Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 174 The correct way to open the robbery

Chapter 174 The correct way to open the robbery
Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone stayed in place without moving.Gu Qi just looked at the young woman with a smile.

The young woman's face gradually turned pale, and cold sweat oozed from her forehead.Hidden under the sleeves, his hands were tightly clenched into fists at this moment, his manicured nails sank into his palms, and the slight pain made him barely maintain his composure.

"Do the two guest officers want to add some other food?"

The young woman pursed her lips and broke the silence first.

"Oh." The corners of Gu Qi's mouth slightly raised a good-looking arc: "Is there any good things here, lady shopkeeper, why don't you show them all for us to see and see."

This is a bit ambiguous.If you talk about it in normal times, it won't make people think too much; but at this time, it makes the heart of the young woman who is already a bit guilty.

"Miss, you are joking. How can there be any good things in this wilderness shop? It's just some crude food. If you don't mind, I will ask someone to buy some."

"I don't dare to order any more. The food at the shopkeeper's lady's house pays attention to freshness. In the pharmacy, the price of a pack of Mongolian sweat medicine is much more expensive than eating a bowl of plain noodles. If I order a few more bowls, I'm afraid it's not for the shopkeeper's lady to cook." Traded at a loss. How does this work."

"Sweat... sweat medicine! What sweat medicine!"

The young woman's pupils constricted suddenly: "Young lady, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. The servant's business is pure and simple, how can you slander people like this for nothing."

"Can you eat food randomly?"

Hearing this, Gu Qi couldn't help chuckling, pointed to the untouched noodle soup in front of Zhou Li on the table and said:

"Madam shopkeeper, my young master doesn't like noodles, so it would be a pity to waste them like this. Why don't I treat you to eat."

The young woman's face turned pale again, and she refused with a sneer: "It's impossible."

"How can I not make it?"

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows, a pair of eyes as sharp as a falcon, swept across the young woman's face, and finally fell directly on the woman's eyes that could no longer hide her panic.

"When you're away from home, it's rare to meet someone as interesting as the shopkeeper's lady. This bowl of noodles is all about making friends. Could it be that the shopkeeper's lady doesn't like us?"

"..." The young woman avoided Gu Qi's eyes and dared not speak again.

Gu Qi sneered at the birth: "It seems that the shopkeeper's wife is not going to give face to this."

"Xingniang, why are you talking nonsense with them! It's just a stinky girl and a little boy, there are four of us, just tie them up."

The short waiter who had been sitting near the door of the inn suddenly stood up, took a few steps forward and locked the door of the inn that was still open.

Immediately, the guy suddenly took out a dagger from his cuff, and gave Gu Qi and Zhou Li a vicious look: "Xing Niang is kind-hearted, and originally didn't want you to suffer too much.

But if you don't know good from bad, then don't blame our brothers for being rude. "

As soon as his voice fell, the other two young guys looked at each other.Then, with a flustered expression, he took out the wooden stick that had been hidden earlier from under the table and chair, and raised the wooden stick to Gu Qi and Zhou Li with trembling hands.

"Don't move, honestly hand over the valuables in your hand." One of the young guys shouted.

"What? Are you planning to rob?" Gu Qi couldn't help but sneered.

And Zhou Li, who sat across from Gu Qi and had seen the reactions of several people in the room from the beginning until now, also showed a bit of weirdness on his face at this time.

Just like this to rob?
He even robbed Gu Qi, the evil star?

I really don't know whether it's my own bad luck today, or these four bad luck.

Seeing that a few of her accomplices had already made a move, Xingniang's expression softened a little.While backing away, he looked at Gu Qi and Zhou Li, and persuaded in a gentle voice:
"You two guest officials, I only want money. If you two obediently leave the money in your hands, I will guarantee that you can leave safely."

"Did you hear that!" The little guy waved the dagger in his hand wildly: "Be obedient and hand over all the money."

Gu Qi took a chopstick out of boredom and twirled the chopstick at his fingertips. He ignored what Xing Niang and the others said, but said to Zhou Li: "I have encountered such things as robbery several times. Can you Do you know how to deal with the rest?"

"How?" Zhou Li asked with a smile.

"I'm used to being reasonable, and I don't like to be violent; so I collected more money and taught them the correct way to open the robbery."

Although he didn't know what "the correct way to open" meant, it didn't prevent Zhou Li from hearing the words, and still couldn't help but laugh and cry.

What does it mean to love to be reasonable, and what does it mean to not love to be violent?Charged some extra money?

Was it really like when he hadn't seen her do it?
"You two are talking nonsense, hurry up and take out the money. Otherwise, I will let the brothers tie you two up."

The little guy just saw that Gu Qizhou and Li ignored his threat, and he couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment.

"My little girl, my brother has a bad temper. You can't offend him." Xingniang persuaded with a weak and meek attitude.

"But my temper is not very good, what should I do?"

Gu Qi looked up at Xingniang and asked, "Do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

Xingniang was taken aback by the question.

I still don't know how to answer.But Gu Qi said again: "Why don't you take advantage of some time today and let me teach you how to be a good robber professionally?"

After saying that, the chopsticks that had been playing with his fingertips suddenly broke away from Gu Qi's hand and flew towards the door.

The swift sound of breaking through the air pierced through the ears, the danger was approaching, and the little guy instinctively took a few steps back.

However, it is still too slow.

"Ah!" A shrill scream resounded throughout the inn.

All eyes fell on the little guy following the scream, but saw that the hand of the little guy who was holding the dagger was completely penetrated by a long and thin chopstick at the wrist.

And the dagger also dropped at this moment.

The clear and crisp sound of the metal falling to the ground seemed to mock the ignorance of the few people in the inn.

Xingniang and the other two staff members turned pale as paper in an instant, and looked at the scene in disbelief.

"How is it, how is the teaching? You are satisfied."

Gu Qi looked at several people with a smile: "Then can we talk about the price?"

"What... what price?" Xingniang's voice trembled.

Gu Qi frowned, dissatisfied: "Don't you want to prostitute for nothing?"

Xingniang was still in a daze, but the two young men reacted first, one of them trembling all over said: "Sister, she will ask us for money again."

Xingniang was even more confused when she heard the words.

It was obvious that the few of them had agreed to slaughter the fat sheep, Mongolian sweat medicine had been administered, and things had changed. Why did the matter develop until now, and they didn't get a tael of silver, but they still wanted to pay for it instead?
 Thanks to "Axu Jumei" for the reward (200) Thanks to "Book Friends 20210506233659441" for the reward (300)

  Thanks to "Bing Yueming" for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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