My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 99 Takeuchi's Determination

Chapter 99 Takeuchi's Determination

"Fujiwara-kun, let me show you my masterpiece."

Takeuchi Lianshan and Chief Fujiwara came to the Nantianmen position. At this time, Japanese soldiers were busy building their fortifications.



A violent explosion came from the mountainside of Nantianmen. Except for the trench positions on the surface, the Japanese were blasting the mountain.

"Clean up the gravel, wait for the smoke to dissipate and immediately reinforce the cave!"



Countless yellow figures shuttled between the mountains, they ran and shouted.Carry out engineering work in an orderly manner.

"Takeuchi-kun, what are they doing?" Fujiwara looked at the busy Japanese soldiers and asked a question in his heart.

Early in the morning, they began to fiddle, and the sound of the explosion was mixed with the shouts of the soldiers, and the roar of the engine slowly coming from a distance... All the high-level officers from this headquarters were greatly puzzled.

Takeuchi stepped forward a little, and stood on a high place overlooking this magical Nantianmen, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth:
"My troops are digging through the entire mountain, and this will become a solid fortress!"

Fujiwara walked to his side and observed it carefully. From the riverside to the top of the mountain where they stood, countless Japanese soldiers were excavating this piece of land with the instruments in their hands.

"According to the position level, are you going to set up three lines of defense on this mountain?"

Takeuchi shook his head, smiled at him and said, "That's just the surface. Under the ground of these three lines of defense, I will use tunnels to connect them together. Soldiers can rush to any position in the entire position at an extremely fast speed through those standing passages. Point."

"This requires a huge amount of engineering!" Fujiwara looked at him in surprise. This kind of engineering construction is not something that ordinary people can handle.

"Hehe, Fujiwara-kun, have you forgotten, I studied civil engineering before the military academy. For this kind of thing, that's the best thing to do."

Takeuchi pointed to the steep slope halfway up the mountain, and fanatically described his plan:

"Have you seen the second defense position over there, there will be countless permanent fortresses there, and even the 105 artillery can't cause too much damage to it."

"There will be traffic tunnels between the fortifications. Even if a fort is captured, the soldiers can move to other fortifications in a very short time to continue to fight back."

"And each traffic tunnel can only pass through a space for one soldier. Even if the enemy tries to attack us through the tunnel, it will be easily blocked by my soldiers."

"Because only one soldier is needed at the passage, the entire traffic lane can be defended there. Even... we can use dead people to block the passage and prevent the enemy from attacking inward!"

"Every Yongbei tunnel will be intertwined with several traffic lanes that are one person wide. Even if I go in without a defense map, I will lose my way."

Fujiwara frowned, constantly simulating the offensive and defensive situation of this battlefield in his mind.He asked a question uncertainly:
"Then if they still break through the second defense position, you concentrate all your troops in front, what about the third defense position."

"Didn't I say, no matter it is the first defense or the third defense, they will be connected by the tunnel. The three defense lines are just an illusion, they are actually a whole!"

"The soldiers in front can retreat, and the soldiers in the back can also rush forward. When the Huaxia people used the lives of thousands of soldiers to clear the road to the three defenses, they would be surprised to find that there was no one behind them, and suddenly there was no one behind them. There will be countless firepower points."

"At that time, the artillery I arranged on the reverse slope would cut off their retreat, causing a fault in the delivery of their subsequent troops."

"In that hidden bush, countless gasoline drums have been buried, some gasoline drums are behind a traffic tunnel, and some are just a deep buried oil drum. But without exception, each gasoline drum will have a An imperial warrior with dynamite strapped to his body, ready to give his life for the Emperor at any time!"

Fujiwara looked at this former classmate in shock. He only knew the plan to stick to Nantianmen reported by Takeuchi to the headquarters, but he didn't know the details.Unexpectedly, this seemingly peaceful and elegant imperial officer actually hides such a huge madness in his heart.

"If you follow your plan, then... your entire army will be wiped out." Fujiwara said to Takeuchi in disbelief.Through Takeuchi's simple words, he could already predict the final result.

"Do we have any way out? Fujiwara-kun."

Takeuchi Lianshan gave a gloomy smile, his expression was free and easy, as if he had already seen through such a result, and said to Fujiwara calmly:

"Since the day the empire opened so many fronts, we have no way out. The only difference between me and those lunatics is that I will not do a meaningless death. Even if I die, I will pull several times. The enemy will go to hell together!"

"Fujiwara, did you see the huge divine tree on the top of the mountain!"

Takeuchi suddenly looked excited, and said excitedly, pointing to the 10-meter-high tree on the top of the mountain.

Fujiwara also noticed the towering tree that looked like a natural fortress.The sturdy tree trunk could not be hugged by a dozen or twenty people.

"It was a divine tree born for war. Its trunk was already hollow. I asked people to continue hollowing out the heart of the tree and connecting my tunnel group to this tree, where a small team of soldiers could be arranged. "

"They can shoot 360 degrees without dead ends. I will use concrete and steel plates to reinforce the tree trunks, so the bullets can't penetrate them. The shells can't explode, and through the tunnels, soldiers can be continuously transported to the tree fort!"

Takeuchi looked up at the giant tree with a longing look, and his thoughts had drifted into the distance.

"There will be my headquarters, and the place where my life will come to an end..."

Fujiwara looked at him silently, and seemed to feel his tragic and solemn, sighed slightly, and said to him sincerely:

"Wow Karima Shida, Takeuchi-kun, I will report to Commander Iida again to get more support for you!"

"Thank you so much. Fujiwara-kun!" Takeuchi Lianshan bowed to Fujiwara, sincerely thanking him.

At least he now has nearly two regiments of troops, and if he can get more support, the fort will become even more impregnable!

He is completely sure to turn this Nantianmen into a slaughterhouse for the Chinese people. It is impossible for the enemy to break through this place without paying several times their lives.

At this moment, on a gentle slope in the southeast corner, some small disturbances suddenly occurred among the Japanese soldiers who were working there.

Takeuchi Lianshan frowned and called a soldier over to ask about the situation: "What happened over there?"

"Report to the commander, we found a large number of corpses on the gentle slope. We originally thought they were our warriors, but now it has been confirmed that they are all Chinese soldiers." A Japanese soldier reported truthfully.

"What a fuss, I thought it was something. The corpses of Huaxia soldiers, huh, then dig up their corpses and fill them in our foundation pits as the cornerstone of our defensive positions."

Takeuchi Lianshan gave a gloomy order, this old devil is still as sinister and vicious as ever.


The soldier gave a salute and hurriedly ran over to give orders. Three tanks with bulldozers moved into action one after another, taking the bodies of those soldiers from the Sichuan Legion out of the soil and filling them into the deep pits...

"Let these dead Chinese people contribute to our defense plan, hehe." Takeuchi Lianshan joked to Fujiwara next to him.

"Haha, Takeuchi-kun, why didn't I find you so interesting before."

Takeuchi smiled and didn't speak. He put his hands behind his back and watched the progress of the project over there without blinking. From time to time, he called the lieutenant over to urge him.

"Don't waste time, let them hurry up, and push me down the river if the corpses can't be shoveled."

"Hey, Your Excellency Captain."


Several tanks are working tirelessly.The sappers next to him are preparing to blast the hard mountain.

Takeuchi nodded with satisfaction. According to this progress, the gentle slope will be completely leveled in a few days.

"call out……"

"call out……"

Suddenly, countless cannonballs swept across the sky with a shrill sound, and the sound was like a roar of revenge, smashing into the Japanese positions.

"No good Fujiwara-kun, hurry up to the fortifications!"

Hearing this voice, Takeuchi Lianshan hurriedly dragged Fujiwara and ran to the fortifications behind him.

Before they could run a few steps, the violent vibration from the explosion almost made them stumble.





The smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the Japanese army's positions were instantly lit up!

(End of this chapter)

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