Chapter 198
When Cui Qing arrived with his men, Hong's bodyguards pried the door several times, but they couldn't.Being irritable, he simply kicked up.

Kong Wu's powerful man kicked the wooden door of the Four Seas Escort Bureau to the ground in front of Cui Qing.

The huge movement shocked many nearby merchants to wake up from their sleep.

"Who! It's in the middle of the night, let no one sleep!"

"Who's family is so wicked! Sending off to the funeral!"

There are a few words of cursing for unknown reasons.There are also curious ones who open the windows and look out.

When I opened it, I suddenly went 'Boom! ’ The window was closed again in a hurry.

Good guy, there are more than a dozen vicious men with knives, I'm afraid something big will happen.

This street is close to the gate of the city and Fangshi, and most of the merchants settled nearby are famous merchants. Even the few households a little further away are gathered by all kinds of religions, not ordinary people.

The merchants in Fangshi are more or less clean, and they are used to this kind of environment where whenever there is a conflict, all parties will use force to solve the problem in private.

As for the reporter?As long as there is no death, no one will mention this.

It's not that there are no unbelieving youngsters, and they report to the officials when they encounter problems.The result is that by the time the yamen servants come over, the troublemakers will have already left.

As long as they are not caught on the spot, those people will not recognize the right and left, and it is nothing more than nonsense. If there are too many times, even the yamen servants will be too lazy to come again.

Every world has a cruel dark/dark side.Just like every circle has its default way of solving problems, which is caused by the formation of long-term environmental patterns.

In fact, although everyone knows that this behavior has a big problem.

But until there is no absolute power to break the circle, anyone who steps into this circle can only acquiesce and abide by the rules here.

Not good or bad, just survival of the fittest.

"What are you doing!"

Let's say that as soon as people from the Hong's Escort Bureau smashed the door, Cui Qing rushed up with Xiaosan and Xiaosi.

"What are we doing? Humph! Let me tell you what good things your Four Seas Escort has done."

A middle-aged man in his thirties took the lead in Hong's Escort Bureau.This person is Hong Fu, the adopted son of Hong Mingkun, the head of the Hong's bodyguard bureau, and Hong Mingkun's chief apprentice.

Hong Fu was eight feet tall, with a long face and thick facial features. The most iconic thing was his shiny bald head, which was barren of grass, and it was hard for people to ignore it.

Cui Qing naturally recognized Hong Fu, but he was taken aback by Hong Fu's words, and asked in confusion, "What can we do?
Our Four Seas Escort has been doing business in an orderly manner, and we have never sinned against Hong's Escort.You, Hong Fu, brought so many people to smash the door of our Four Seas Escort Bureau in the middle of the night, isn't it too much! "

"What, you fucking dogs of the Four Seas Escort, do you dare to do it or not?"

Hong Fu held his sword and spat at Cui Si: "If you dare to steal the business from our Hong's bodyguard, I think you are tired of your work.

"What steals business!"

Cui Qing was also said to be angry: "The business received by the Four Seas Escort is the business that the customers enter the door by themselves. Why do you want to rob the business of your Hong's Escort?"

"The business of Li's silk thread business, don't tell me you didn't take it all over the world?"

Hong Fu stared and sneered, "Our Hong's Escort Agency has taken over Li's previous business for seven or eight years. It has been doing well. Why did Li's goods go to yours as soon as your Four Seas Escort Agency opened?"

"Li's silk thread?" Cui Qing thought for a while, and then remembered the two-car order three days ago.

The list of Li's silk thread was sent to Yulin Mansion.Because of the location of Yulin Mansion, it happens to be in the middle of the route from Yunzhou Mansion to Anzhou Mansion.

Therefore, he arranged for the two truckloads of goods to Li Jiangping and others' team who were going to Lanmu County, Anzhou Prefecture, to secretly bring back the shredded tobacco for the second time.

Cui Qing personally sat down on this matter, and even if he didn't look at the list at the moment, he was still very impressed.

Not only Cui Qing was deeply impressed, but also those who participated in the loading, Xiaosan and Xiaosi knew it well.

Hong Fu paid attention to the expressions of Cui Qing and the others, and Cui Qing's expression paused, and he knew that Cui Qing had remembered, and couldn't help yelling: "Why, you bastards from all over the world remembered? How dare you snatch your grandpa?" business, are you too cowardly to admit it?"

Hong Fu scolded so badly, Xiaosan couldn't hold back her anger when she heard the words, and cursed back: "How are you talking! Can you speak human language! Hong, your mouth is so smelly, did you eat shit when you went out?" Wipe it clean!

Li Shixian Xingshi came to the door to give the order, and our Four Seas Escort Bureau can naturally accept it as we want.

Is it possible to invite people out and deliver them to your Hong family in person?Even you gangsters deserve it! "

Xiaosan and Xiaosi were originally from the gambling house, although the two of them were obedient and kitten-like in Gu Qi's place and had no temper at all, in fact, they used to seldom do things in the gambling house and looking for places.Swearing words come out of your mouth even more, as ugly as you want.

"F*ck you/damn!" Hong Fu, who was a loser, blushed angrily when he was scolded by the mistress, and waved his arms:
"Brothers, hit grandpa! Let these cowardly dogs of the Four Seas Escort Bureau learn a lesson, and see if they dare to be arrogant in front of me, Hong Fu."

"Hit it, I'll be afraid of you grandsons of the Hong family!" Xiaosan and Xiaosi couldn't hold back after being challenged like this, rolled up their sleeves and rushed out.

The people from Hong's Escort Bureau came prepared to find fault, and they never planned to discuss right and wrong with Cui Qing and the others from the very beginning.

With a few words, the battle is imminent.

Cui Qing felt that his head hurt a little at this moment, there were more than a dozen people in the Hong family, and they were all Lianjiazi.The people on my side included myself and two buddies, plus Xiao San Xiao Si, a total of five people.The difference between the two forms is clear at a glance.

In fact, when the two parties scolded each other just now, Cui Qing originally wanted to stop Xiaosan and Xiaosi.But those two were so angry that they didn't even look at Cui Qing.

Looking at the situation now, even if I tried to stop it, I couldn't stop it.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention a dozen well-trained and experienced bodyguards.

Even though Xiaosan Xiaosi and Cui Qing tried their best and knocked down several escorts of Hong's bodyguard agency, the final result still ended tragically as expected.

In less than half an hour, the shop of the Four Seas Escort was smashed to pieces by members of the Hong's Escort.

None of the cabinets, tables and chairs placed on the first floor were spared, and even the custom-made extra-long reception counter was smashed into several holes, and even the business with the receipts on the counter was scattered all over the place. People are all footprints.

The two guys were beaten unconscious, Cui Qing was slightly better, most of the time deliberately avoided the important parts, although the face and body were beaten with bruises, swollen nose, face and blood all over the body, in fact, the injury was not the most serious.

The most seriously injured were Xiaosan and Xiaosi.

(End of this chapter)

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