Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 193 A Brand New Journey 1

Chapter 193 A Brand New Journey One
Time flies, half a month in a blink of an eye.The escort team led by Jiang Ping and Liu Yong hadn't rushed back yet, and the construction on the back slope was still in full swing.What is gratifying is that the framework of the General Escort has already taken shape.

Years later, Xiaoqi Village is still as usual, with people coming and going, lively and peaceful.

In the past half month, the villagers in the village chatted about popular topics, besides the business of Gu's Commercial Market, there was another new topic.

At the west end of the village, the old Qin's family who raised teals got rich!
The eldest son of his family who was working far away in the county city was promising. Heard that he made a fortune in business and returned to his hometown with rich clothes.

It happened just three days ago.That afternoon, a carriage suddenly came to the village. The carriage looked very expensive, and as soon as it entered the village, it went straight to the west of the village.

It didn't take long for the Qin family couple and the younger ones to put on brand new clothes and get on the carriage.

This incident was only accidentally seen by some villagers who lived in the west of the village, and for some reason, the news spread that the Qin family's old man and his wife were picked up by the Qin family's eldest son and went to the county town to enjoy their blessings. The entire Xiaoqi Village was destroyed.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the details of the layouts heard by each family are somewhat different. Some say that the eldest son of the Qin family made money by doing business, and some say that the son of the Qin family has become a nobleman, and some say that the son of the Qin family has made money. The eldest son made his fortune in the casino.

Of course, although these versions are rare, it does not prevent the whole village from being envious of the good luck of the old Qin couple.

Although Xiaoqi Village is rich, and there are many families in the village who have bought properties in He Song Town, but there are still very few who can really move to the county town to enjoy the blessings.

Furthermore, the living standard of old Qintou's family used to belong to the lower-middle class in the village. Now, although it is not said that they have reached the sky in one step, they can be regarded as a small fortune. Naturally, it has become the subject of chatting among the villagers after dinner.There are those who are envious, and there are also those who gossiping.

But no one knew that there was another person in the carriage that went to the village to pick up the Qin family that day, whom they were familiar with.

"This scholar is well-informed." In the yard, Gu Qi read the letter and threw it into the brazier beside him.

After the fight in Xiahe Village, although Gu Qi didn't send anyone to watch over the old Qin's family, with Gu Qi's current power, as long as it happened in Xiaoqi Village, there was no possibility of him hiding it from under his nose. .

Gu Qi knew very well that the members of the old Qin's family were forcibly tied into the carriage by the scholars.As for the various versions of gossip left in the village afterwards, it was just that the scholar asked people to do some tricks in order to deceive people.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Gu Qi, when Gu Qi got this letter, it was already three days later.

The content of the letter is also very simple, to the effect that the hidden stakes in Xiaoqi Village, Xiahe Village, and the other two nearby villages have been removed, so Gu Qi can rest assured that no one will come to make trouble during this period.

Gu Qi couldn't help humming softly after reading it.

This matter itself has nothing to do with him. In the whole matter, his own hands also participated in the matter of tying up Qin Huairen.And Qin Huairen is obviously just an insignificant pawn in this matter, and now that Qin Huairen is no longer in his hands, naturally no one will come to trouble him because of this.

Now this letter is not so much to appease myself, it is better to say that the scholar is making excuses for his delay.

Obviously the whole thing is not over, that is, the kid still has no way to go home to get the money.The 4000 taels of silver in his hand is still a bad check.

Of course, Gu Qi's attention is not entirely on this matter at this time.At the end of the letter just now, Feng Qing mentioned another matter.

There was turmoil in the Black Eagle Gang, and Shen Chong died.

Although he only met Shen Chong twice, Gu Qi was a little surprised to hear the news of Shen Chong's death.

That night, the conversation between Shen Chong and Liu Long is still vivid in his memory.According to what the two said that day, Gu Qi instinctively felt that Shen Chong's words were not true.

At least it won't be all true, and it's not bad to have three points of truth and seven points of falsehood.

Gu Qi naturally thought that Liu Long's journey to Yunzhou Mansion to take office would not be peaceful. Needless to say, there were twists and turns, even if one step was careless, it would not be surprising that he would become a caged animal in a cage or a piece of meat on a chopping board.

But Gu Qi never thought that Shen Chong would die first in less than a month.Not even a splash of death.

Gu Qi vaguely remembered that the brothers under Shen Chong's hands were pretty good at it, and one of them named Lao Si was also good at using swordsmanship.I even robbed him of a knife before, so far he has used it very smoothly.

The scholar's letter only mentioned this matter, and did not write more details.

Gu Qi wanted to find out about Liulong's situation, but He Songzhen was not close to the town of Jiangling County, so it was impossible for him to extend his hand so far with his own hands.

As for borrowing Zhou Li's connections, Gu Qi never thought about it.After all, these people have nothing to do with the Zhou family or Zhou Li in this matter from the beginning to the end.The Black Hawk Gang is not easy to mess with. If there is no interest involved, there is no need to involve innocent people.

The special training in the camp is still going on, and Gu Qi will conduct spot checks every five days to check everyone's progress in the form of pair training.

A Yuan and A Zhi are very professional in their skills, but they are a little soft-hearted, and they don't attack hard.As a result, the brothers who entered the camp afterward, put on airs and played decently, but their physical fitness was serious and not good enough.

Of course, there are too many people in this group, and it is obviously unrealistic for Gu Qi to lead them to train like Liu Yong and others.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time. Before the complex and the general bureau are completed, there are still enough manpower in the sub-stations of the bodyguard bureaus, so there is no rush.

Four days later, the dart team led by Wang An and Liu Yong Jiangping returned smoothly.

Two days later than expected.Fortunately, things went very well.

That night, the warehouse in Gu's Commercial City was silently filled with a new batch of shredded tobacco.The quantity is so large that it is worth the sum of the three months of each purchase in the past.

The original shredded tobacco and tea cake area in the shopping mall expanded a circle after the year, and four more counters were added in it.

After the beginning of spring, the number of merchants coming and going will gradually increase, and the sale and wholesale of shredded tobacco will still become the main business of Gu's Merchant Market, and it is also the most profitable business.

As for the Four Seas Escort Bureau, after Jiang Ping and Liu Yong sent out their escorts, they received several short-distance orders in half a month.Because the value of the goods was not high, and the journey was relatively short, Cui Qing arranged for Yu Dabao and Shunzi to lead the team, giving them a few opportunities to practice.

Most of them are orders that can go back and forth in five or six days, and the fast teams have already gone twice in a row.

At the same time, because the Four Seas Escort Bureau, regardless of the amount of the dart order, regardless of the distance, is even willing to give a good reputation for making orders, which attracted many merchants from He Song Town and even several surrounding towns. Better than expected.

(End of this chapter)

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