Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 187 Gu's Shang's Model

Chapter 187 Gu's Shang's Model

The battle between Yu, Zhuang, Wang, and Yan, the four established merchants, finally came to an end with Zhuang Boliang's concession and swallowing his anger. After that, everyone's attention naturally fell on several new merchants.

This year's new merchants, in addition to the sudden appearance of Gu's Merchant Market, there is also Song's, which specializes in ready-made clothing and silver building accessories.

The Song family said they were newcomers, but in fact they had settled in He Song Town for more than ten years.It's just that the Song family's shop was not big enough in the past, and the business was ordinary, so they couldn't squeeze into the ranks of the seminar.

And this year, it was also because of the poor management of two old merchants that they withdrew from the stage of history, so the Song family, which had been ranked first in the middle-sized business district for several years in a row, joined the seminar as a substitute.

If it were normal, the Song family would definitely become the focus of attention and discussion of the audience this time.

It's a pity that starting from the year when the list was released this year, the attention of all merchants is bound to fall on Gu's Merchant City. It is doomed that even if the Song family is lucky enough to join the discussion meeting, there is no way to attract other established merchants. attention.

Even if the Song family ranks fourteenth on the list, it is better looking than the Gu family's suspension car.

However, the Gu family is really strange. It only took a few months to grow from scratch, and the main business of the paving industry is not even in the town of He Song.

Except for some merchants who were secretly guessing whether there was an important person standing behind the Gu family, more merchants thought that the Gu family was a side relative of the Yu family, so they were made an exception and looked up to.

Of course, the speculation of these merchants is not unreasonable.

In fact, no matter in terms of qualifications, industry and other aspects, Gu's Merchant City may not be eligible to be on the list of the seminar this year.

In fact, when the list of the seminar was first decided a month ago, the two newly promoted merchants were the Song family and another horse business owner, the Lei family.

And just the day before the list was sent out, the fourth young master of the Yu family who was in charge of the number of discussion meetings ordered someone to cross out the Lei family and add the Gu family again.

Such news naturally cannot be hidden from the eyes of several established merchants who are always paying attention to the Yu family's activities.In addition, the Yu family had nothing to hide, so it gradually spread that the Gu family relied on the power of the Yu family to squeeze out the Lei family to enter the seminar.

It was actually the first time for everyone present today to see the representative of Gu's Commercial City.

Seeing that it was a young woman who finally sat down at the tea table, followed by a young man who seemed to be guarding her, she was even more curious.

Song Longzhang, the newly promoted Patriarch of the Song Family, looked sideways at Fourth Lady Qian.Seeing Mrs. Qian's slender figure, delicate face, and the gentle and submissive features of her eyes, she looked like a little girl, and she couldn't help feeling a little more contemptuous in her heart.

Since ancient times, there are not many women who can accomplish things, and even those powerful women are not as capable as the old men who can see and open up.

What's more, this person in front of him, not to mention his young age, lacks momentum, how can he really be the master of the house.

Could it be that the canary raised by the powerful family has nothing to do, and started a business like a man?
Of course, no matter how much he had in his heart, Song Longzhang still had a polite smile on his face at this time, and asked sideways with his own identity: "Is this lady the head of Gu's Merchant City?
My surname is Song.How do you call the lady? "

Miss Qian Si had not yet had time to speak.On the other side of Song Longzhang, a middle-aged merchant with a fat head, big ears, and a strong physique, poked his head over and said with a smile:
"What else can I call it, just call it Master Gu."

After that, the man smiled at Mrs. Qian and said, "The head of the Gu family, my surname is Liu, and my family is in the business of cloth. I heard that your Gu's commercial market has a special cabinet, can you accept other merchants to settle in? This is true or false."

Liu's cloth shop has been open in He Song Town for decades, and its reputation alone is no worse than Yu's cloth shop, Wang's cloth shop and even Zhou's cloth shop.

The most important thing is that Liu's cloth line has a large number of middle and low-grade fabrics, which is unparalleled by other cloth lines.

It can be said that in the minds of the people of He Song Town, Liu's cloth line can be regarded as the number one in He Song Town regardless of its name or ostentation.

It's a pity that the Liu family's business is very simple, with the cloth line as the main business and the dyeing workshop as the supplement, but they don't intervene in the other businesses at all.For this reason, although the Liu family has been ranked in the past life rankings of the seminar these years, the ranking has always been in the middle and bottom.

After two well-known established merchants were proposed to be listed this year, the Liu family inevitably became aware of urgency, and even tried to change the industrial changes and make the Liu family bigger.

But the Liu family has been in the cloth business since they settled down in He Song Town.The only thing I can do is cloth-related business, and it is not so easy for other industries to rashly start.

That is, years ago, the current head of the Liu family, Liu Xiaoyuan, inadvertently heard about the Gu's Commercial Market from the passing merchants from the north and south in the teahouse.

Out of curiosity, Liu Xiaoyuan asked his subordinates to go to Gushi Shangshi to inquire, and unexpectedly saw the exclusive counter of Zhou's cloth shop in Shangshi.

Zhou's cloth shop has been in the limelight in the past few years, and because it can get Yunjin and Sujin that other cloth shops can't get, it has gained a great reputation, and it has the momentum to overwhelm Liu's cloth shop.

This made Liu Xiaoyuan inevitably pay more attention to the movement of Zhou's cloth line when he was nervous.

Just in this kind of fit, the exclusive counter of Zhou's cloth shop appeared in the already rare Gu's Merchant City, which made Liu Xiaoyuan think a lot.

They are all businessmen.Liu Xiaoyuan's brain is not a vegetarian either, after several inquiries, he somewhat guessed the model of Gu's Commercial Market.It was just now that I took the opportunity to say hello to Fourth Lady Qian and inquire about news.

"The head of Liu's family, my slave's surname is Qian. Others call me Fourth Lady Qian." Fourth Lady Qian nodded to Liu Xiaoyuan, and replied:

"Gu's and Shang's do have a special counter area to accept other merchants to settle in."

"What, your surname is Qian?"

Song Longzhang grasped the point and was stunned for a while, then asked again: "Then what is Gu's Merchant Market?"

Miss Qian smiled gently: "That's the boss's business. My boss's surname is indeed Gu."

Miss Qian Si is referring to my boss's family, not her husband's.It made the other merchants in the venue, except for the fourth young master Yu who knew the truth, show a bit of weirdness.

It's neither your own business nor your husband's business, so what is the identity of Miss Qian Si to participate in this discussion meeting?

Thinking like this, everyone became irritable, and asked first: "This seminar. All the owners of the well-known merchants in our Hesong Town are here to participate. Why are you Gu's Merchant Market so special?" Some, actually called a woman who is nothing to participate?"

The person who spoke was Yan Donglai, the head of the Yan family who started to quarrel with the Wang family.

Yan Donglai is not young, has a bad temper, and often quarrels with others when he disagrees.But if you want to say that he has a straight temper and no brains, it is a big mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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