Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 158 No Duck Is Innocent

Chapter 158 No duck is innocent
Xiao Si got a compliment, scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said: "I saw that woman was wearing a woman's bun, wearing plain clothes, with plain white flowers pinned on her head and cuffs, and I knew she had just died. A little widow who has been married for less than a year."

"Maybe the two are related?" Gu Qi continued to ask.

Upon hearing this, Yu Dabao interjected: "Probably not. There is no married daughter in the Qin family, and Xiao Si said that the widow is only sixteen or seventeen years old. She must not be an aunt or nephew."

"Not like aunt and nephew." Xiaosi added: "The widow is extremely beautiful, she doesn't look like the Qin family at all."

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows, and asked with a light smile, "You even know if there are any married daughters in the Qin family? Did Liu Yong get the handwriting?"

"There are too many people coming and going in and out of the village for activities in the commercial market in the past few days. I was afraid of admitting the wrong person and delaying the matter, so I asked Liu Yong for a copy of the notes of all the people in our village."

It's not stupid, they all learned to link.

Gu Qi nodded, and said: "It's enough for you to know about the letter yourself, don't let it out, and don't let anyone in the village know that you have this thing in your hand."

"Don't worry, Seventh Sister, only our brothers know." Yu Dabao and Xiao Si solemnly assured.

"Keep watching. If you see the youngest son of the Qin family going out next time, ask someone to follow them. See what they are doing, find someone who is more active, and don't be discovered." Gu Qi said.

Yu Dabao was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked, "Why, that kid from the Qin family really has a problem."

"If there is any problem, you have to check it to find out. You should ask someone to watch it first." Gu Qi said lightly.

Coming out of Gu's Commercial City, Gu Qi walked on the village road, looking at the river not far away, his thoughts drifted away unconsciously.

Could it be the Qin family?
After carefully recalling all the families the scholar had come into contact with during the past few months in the village, it is not impossible given the number of times the Qin family appeared.

Recalling that day when the scholar suddenly bought a teal and came back, he specially made a dish of eight-treasure duck.After that, he took advantage of this to negotiate with the Qin family about the purchase of teal ducks.

Gu Qi couldn't help pursing his lips, if the person the scholar was looking for was really in the Qin family, there really wasn't a single duck that was innocent.

It took a whole month before and after, the main road connecting Gu's Commercial City to Banpodi and the official road outside the village, as well as the two branch roads leading to the staff dormitory block and the preparatory block of the General Bureau of the Four Seas Bodyguard Bureau were all paved.

At the same time, the first phase of the staff dormitory was also completed.After spending another two days painting the inside and outside, Gu Qi asked someone to bring in the bed that had been ordered in advance.

The next day, Yu Dabao Shunzi and others held their luggage and looked at the neatly painted dormitory room in front of them, and felt a little unbelievable when they saw it for a while.

"This is where we will live in the future? Don't we need to live in a broken tent?"

"This house is really solid. The dilapidated wooden house built by our team is not windproof, and it froze me a lot in the past few nights."

"There are so many rooms, how do we divide them? Big Brother Bao, I want to live with you."

Xing Hao tugged Yu Dabao's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Brother Dabao, let's live in the middle room. It's not far or close to the hut. It's convenient to walk there and doesn't smell bad."

"Don't play tricks." Yu Dabao rubbed Xing Hao's head, turned around and said to Liu Yong Jiang Ping: "Brother Jiang and Yong, let's assign it first."

There are a total of ten dormitories in the first phase, and each room is decorated with a touch of size. It is equipped with four beds, four tables and chairs, and four cabinets.

There are four huts in a row on the left side of the house, and an open space is left on the right side, and a unified drying area is also built.

In fact, the room you choose is almost the same, it is nothing more than the difference between distance and distance.

Jiang Ping didn't answer the question because he wasn't good at this matter, he just signaled to Liu Yong to arrange it.Liu Yong thought for a while and said: "Everyone is free to form a team first, and four people form a team."

It was easy, and soon all the brothers got together with people they knew well.With a total of 22 people, Jiang Ping and Liu Yong naturally became the only duo.

Neither of them likes to be lively, so naturally there is nothing dissatisfied with it.

Once the groups are determined, Liu Yong simply assigns them according to the sum of the ages of all the teams, from left to right, from the youngest to the oldest.A very casual and fair approach.

On the first day everyone moved into the new dormitory, Gu Qi specially gave them a day off.Except for the shift task of guarding the entrance of the village that cannot be delayed, everyone else is free for the rest of the day.

Many people suggested that they want to go home.After returning home, he would leave the village. This master Liu Yong couldn't do it, so he came to ask Gu Qi for instructions.

I know that among these brothers, many of them are family members, and they have not been back to see their family members for nearly a month after they came out, which is indeed inhumane.

After thinking for a while, Gu Qi said to Liu Yong: "Well, let's pick ten people out of the village today. Don't worry about the rest. You can go back and make a list. From now on, everyone will have one day off every month to go home.

However, shifts must be made, and the number of people taking a bath at the same time cannot exceed five. "

Liu Yong's face was filled with joy when he heard the words: "Brothers will be very happy to know."

"Why, afraid of being locked up?" Gu Qi smiled: "Don't worry, there will be days when you will run outside again."

After the construction of the main road was completed, Gu Qi asked a carpenter to order a wooden stand.It was installed at the intersection with the official road, and it was a giant billboard that was two feet wide and four feet high.

Wrote [Gu's Commercial Market], [Sihai Escort Bureau], [Welcome all customers from all over the world], and added a sentence [there is a carriage parking area inside]

Of course, the so-called carriage parking area is just a piece of wasteland at this time, located in front of the Escort land.

Fortunately, there is enough manpower at this moment, Gu Qi asked the supervisor to lead people to clean up and level it overnight, and this area can be cleared, dug and leveled in three to five days.Taking advantage of this time point, it is just enough to order a new batch of bluestone slabs.

If the speed is fast enough, before the twelfth lunar month, the foundation of the Escort land can be laid out first.

This day, Gu Qizheng and Liu Jiangong were proofreading the blueprints of the newly obtained bodyguard bureau.Xiaosi came over in a hurry and was about to open his mouth to report, when he saw that there were other people beside Gu Qi, he hurriedly suppressed the words in his mouth, and only called out in a low voice: "Sister Qi."

Gu Qi raised his head and saw Xiaosi's anxious face, so he handed over the drawings to Supervisor Liu and said, "Generally there is no problem, just build according to the drawings.

Stop working when it's the twelfth lunar month.In addition, the manpower after the Lantern Festival will be arranged first on your side. "

Xiaosi waited until Liu Jiangong left, and then said anxiously: "Seventh sister, there is really a problem with the youngest son of the Qin family and that widow."

"How to say?" Gu Qi.

"Yesterday, the youngest son of the Qin family sneaked out of the village to go to the grove. Brother Jiang Ping asked Liu Jiang to follow him secretly to watch. Liu Jiang didn't dare to follow too closely. When he came back, he only said that the youngest son of the Qin family had talked to the widow for a while. , the widow stuffed something for the youngest son of the Qin family."

 Thanks to "Uncle Bao is here" for the reward (15000), thanks to "Book Friends 20210506233659441" for the reward (2000), and thanks to "maysun" for the monthly pass
  It’s the last few days, and if you still have a monthly pass, remember to vote for Gu Qi

(End of this chapter)

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