Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 185 1 white, 1 black, 2 each perform their duties

Chapter 185 One White and One Black, Two Paths Perform Their Duties
"At that time, no matter how the Yu family negotiates about the Lantern Festival, you just go along with it. When it's your turn to pay the money, you can pay whatever other firms do. You don't have to pay too much, and you can't pay too little.

You just need to be clear, in this kind of discussion meeting, Gu's, as a new merchant, doesn't need to show off everything.There's also no need to be too servile to make us feel inferior.Just be normal. "


Gu Qi's words invisibly gave Qian Si Niang a little more confidence, and unconsciously puffed up her chest.

In just over half a year, he went from selling himself out with his family ruined to entering the Gu's Merchant Market and taking over the management of the business market.Contacting a large number of people, things, and things every day made Si Niang Qian step by step out of the original appearance of a weak woman, and gained a demeanor that a middle-level manager should have.

But it's clearly more than that.The business market is constantly developing, and the difficulty and challenges that Qian Si Niangzi will face will only continue to increase in the future.

And this time, the reason why Gu Qi gave the Yu family's invitation to Mrs. Qian Si, so that she could go to He Song Town's seminar instead.Of course, it meant that Gu Qi himself didn't want to and didn't need to show his face in front of many merchants in He Song Town.Furthermore, he also wanted to give Fourth Lady Qian a further chance.

Once the complex takes shape, regardless of whether the invitations from Yu's family are delivered today or not, Gu's Commercial Market will sooner or later enter the eyes of many old-fashioned merchants in He Song Town with a brand new look.

At that time, whether it is active or passive, contacting, competing, and even cooperating with these established merchants will be an inevitable process.

Naturally, these processes are not only faced by Gu Qi alone, but the process that the entire Gu family must face.

Among them, Fourth Lady Qian, who was apparently in charge of managing Gu's Commercial Market, became the first to bear the brunt.

As for why Gu Qi asked Liu Yong to accompany Mrs. Qian Si to attend this seminar.In addition to worrying that Mrs. Qian, who is alone and a woman, will easily suffer and be taken advantage of in a discussion meeting dominated by a group of elders.

He also wants to use this opportunity to let Liu Yong get in touch with the rules of survival that are completely different from his previous world that was respected by force.

If Mrs. Qian is the executor Gu Qi chooses to put on the bright side, then Liu Yong is the other executor Gu Qi chooses to put in the dark.

In this way, one white and one black, the two ways perform their duties and complement each other.

Speaking of this, I have to mention one thing.

That day Liu Yong narrowly escaped from Xiahe Village and returned to the camp.Later, Yu Dabao learned that after Gu Qi came back from Sishui County, he asked about his whereabouts, and when he knew that he was missing, he went out to look for someone at night without even repairing.

At that moment, Liu Yong's heart was full of mixed feelings and mixed feelings, which was extremely complicated.

In the end, Liu Yong chose to press all the intricate threads in his heart that he wanted to say but didn't dare to say. The moment Gu Qi came back again, he explained everything verbatim with red eyes.

This includes everything that happened in the two days, as well as the conversation with Feng Qing.

Although Liu Yong was a little surprised afterwards, why he didn't meet Seventh Sister on the way back.But that's obviously not the point.

Young people at a specific time and place, when they think they already know the whole truth of the matter, they are full of loneliness and courage, and their minds are full of loyalty and integrity.

It is enough for him to be loyal and sincere to the person he identified in the current specific atmosphere.

The seminar was held in the afternoon three days later.

Fourth Lady Qian and Liu Yong deliberately changed into decent ready-made clothes and went there, while Gu Qi also went to He Song Town together on the same day.

Of course, Gu Qi didn't intend to go to observe the so-called seminar where the Yu family and Ming Wei's discussion and exchanges were actually a deep-rooted competition, but the He Song Town sub-station of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, which opened on the first day after the Lantern Festival.

What Zhou Li meant was that everyone had better meet for the last time before the opening, to make sure if there was any missing link.

In addition, I also want to get in touch with the relevant responsible persons on both sides first, so as to avoid troubles in follow-up communication due to unfamiliarity.

For this reason, Gu Qi deliberately brought Jiang Ping, Yuan Fang, and Liu Jiang with him this time.

Yuan Fang and Liu Jiang were finally selected as the contacts for handling the matter of He Song Town Station.As for Jiang Ping, as the head of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, currently one of the only two general Escort heads, he is participating in the meeting.

After the Lantern Festival, all three of them will be temporarily left in He Song Town, and will be responsible for all matters after the opening of the Escort sub-station.Until the construction of the terminus is complete, the subsequent personnel deployment will be carried out.

When Gu Qi and others arrived at the Escort, Zhou Li was already waiting in the Escort with his staff.Besides Zhou Li, Wang An is also here today.

There is also a steward whose surname is Cui, with a single name of Qing.Young, in his early twenties.He was the person who worked under Wang An before, and he was also half of Wang An's apprentice.

There are also two fellows who help with chores.

The meeting lasted for an hour. Since the general direction had been set long ago, the discussion was all about trivial details. Wang An and Cui Qing were the main speakers, and Jiang Ping, Yuan Fang, and Liu Jiang were the secondary speakers.

Gu Qi paddled the whole way, and didn't really participate in it.

At the end of the meeting, Zhou Li arranged a restaurant, and everyone parted ways after having dinner in advance.

Jiang Ping, Yuan Fang, Liu Jiang, Wang An and Cui Qing came back to the Escort first. For convenience, Cui Qing rented a house for everyone near the Escort.

Meanwhile, Zhou Li and Gu Qi went to the Black Eagle Casino, which had been closed for a long time.

The other remaining brothers in the Black Eagle Gambling House moved out of the gambling house early after Liulong left Xiaoqi Village and received the notice of Xiaoqi Village reporting special training after the year.

Back from Sishui County that day, Gu Qi went back to Xiaoqi Village overnight; Zhou Li took Xingniang and the four of them back to his residence, and asked the steward under him to teach the four of them how to behave for a few days, and then arranged the four of them Entered the vacant Black Hawk Casino.

At this moment, when Gu Qi and Zhou Li stepped into the casino, what they saw was that the casino was cleaned up spotlessly, cleanly and properly.

The Black Eagle Casino occupies a large area, and the backyard is twice as large as the front yard. There is also a not-so-small warehouse on the side of the backyard.As for the original gambling equipment and tables in the gambling shop, Xingniang, Aling and the others cleaned them up in the warehouse in the backyard in a few days.

At this time, the two-storey small building along the street that had been removed from the casino signboard was empty, and it was not much different from the usual unopened street commercial buildings.

The location of the commercial building is very good, it is located in one of the most prosperous and lively neighborhoods in He Song Town.

The most trouble-free thing is that Liu Long asked someone to redecorate the decoration in the building last year. After cleaning it up, he felt that the style was brand new. Obviously, Gu Qi didn't need to spend extra money to renovate.It only needs to ask someone to divide and renovate the functional areas, and arrange the furniture and soft decorations suitable for the hotel to open.

(End of this chapter)

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