Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 183 Find Lin 3 Niang

Chapter 183 Find Lin Sanniang

Gu Danian came back a few days before New Year's Eve, and the members of the Pedestrian Gang found out the news about Lin Sanniang, and sent the news to the Escort Bureau.

It turns out that Lin Sanniang was not sold to a rich family, but was sold to a rich peasant family as a concubine after going through a dental shop.

That rich farmer’s family is well-off, and the original wife’s wife has been childless since she was thirty-two this year, so she decided to sell a concubine to her husband’s family, and wanted to continue the incense, because Lin Sanniang was pregnant with a child earlier, so she could have a child. .The appearance is only average, but the advantage is that he is quite honest, and he doesn't look like he will cause trouble.

When Wang An took Gu Danian to look for him, the family heard that it was Lin Sanniang's former husband's family who came to the door, so they simply locked the door and refused to let anyone out to meet them.

Later, Wang Ansai gave the woman who worked in that family a few pennies, and asked the woman to help with the conversation, saying that he just wanted to inquire about some things, and he was not here to rob people.The lady at the head of that family just brought someone out to meet her.

It was indeed Lin Sanniang herself who was right, it was just that she was skinny and looked not very energetic.Lin Sanniang was taken aback when she saw Gu Danian, but before Gu Danian could speak, Lin Sanniang turned her head away, obviously not wanting to see Gu Danian.

Gu Danian was a little confused, and hurriedly asked, "Daughter-in-law, Ashan, why did you come here. Where's Ashan? Where's Xiaobao? Where's your mother? Where did you go?"

"Whose old man are you, can you talk well?" Before Lin Sanniang could speak, a slightly fat middle-aged woman who accompanied Lin Sanniang couldn't help but spit:
"Who is your daughter-in-law? No one here is your daughter-in-law Ashan. If you can't speak, don't be silly."

This woman is the upright lady who bought Lin Sanniang.

Gu Danian was caught off guard by a tiger, and was speechless for a while.Wang An took a look, pulled Gu Danian aside, and said with a smile on his face:
"Don't be angry, madam. My elder brother also suffered a family disaster. I'm really worried that everyone is separated. The whole family, old and young, please forgive me, Madam, who has a bodhisattva heart."

"It's really troublesome." The fat woman glanced at Gu Danian and Wang An.

Seeing that Wang An was well-dressed, spoke properly, and acted properly, he knew that this person should have some contacts, and he didn't want to offend too much, but his face was not very good, so he pulled Lin Sanniang over again:
"If you have any questions, please say hello quickly, and don't come here in the future. There is no need to delay doing things at home."

"Big lady." Lin Sanniang turned around, her face pale and pale.

Wang An patted Gu Danian on the shoulder, signaling Gu Danian to speak carefully.

Gu Danian endured the panic in his heart and asked under pressure: "Ashan's wife."

"Sanniang. Tell me what's going on, where are Ashan, Dabao, your mother, your eldest brother and sister-in-law?"

"I don't know."

Lin Sanniang said with red eyes: "I have nothing to do with the Gu family anymore, don't come to me again."

"It doesn't matter what you mean, are you Dabao's mother?" Gu Danian said anxiously.

Lin Sanniang didn't speak any more, she just started crying softly.

The slightly fat woman couldn't see it, and sneered: "Everyone is sold, isn't it okay? If you have the nerve to come to find someone, your son can sell his daughter-in-law. What face do you have to come back now?" ask."

Gu Danian blushed when he was told, Wang An answered, "What's going on, Lin Sanniang, don't cry, just talk about it first."

The ins and outs of things are actually not complicated.

In Yuzhou Mansion, due to the impact of refugees, the Gu family got separated along the road.Gu Danian and Gu Qi were rushed together, the Gu family's big family and the second family's family were also dispersed at that time, and they didn't know where they went.

The youngest son, Gu Qingshan, took his mother, daughter-in-law Lin Sanniang and their child, Xiaobao, along with him. In addition, the cart and quilts that the Gu family brought with them when fleeing famine were all in Gu Qingshan's hands.

In the beginning, when there was enough food, the lives of the few of them were not bad.But within half a month, the cart was robbed by a wave of refugees, and they didn't even keep the food left on the cart.

Later, a few members of the family were looking for food and other people in Yuzhou Mansion.But I can't find it no matter how I look for it.Later, the disaster in Yuzhou Prefecture became more and more serious, and the roots of the trees were almost gone all the way.It’s okay for adults, there is still a little older child who can’t cut off food and water.

After walking intermittently for another month, Gu Qingshan's family gritted their teeth and walked to Yuan'an Town, but they couldn't hold on any longer.

Gu Qingshan saw that there was a shop for pedestrians in Yuan'an Town, so he bought Lin Sanniang out for a basket of grain.

According to what Lin Sanniang said, at that time Gu Qingshan was thinking of selling himself and his whole family, just to earn a living.

It's a pity that given the situation in Yuzhou at that time, there were refugees everywhere who couldn't get enough to eat.Pedestrians and dentists are not short of recruiters, and naturally they are also picky.

First, he thought that Gu's mother was old and useless, and later, although Gu Qingshan was a mature man, the most important thing in Yuzhou Mansion now was a hungry and skinny man who could eat a lot of food for a meal.

As for the little dolls, the Pedestrians want to take them away, and take them away to other state capitals. There are always families who want to adopt boys, but Gu Qingshan and Gu's mother are naturally reluctant.After the last toss, Lin Sanniang was sold.

No mother doesn't want to have children. Lin Sanniang begged Gu Qingshan to take her with her.As a family, as long as we live, we will always have a bright future.

But Gu Qingshan couldn't hold on any longer, and the old lady and children couldn't bear it anymore if they couldn't exchange food and water.People are in a desperate situation.What little guilt is left sometimes becomes worthless.

Lin Sanniang couldn't remember how she was separated from the child, and how she was taken into the bullock cart by the pedestrians, but she just remembered that she was replaced with a basket of sweet potatoes.

After several twists and turns, Lin Sanniang was taken to Sishui County by the Pedestrian Gang.She was sold to this rich farmer's family as a concubine by the tooth shop.

The news stopped here.All I know is that the news of Gu Qingshan, Gu Niang, and Xiaobao ended up in Yuan'an Town.But there is still no news about what happened to the second bedroom of the Gu family's eldest room and where they went.

During the period, Wang Anyou mentioned that he would help Lin Sanniang redeem her body.The rich peasant's family bought Lin Sanniang for a total of four taels of silver, and Wang An said it was ten taels, which was enough for the rich peasant's family to buy two more golden girls.

The eldest lady of the rich farmer's family moved a little, but Lin Sanniang cried and said she didn't want to.

This made both Gu Danian and Wang An a little strange, they could redeem themselves well, and when Gu Qingshan and Xiaobao came back, they could reunite with their family and become the first lady again, why Lin Sanniang was unwilling.

Although the leading lady of the rich farmer's family didn't speak very nicely, she was actually kind-hearted, and she helped to persuade her a few words, but Lin Sanniang just cried, saying that she didn't want to go back with Gu Danian and Wang An.

Gu Qi is not short of this little money now, and Wang An also has a lot of money at his disposal. It is really easy to impress a rich peasant family to redeem someone.

But Lin Sanniang didn't want to redeem herself, so they were helpless.In this case, you can't spend money and kidnap someone to come back.

Those who don't want to come, what's the use of being tied up?
(End of this chapter)

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