Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 164 The little fox brought out by the big fox

Chapter 164 The little fox brought out by the big fox

"Brother, our Zhou family already has several restaurants in the county town of Jiangling County. If I also open a restaurant privately in the county town, if my family finds out, will there be trouble?"

Zhou Yu frowned.After thinking about it, he said, "Let's forget it.

If it was opened by someone else, I would only buy a share. If my family knows about it, there is nothing to say.

But if I opened it myself, it's fine if the business is poor.As long as the business is better, it is inevitable that people from the same family will get involved in the future.Very responsive. "

When saying this, Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Li carefully.

Isn't it the diaphragm?
At the beginning, the business in Jiangling County was all started by the elder brother, but now it has been taken over by the family.Although the old man is in charge, every business has to share a part of the profits to the eldest brother as compensation every year, but can this be the same thing?
"It's not so difficult." Gu Qi smiled slightly: "Since you are worried about the master's meddling, you can find a friend to open it together. Find two more, and when the time comes, it will be hard to tell who the business is."

"Can it still be like this?"

Zhou Yu thought about it, this is almost the same as buying shares by himself.After thinking for a moment, he said:

"However, I haven't lived in Jiangling County for a few months. The friends I made are okay to eat, drink and play together on weekdays. If you really want to do business, these people are not reliable."

Gu Qi didn't expect Zhou Yu to look at Diao Erlang like a son.It's a lot to think about when you really have to do things.

Instead, I thought that during this period of time, the market was doing promotional activities, and the revenue was considerable, but there was a lot of money left on the books.Originally, he wanted to save enough money for the development of Banpo Land, so he collected the rest of the money and first returned Zhou Li's 500 taels of silver.

Although it was agreed in advance when I asked Zhou Li about the borrowed silver, 500 taels of silver would be borrowed for a full year to borrow Akhalma for interest, and no additional interest would be charged.But if he had enough spare money on hand, Gu Qi didn't really intend to delay paying it back for a year.

Unless there is another transaction that costs money.

Thinking about it, Gu Qi smiled and said to Zhou Yu: "Master Wednesday, if you really plan to open a restaurant in the county mansion, why don't you let me get a share too."

"Aren't you going to open a restaurant in the county?" Zhou Yu was surprised: "I thought you were not interested in this matter."

"It's not that I'm not interested, it's that I can't take care of it. Besides, I don't live in the county town, so it's easier to do things at the door of the young master's house last Wednesday."

Now that he has already planned to develop the Xiaoqi Village plot, Gu Qi has no plans to change to other places for the time being.

No matter how prosperous the county city of Jiangling County is, when the connections are not enough to support it, it is better to live on one side, and it is more convenient to do things.

The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake is never empty talk.

However, although Gu Qi doesn't plan to change places to take root in the near future, it would be fine if he could have a convenient contact point in the county town of Jiangling County.

Zhou Yu naturally didn't know Gu Qi's intentions, but he was a little moved: "Then how much money do you plan to pay, and what percentage?"

"I don't know, Master Wednesday, if you want to buy a restaurant, do you plan to buy the land deed and lease, or rent it first?" Gu Qi asked.

"Of course I bought it. I, Zhou Yu, am going to do business, so I still need to rent it?" Zhou Yu said with a pair of peach-blossom eyes slightly widened.You look like you underestimated me.

"It's not cheap to buy a shop in the county town. Master Wednesday is really rich and powerful."

Gu Qi chuckled: "It's a pity that I don't have much money, and I can only pay 300 taels of silver. After that, the house deed and land deed of the restaurant will all belong to Young Master Wednesday. But I will take at least [-]% of the restaurant's business."

"Thirty percent?" Zhou Yu frowned.

Thinking about the remaining private money in his hand, and counting it piecemeal, it was nearly a thousand taels.That sounds like a lot.However, the county town of Jiangling County is not a remote small town. If you want to buy a restaurant with a good location in the county town of Jiangling County, only 1000 taels of silver may not be enough.

At that time, I will have to ask my mother to borrow some more, and make up about 500 taels, which is about the same as buying a restaurant.

But this is only money for the establishment of the restaurant. After buying the restaurant, if you want to operate it, you need money for repairs and renovations, and you need money even more for the recruitment of shopkeepers and kitchen assistants. After that, which item does not need money for the purchase and operation?
If you invest in this way, no matter how good the business is, it will take at least a month or two to get back the capital. This is not the money for real estate and land.

300 taels of silver is indeed a little less, but since Gu Qi said that he will not take up the property deed and only take up [-]% of the business, this deal is not considered a loss.

Zhou Li is not short of the 300 taels of silver. If he is really in need, even if his mother can't afford more, isn't there a big brother?

Even if the eldest brother refuses to borrow, there are other brothers and sisters, as well as the old lady, and it is not a problem to make up for three or five hundred miles here and there.

It's just that now that the plan has been made, find someone to invest in the shares. If the old lady and other cousins ​​are really asked to contribute money, I'm afraid this restaurant will be even more unclear in the future.

Thinking about it this way, it would be better to let Gu Qi become a shareholder.He is also an acquaintance, and has the relationship of a big brother, so he can still lose to himself.

The most important thing is that if I really want to open a restaurant, I don't care about the side dishes. The signature dishes I want, snake steak and sauced duck, are still in the hands of others.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu's peachy eyes moved: "You can get [-]% of it. The price of sauced duck and snake steak must be at least [-]% lower than the wholesale market price. Give it to me."


Gu Qi smiled lightly, then turned to look at Zhou Li:

"Your brother's business routine is exactly the same as yours."

Zhou Li played with the pendant in his hand, and said leisurely: "A Yu has been going out with me since he was 13, but he has been slack in recent years."

This means that Zhou Yu is not stupid, but he is spoiled by his family, and after a long time, people also idle away.It may not be because of the involvement of the other houses of the Zhou family.

Gu Qi raised the corners of his lips, he was a partner in the business he was looking for, so it would be better if he wasn't stupid.

"How?" Zhou Yu asked.

"Below the wholesale market price by [-]% is not acceptable."

Gu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly.The supply belongs to the supply, and the doping belongs to the doping.In business matters, one subject belongs to another. When it is time to argue, there is no reason to take a step back.

"You can take [-]% of the profit."

Zhou Yu fingered the dishes in front of him, dissatisfied and said: "Saving money for the restaurant, isn't it saving money for yourself?"

"Why, if you're not stupid, you just think I'm stupid?"

Gu Qi chuckled: "Don't even think about [-]%. Out of the sincerity of cooperation, I can give you the lowest price in the wholesale distribution of Gu's Merchant City.

In addition, I have a good wine here, which can also be given priority to the restaurant.However, this wine is limited and the asking price is not cheap. "

"What wine?"

Hearing the good wine, Zhou Yu became interested: "Do you have such good wine that I haven't seen on Wednesday?"

"Is medicinal wine that can nourish one's health and detoxify one's health a good wine?" Gu Qi asked with a smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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