Chapter 78 Fang Jingyao

At the back alley of Zenda, a humble tavern.

The middle-aged surnamed Fang and Meng Fan sat in the private room in the back room.

At this moment, a man with an aquiline nose stood beside the middle-aged man.I saw this man's eyes were sharp and unsmiling, standing silently behind the middle-aged man, his vigilant eyes constantly paying attention to the movement of the door.

"Hehe, I just heard the accent, the little brother is from Beiping. I don't know the name of the little brother?"

The middle-aged man took a sip of tea and asked casually with a smile.

"The young master's name is Meng Fan, the word is three, the number is four, and the people on the rivers and lakes call it annoying little master..."

Meng was annoyed by this mouth, which made people feel sharp and eloquent wherever he went.The middle-aged man was not annoyed, he smiled slightly and continued to ask:
"Little brother is an interesting person. But I want to ask, how many weapons do you have?"

"Didn't I just say that there are more than 38 Type 200s, 6 crooked handles, 50 5mm grenade launchers, and several thousand rounds of 6.5mm bullets. There are also some southern pistols. Well, look at this list for yourself. See, that's all."

After talking, Meng Fan handed over the list of weapons written by the dead, all the Japanese weapons in the warehouse.

The middle-aged man picked it up and looked at it silently, without making a sound, and continued to maintain his polite smile.There was no joy or surprise on his calm face.

"I said, do you want it or not? With so many weapons, it would take thousands of dollars to talk about. Let's talk about it if you can. Don't play tricks on the little grandfather. In the world of Zenda, No one has dared to challenge us."

Meng Fan said confidently, and the two soldiers behind him also straightened their submachine guns hanging on their chests.

The middle-aged man looked at the soldiers with live ammunition outside the door, as well as a large group of vigilant people in the backyard.Shaking his head, he said softly:

"Hehe, Brother Meng is a quick talker. Even if you have the heart, you don't have the guts. Someone from our side is also from the military. He hates the traitorous villains the most, and he will definitely not do the next thing. Brother Meng, don't worry. Fang Mou still said that, how much do you have, how much do I want."

The car of weapons is now placed in the backyard of the tavern, and Xing Fuquan and a dozen soldiers are guarding in the courtyard.

Mengfan also kept an eye on it, and he found the location himself.Before I came, I first found Xing Fuquan, who was on duty today and purchased in Caishi Street, and asked him to take people to this tavern.

Xing Fuquan was on the line, waved his hand, and surrounded the tavern with a row of people.

The middle-aged man was shocked to see this battle.It's not that he is afraid that the other party will forcefully buy and sell, but the reason why he marvels is because the temperament of these soldiers is really different from the general miscellaneous troops.

It is said that the leopard can be seen in the tube.This group of soldiers has a rigorous military appearance, and moves quickly, and each soldier has a vigilant and sophisticated look.Experienced he saw at a glance that such a force was not easy.

But he wasn't afraid that the other party would do black and black things. After being in this underground market for a long time, he already had a set of behaviors to deal with.

"I think that big man was sent by you to find your chief just now, so let's talk about it later when your chief arrives."

"Don't wait, I'm not coming here."

At this moment, a loud voice came from the door, and Liao Mingyu walked in from outside with Dong Dao.

The hook nose subconsciously stood in front of the middle-aged man.Seeing his quick movements, steady footing and ruthlessness in his eyes, he looked like a rare trainer.

Dong Dao also met his eyes at this time, and he could feel that the hook-nosed guy should not be better than him.

"Agui step back! Don't be rude!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly yelled.Immediately, he stood up and bowed his hands to Liao Mingyu with a smile, and said politely:
"Hehe, the servant is reckless, please forgive me. Is your Excellency the head of the Sichuan Legion?"

"Oh? How did you know?" Liao Mingyu was very puzzled. Before he signed up, the other party knew his details. Could it be that Meng Fan was so annoying that this grandson revealed him so quickly?
"Haha, I just observed the soldiers of your army. In the land of Chanda, who has such a military appearance, besides the Sichuan army? At least his Yu division's soldiers do not have the temperament of savage and savage."

... It is even more impossible to sell the weapons and equipment of the little devil.The last sentence came to mind in the middle-aged man's mind.

This guy has a brilliant mind and understands the situation of Zenda very well.A piece of flattery that doesn't make a trace makes people feel comfortable to listen to.

In fact, it is not difficult for smart people to guess that the troops with so many Japanese weapons in this Chanda are not the Sichuan Legion who won the battle or who.

"Yes, I am the commander of the Sichuan Legion, Liao Mingyu."

"It's really Captain Liao, disrespectful and disrespectful! I have long heard that Captain Liao has the style of a national scholar, and seeing it today is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

"Let me cut to the chase. Jingyao below is from Nanyang. I heard that your group has a batch of weapons for sale, and I came here to make a deal with your group."

Fang Jingyao said frankly.He looked at Liao Mingyu with burning eyes.

His remarks made Liao Mingyu fall into a brief contemplation, Nanyang Self-Saving Association?What kind of organization is that, I have never heard of it.

"You're welcome, Mr. Fang, take a seat. I wonder what kind of organization the Nanyang Self-Saving Association you are talking about is?" Liao Mingyu asked suspiciously.

"Have Head Liao heard of the Seven Great Nanyang Families?"

"This... I'm not particularly clear." Liao Mingyu replied.Where does he know about the Seven Great Families?However, there are indeed many wealthy Chinese families in Nanyang.

"These seven families are the Luo family in Malay, the Song family in Indonesia, the Fang family in Singapore, the Huang family in Siam, the Li family... They are engaged in various industries such as sugar, tobacco, rubber, etc. But they all belong to the top in their respective fields, and are respected by the Chinese in Nanyang as the Seven Great Families."

Fang Jingyao took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued:

"Head Liao, you should know that after the Japanese invaded Southeast Asia, they carried out a dehumanizing massacre against overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. The most appalling of which was the so-called "big inspection" implemented in Singapore not long ago!"

The "big inspection certificate" Liao Mingyu knew, the date was February 42, 2.That is, a few months ago.

Due to the donations made by overseas Chinese in Singapore and their active support of the Chinese War of Resistance, the "Xinghua Volunteer Army" formed by the Chinese cooperated with the British army to defend Singapore.After the Japanese occupied Singapore, the Japanese general Fengwen Yamashita carried out a brutal massacre in order to retaliate against the local overseas Chinese, which is called Singapore's "great inspection" in history.

About 7 Chinese were killed in this tragic "big inspection", while Japan only admitted 5000!


Fang Jingyao slowly put away his smile, and said in a cold voice without any emotion:

"Those beasts don't treat us as human beings at all. They take the Chinese to a designated place to assemble, and those who disobey will be sentenced to death. Not only men, but also many old and weak women and children are brought to the assembly point by them for various reasons. ."

"At the assembly point, the Japanese army interrogated the Chinese. First, they asked: who is Mr. Jiang or Mr. Wang? Those who answered Jiang and hesitated to answer are regarded as bad elements, and they will be waiting for all kinds of torture. Sometimes Whether the person being interrogated can survive depends entirely on the mood of the Japanese soldier who interrogated him..."

"Some people were beaten to death on the spot, others were tied with ropes and dragged behind the car, allowing the car to drive in front. The people behind were dragged to death..."

Fang Jingyao put away his smile, although the expression on his face was still calm, but the hand tightly clasped on the teacup revealed the anger in his heart at the moment.

In fact, he hasn't finished talking yet, Little Japan has many more inhuman methods.Not only Singapore, but the entire Nanyang region was massacred by the Japanese over 20 Chinese.Not much worse than the crimes they committed in Jinling.

"We are also eager to get the help of the motherland, one can help and save us. So we must act on our own. And our Nanyang Self-Saving Association is headed by seven families. It was established with the majority of Nanyang Huaxia people. Secret Resistance."

"Heaven helps those who help themselves. We don't want to be sheep to be slaughtered again!"

Fang Jingyao patiently told Liao Mingyu the origin of all this.The Chinese people in Nanyang suffered too much. In the early years, they really told their grandmother not to love their uncles and not to love them.

Their ancestors came to the land of Nanyang, were slaughtered by European colonists, and persecuted by local indigenous people. They finally managed to get out of various difficulties with the hard-working and tenacious vitality of the Chinese people.But he met the wicked little devil again.

Because it was blocked by the Japanese, it was impossible to obtain arms and equipment from other channels.

Fang Jingyao originally came to the border of China, and wanted to see if he could get a batch of weapons and go back to arm the resistance forces of the Self-Saving Society.

During his time in Zenda, he also heard many interesting stories about strange people. What surprised him the most was that there was a rumor that a young military officer led a team of less than 100 people to Burma, and after half a month, thousands of people gathered.

At that time, the defenders on the east bank did not launch defenses at all. At that time, Fang Jingyao was still worried about the undefended east bank.Facing the vicious Japanese army, Yu Xiaoqing's troops on the east coast were like a half-dressed girl, without any resistance at all.

And the young officer in the West Bank, known as the head of the Sichuan Legion.Facing the attack of the Japanese army, he was not afraid.Nantianmen across the river beat the Japanese army and won a big victory, which made him admire this young officer sincerely.

Unexpectedly, the person who traded with them today is actually the legendary head of the Sichuan Legion, the person he admired from the bottom of his heart.

While he was pleasantly surprised, a new plan quietly emerged in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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