

So there was this scene where Zhang Lixian rushed to Wanding Bridge in a furious manner, but only let the other party go.


After finishing the phone call with Liao Mingyu, Yu Xiaoqing had been sitting in the office all afternoon. Two hours ago, someone from the Expeditionary Force Intelligence Department sent a document bag.

The document bag contained several lists of supplies and a personal letter written by Liao Mingyu himself. The letter contained nothing more than some high-sounding words and a few kind reminders, but he placed them aside casually.

Instead, a stack of black and white photos made Yu Xiaoqing fall into deep thought again and couldn't extricate herself for a long time.

dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.


The person who came in was Zhang Lixian, who had returned from Wanding Bridge. He first saluted when he entered the door, and then he couldn't wait to preach:

"Reporting to the military, the people from the expeditionary force have been released and are currently rushing to Mangshi. However, according to your instructions, most of their combat troops are still staying on the south bank of the Ruili River..."

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