Speaking of Myanmar, a country that is not developed in Southeast Asia, its semi-colonial rule began after the British came in the last century and has continued until the Japanese invasion.

Nowadays, although Japan has been driven away, there is still no unified political power here, but some local armed forces have slowly emerged in various places.

The current expeditionary force controls two-thirds of Myanmar from north to south, but most of them are dominated by several large cities and towns connected by the railway network.

The central Mandalay Province region is the hub, extending to Myitkyina, Bhamo, and Namkan in the north. It connects Pyinwenna, Bago Province, Ayeyarwady Province, and Yangon Province to the south.

The most important one is the most inconspicuous Shan State, which is the largest state in Myanmar. It borders Siam to the east and Mandalay to the west. However, most of them are uninhabited jungle plateaus, and the population and economy are very backward.

However, due to the Heihe base area, Shan State has ushered in rapid development. The system base is located deep in the Kahun Mountains in the upper reaches of the Namden River, less than 100 kilometers away from the military town of Lashio.

Originally this was an uninhabited remote area. After the base was built, the population from all over the world increased sharply every day.

The population of the base area has now exceeded 50, and what started as a small town has now grown to the size of a city.

Heihe Town, originally built for Chinese refugees and locals, is now overcrowded. The few houses there are no longer enough to live in, so they have to start expanding outwards, gradually extending towards the east banks of the Heihe River.

Liao Mingyu sent tens of thousands of troops left behind in the base areas to join the work of the Construction Corps, reclaiming wasteland, building houses, building bridges, roads and railways... The military-civilian alliance maximized efficiency.

Cement and steel bars can be produced in the base. With a large amount of manpower and material support, countless multi-story housing buildings have been built.

Many highly practical tools and equipment can be redeemed in the system, such as lathes, drill presses, engines, boilers, etc. The exchange value of these items is not high compared to weapons, but the effects they bring are not low at all.

With the establishment of factories and mining areas one after another, the base area has rapidly entered industrialization, producing many civilian products, enriching people's lives, and providing many jobs for residents, allowing most people to Get paid with your own hands.

In fact, the Chinese people rescued from the concentration camps had many special talents, such as engineers, doctors, and teachers, who were indispensable in the base areas, allowing them to make the best use of their strengths.

Education is always the first factor in the development of a region or a country. Liao Mingyu not only built houses for the people, but also built schools, hospitals and other livelihood facilities, so that children can get education opportunities and people can have a place to be treated when they are sick. He has won considerable victory. High people's hearts.

Liao Mingyu's attitude towards the people was written in the military regulations. His three major disciplines and eight points of attention from later generations are engraved in his bones and will never be erased.

If any blind soldier still shows the same attitude towards civilians as in the old warlord period, he will be punished with a heavy fine of thirty years by the pointer, or he will be shot directly without mercy.

In addition, regional management and economic issues are also a big problem that is blocking the chest. Managing a local area is different from managing an army. Wherever there are people, there will be disputes. There is a mixture of good and bad people in the base area, and as the population continues to increase, many criminal incidents under the shadow are also increasing.

Although the military control method was used in the early days and thunderous means were used to maintain public order, as long as there were local ruffians bullying others and causing trouble, or spies infiltrating and stealing information, they would be directly captured and executed on the spot.

But this was not a long-term solution after all, so after some discussion, Liao Mingyu and Fan Shaozeng decided to separate some people from the gendarmerie and establish a military police force directly under the headquarters, specifically for public security management in the base area. Then, by establishing some corresponding administrative departments, establishing civil laws and regulations, and strengthening the internal management of the base area, we can ensure the stability and development of the region.

At the same time, unified currency transactions are needed from the base area to the entire Myanmar-controlled area. Currently, the army uses half-open silver dollars or Yuan Datou from western Yunnan. French currency and the like are like paper for wiping butts in the expeditionary army and have no value at all.

However, the quantity of silver coins is limited and inconvenient to transport and carry. Moreover, only Chinese people recognize this thing, so most of them only exist in the internal circulation of the army and base areas.

In the past, the army would issue temporary approval slips as salary vouchers to workers recruited from various places. The workers could use the vouchers to exchange for corresponding food, clothing and other daily necessities at the logistics office.

When everyone is working hard to survive, there is nothing wrong with this method of exchange. Anyway, as long as the people can exchange it for something.

However, as the population and territory increase, some areas are also experiencing a spurt of development, and private private transactions are increasing day by day. Using this simple and simple exchange voucher with a single structure seems to be somewhat inadequate, and the pressure on the army's logistics will also increase. Getting heavier and heavier.

So Liao Mingyu built the first currency credit union with the help of the system, printed and issued banknotes with a ratio of 1:1 to the silver dollar.

The tentative name is Hua-Myanmar Cash Exchange Voucher, which is used to replace silver coins and exchange vouchers and can be used for payment and transactions in all areas controlled by the expeditionary force.

The cash exchange roll is mainly dark green in color and is mainly made of polymer material. It has a plastic texture when held in the hand. It cannot be kneaded or torn, and it is very strong and durable.

The denomination is marked on the front, with small numbers in color-changing ink, as well as security threads, currency numbers and watermarks.

For the time being, only three denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, and 1 yuan are issued, which are equivalent to the value of Xiaobankai and Yuan Datou. Other denominations will be issued later according to the situation.

The materials and anti-counterfeiting standards used in the exchange rolls are quite high. The production of the system is absolutely guaranteed. The production process alone cannot be copied by any country or institution in this era, and it will not be possible even in another 40 years. This perfectly eliminates the occurrence of counterfeit banknotes. possible.

Of course, money cannot be printed indiscriminately. Inflation is a trivial matter. The most terrifying thing is when bad credit collapses and the currency turns into waste paper.

Currencies are issued based on the currency standard and actual gross product. There is a super artificial intelligence system that calculates circulation and financial issues. Liao Mingyu does not have to worry about this aspect.

All exchange coupons will be printed in the base and then issued through the Heihe Currency and Credit Union. Currently, they are circulating well in the Heihe base area and several large towns in Shan State, and people have gradually trusted the existence of this new currency.

Whether they are Burmese or Chinese, after all, food is the most important thing for the people. Everyone knows that they can find a job in Shan State, have food to eat, earn money, and live a good life, so they are rushing here with their families. .

The current Heihe base area is more like a prosperous and flourishing new city, radiating from Shan State to the surrounding areas.

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