My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 84 Dress Up and Training

Chapter 84 Dress Up and Training

"Then what's your name? How old are you this year?"

The officer in front of him didn't seem to be vicious, and his amiable appearance made the soldier's heart relax a lot, so he whispered: "I... My name is Ding Xiaoer, and I just turned 16 this year."

"It's only 16 years old. I'm sorry, how old were you when you joined the army?" Liao Mingyu turned his head and asked Xiang Meng annoyed.

"I was 19 at the time, and I wasn't much older than them." Meng Fan explained.

"Well... okay. Meng Fan, you were fired, Ding Xiaoer, right? From today onwards, you will be my messenger. To be on call, make sure to listen within three meters each time. do you understand?"

Liao Mingyu said with a serious face, and directly in front of Meng Fan's face, handed over his old line of work.

"It's not a group seat. Why should I fire me if it's so good? Besides, can he do this kid?"

Meng Fan was unhappy. Although it was said that the title of messenger was not very pleasant, it was also a close official around the regiment. If he did a good job, he was fired.

"Is it unpleasant to be the chief of staff or the second battalion commander? Well, if you love being a messenger so much, then you can step down from the positions of chief of staff and acting battalion commander, and feel at ease as a messenger for Lao Tzu for the rest of your life."

Liao Mingyu is speechless. Are you not happy that I let you lighten your burden?

This time, Meng Fan was frightened.

"Don't tell me, you are looking forward to the regiment, and your subordinates' admiration for you is like the waters of the Nujiang River. It's just right for the messenger to give this kid, so I won't interfere. Say goodbye..."

Meng Fan almost jumped up, joking, the little grandpa managed to get into the lieutenant colonel chief of staff, how could he ruin his bright future for a mere messenger.

He turned his head again and frightened the little guy Ding Xiaoer:

"Tell you kid, being a messenger in the regiment requires some vision. I know what vision means, let me tell you, there must be something in your eyes, and work in your hands. Don't look stupid. If the military situation is delayed, the first person to be shot will be you!"

Ding Xiaoer looked at Meng Fan in fear, shaking his head like a rattle.What the heck, why did you talk about being shot?

"Bangbang! You've become a messenger, and you'll be working next to the regiment commander in the future, but you don't know what the hell is going on?"

Meng Fan's head exploded on Ding Xiaoer's forehead, causing the boy to scream "Ouch" in pain.

Only then did Ding Xiaoer react dazedly. He covered his forehead and nodded timidly. Hearing from the officer, he seemed to be considered a promotion, right?

"Okay, I'll leave these baby soldiers to you first, I don't care about the rest, take them well and don't have any problems, I'll have my own plans later."

Liao Mingyu ordered to him.In fact, it should be the best choice for Meng Fan to bring these baby soldiers.

Meng Fan nodded and pulled Ding Xiaoer's arm: "Let's go, boy, and you little bastards. Follow the little master, and the little master will teach you what rules are first."

This guy speaks a lot and can joking, and when he speaks a paragraph casually, it is like a storytelling.These uninitiated children like to listen to this kind of interesting stuff.It is estimated that it will not be long before he will tidy up these child soldiers obediently.

"Brother Liao, your regiment just came here with so many things. You have to be busy for a while. It's not too late, so I won't bother you much. The troops and I will go first."

Zhao Gongming smiled and said goodbye to Liao Mingyu, things were almost done, and it would be meaningless to stay any longer.

"Alright then, Head Zhao, take a slow walk. When you come to Chanda next time, Liao will invite you to drink."

"Haha, okay, let's have a good drink next time. Oh, by the way, these Diamond T 968 trucks are reserved for you to use as artillery tractors. This big guy made in America is more powerful than mine. A 4-wheeler truck is too much horsepower..."

After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, he greeted the front team to change the back team, and nineteen trucks left Chanda in a mighty manner.

"Long Wenwen, you take them to stay at the town east camp. The others will come back to the station with me."

After speaking, Liao Mingyu walked straight to the military jeep.

In fact, he has already aimed at these two jeeps, so that's decent, anyway, he is the head of the reinforcement regiment, how can he do it without a car?
He opened the door and got into the driver's seat with the key still in it.Tried the clutch and gear lever.Yes, they are all neat.The car should be brand new.

"Wong" sound.Liao Mingyu hit the car, the roar of the engine startled the surrounding soldiers.

He yelled at Meng Fan, "Chief of Staff Meng, do you want me to take you for a while?"

"Oh, the group seat can still drive. Forget it, you're a driver for me, what a shame."

The mouth said no, but the body was very honest.I saw him sprint to the co-pilot and sit, directing joy at Liao Mingyu.

Dong Dao sat in the back row silently, this man who didn't speak much, now basically Liao Mingyu goes wherever he goes.It is already the attitude of a personal guard.

Ding Xiaoer was also dragged into the car together. This kid doesn't know why, why...why did he drag me into the car again?

Liao Mingyu gave Mengfan a blank glance, hung up the stall, and drove towards the station.


The next day, Liao Mingyu arranged for Long Wenwen's first battalion to change their outfits, according to the organization and weapon distribution on the plan at that time.Completed the reorganization of the [-]st Battalion.

The first battalion is basically the old man of the Sichuan Legion. The grass-roots officers are the backbone of the stewed vermicelli with pork and the old brothers who flew from Chanda to the expedition together.Combat effectiveness can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Hundreds of them were robbers that were added later.Although the military appearance is not very good at first.But I have to say that they are all veterans who have experienced many battles, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

Unfortunately, for the new weapons, the soldiers did not perform very well.

Rifle submachine guns are okay, M1 Garand just needs to pay attention to tap the clips when loading bullets, and beware of the problem that the self-rebound bolt is easy to get caught in the fingers.Nothing else.

The M2 heavy machine gun is a bit difficult, mainly due to the cooperation of several people in the machine gun team, and the proficiency in the operation of this weapon. This machine gun is no better than Maxim.Things like changing the barrel, cleaning the gun, and placing the gun stand are all different...teaching is second.The main thing is to practice more.

No, bearded Cui Yong, the "heavy machine gun master", is frowning and constantly researching this weapon.Holding the tool in hand to dismantle it in the east and look in the west.He has a crazy obsession with machine guns and a unique obsessive-compulsive disorder.Don't give up until you understand the general principles.

The hardest is the mortar. 60 forced down the company, the requirements for the soldiers are a bit high, because the artillery is too scarce.

Krupp and the others did not have enough artillery, but now each company has 4 60mm mortars, and the entire battalion also has an artillery company directly under it.The gap in the number of artillerymen is too large, and it is really embarrassing that there are artillery pieces that cannot be used.

No way, just practice.Veterans bring new recruits, this is the only way.

In the next few days, everyone was so busy that their feet could not touch the ground. Liao Mingyu arranged for Long Wenwen to start a training camp for the first battalion. The training requirements were physical fitness and weapon use.

The current weapon configuration is much higher than before. If the coordination and use of various weapons cannot be perfected, it will be really useless.

There is also the physical training of soldiers. Anyway, now Liao Mingyu is rich, he can eat three meals a day and eat meat at least once a day.

The first battalion, as the sharp knife of the whole regiment, has the best weapons and equipment, and the combat effectiveness must be guaranteed to be the strongest, so it is more intensive in physical training.

Run for 5 kilometers in the morning, and go back and forth for 10 kilometers on foot after breakfast.In the afternoon, the tactical cooperation between the companies will be trained.In the evening, there will be another 10 km armed off-road.Anyway, there are a lot of woods and mountains outside Chanda, enough for them to toss.In the evening, there will be another half hour of military posture training.

This set of tricks tortured the grandchildren to the point of screaming. If Liao Mingyu hadn't taken the lead, he would have gone through all the training with the soldiers, and these guys would have quit long ago.

A period of high-intensity training also made them tired like dogs, and they were basically paralyzed when they returned to camp every day.They kept thinking in their hearts... Where is this training, it's just this merciless torture, and Lord Yama is not so cruel.

The situation of the second battalion is a little different, because the new weapons are insufficient. Except for the staffing of the first battalion, the weapon configuration is still dominated by medium and formal rifles, with Czech and Maxim, supplemented by a small amount of submachine guns.

The wounded began to recover one after another. The recovered soldiers selected some of the outstanding soldiers and assigned them to the second battalion as grassroots officers.Their training was slightly lighter than the first battalion, but it also made the grandchildren miserable.

Although the training was hard, everyone clearly felt their own changes. Not only did they live extremely fulfilling lives every day, but the cohesion of the troops became stronger and stronger.

The head of the regiment is a man of his word. He eats meat every day, with white noodles, steamed buns, and rice in exchange. From time to time, he can also stew chicken, duck, fish, and toothpaste.Weapons and equipment are the best, and you can get paid again in the middle of the month.What's not to be satisfied with these days?
 The book group of leg of lamb was established, penguin number 832019664.Let's help the leg of lamb!

(End of this chapter)

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