Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 229 Crisis and Fortune Coexist

Chapter 229 Crisis and Money Coexist (2)

However, the drought in Yuzhou was too severe before, even if the officials at the top were willing to treat it, and the treasury was still full, it was impossible to save it for three years.

Everyone knows that as long as there is no rain in Yuzhou Prefecture, no matter how much money is invested, it will be in vain.

Even the officials can't send the entire treasury to the Yuzhou government for a joke.

What's more, although the Dakang Dynasty ranked first in the Central Plains and surrounded the world, it was not really as stable as Mount Tai.Whether it is the southern border, the western border, or even the northern region, there are all tribes and kingdoms from all over the world.

Once there is something wrong with the treasury granary, it will inevitably affect the morale of the border soldiers, and it will affect the whole body. It is a matter of national power, and no one dares to bet.
However, the current situation is different.

With the rain falling one after another, the misfortune of Yuzhou Prefecture seems to be coming to an end.

Especially in several counties south of Yuzhou Prefecture, many rivers can faintly see stagnant water, and a large number of fields that have been dry to the point of cracking seem to show signs of reawakening after days of rain.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the imperial court not to send people to intervene in Yuzhou's affairs again, and this also means that huge business opportunities will be born from this dry land.

It seems that when the number of Yuzhou prefectures is multiple, they smell the fishy smell, and those who want to fish here are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are many people there.Zhou Li, an old fox, obviously got the news a bit late this time.
After everyone registered and paid the money to enter the city, they followed the crowd into Yuan'an Town.

This is Gu Qi's second visit to Yuan'an Town.It's only been a few months, but there is still a feeling of a world away.

Yuan'an Town is not big, there are only a few main streets, and most of the shops along the road are closed, but there are three or four inns open, and the business seems to be good.

Gu Qi and the others chose an inn that looked passable from the outside.Shunzi went in and asked, "Shopkeeper, do you have any guest rooms?"

"Yes, yes, how many rooms does the guest officer want?"

The shopkeeper of the inn said, stretching his neck and looking out the door: "There are a lot of guest officials. Our inn has only two down rooms right now, and there are three middle rooms left. How about the guest officials make do?"

Shunzi looked outside, there were a total of ten brothers coming out this time, the two of them shared one room, five rooms would be fine.After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to the shopkeeper:
"I want five rooms, do you have the upper room? I want another upper room."

The innkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "It's also a coincidence, and there happens to be an upper room vacant."

Soon after the settlement was completed, the shopkeeper ordered the assistants to lead the three carriages into the backyard, and ordered Gu Qi and others to lead them up to the second floor.

The first-class room is at the end of the second floor. There is a bedroom and a living room. Chair, and Arhat collapsed.

Gu Qi asked Shun Zi and the others to go back and settle down first. After waiting for about half an hour, everyone packed up and gathered together in Gu Qi's living room.

"Seventh Sister, the inns here in Yuan'an Town are very dark, and in this rundown shop, a single room costs [-] Wen, and a middle room costs [-] Wen.

For your upper room, the shopkeeper dared to ask for two cents a night.Even looking for a first-class restaurant in Jiangling County would not dare to charge such a ruthless price. "Everyone was seated, and Shunzi was the first to complain.

All the expenses along the way are accounted for by Shunzi.Before coming here, Shunzi thought that there would be a lot of expenses along the way, but she never thought that it would be so big.

Normally, their brothers would not dare to live in such an expensive inn if they were traveling in darts.A night's stay is worth a day's hard work.

Gu Qi glanced at the street outside the window and said: "Nine out of ten shops here are closed, and these inns are the only ones that are still open.

Why can you keep these inns open? "

"Why?" Liu Jiang asked curiously.

Gu Qi chuckled: "Because there are people behind these inns. Opening here, what we are waiting for is a fat sheep like us who came from a long distance and brought money to the door."

"Seventh sister, you mean this is a black shop?!"

Shunzi was taken aback: "Then why should we withdraw first?"

"Withdrawn? Where to live?" Gu Qihun smiled indifferently: "All the inns in Yuan'an Town are the same."

Gu Qi still remembers that when he took Gu Danian from Linping Town to Yuan'an Town, all the inns in the town were closed long ago, and many inns were even smashed up and occupied by refugees.

Now that a few months have passed, the refugees who originally exiled to Yuan'an Town have long been empty, and even many people who originally registered in Yuan'an Town have fled because they could not bear the lack of food and water. Take refuge.

Right now, there are not one out of ten aborigines who are still staying in Yuan'an Town, and most of them are in the residential area on the south side of the town, and they dare not go out easily.

The streets and pavements that the refugees occupied before seemed to have been refurbished and cleaned in the past month or so.This also makes Yuan'an Town at this time much cleaner than the chaos a few months ago.

It's just that this cleanliness has become a bit weird since the strict inspection when entering the city.It's very much like the ostentatious scene before leading the king into the urn.
Gu Qi's words made everyone present a little uneasy. Shunzi frowned and said, "It seems that Yuan'an Town is not a place to stay for a long time. Otherwise, sister Qi, let's go out early tomorrow and go to Linping Town to see it first." ?”

"No hurry." Gu Qi shook his head: "No one knows what's going on in Yuzhou Mansion. If that's the case, why not stay in Yuan'an Town to see the situation first.

In addition, when I entered the city, I saw several caravans passing by, so I stayed here to find out what these merchants were planning to do. "

"Yes." Shunzi and Liu Jiang responded.

Among these ten people, Shunzi and Liu Jiang were the ones who were the best at inquiring about news.Shunzi is smart and has a lot of ideas, while Liu Jiang is more calm and reliable.The most important thing is that Liu Jiang is very good at hiding his figure.

The two people inquired about the news in completely different ways, but the final result was the same.

"Jiang Ping, you and Yuan Fang, you two, come with me later. The others are like you staying in the inn, don't go out easily if you have nothing to do."
In Yuzhou Prefecture at this time, food is still a precious thing.For example, at this moment, the inn where Gu Qi and others are staying only provides accommodation and does not provide food and water.

If guests want to buy food and water, they have to go to the restaurant specially designated by the town government to buy it.As for the water source, it is still the high-priced well that Gu Qi saw when he came to Yuan'an Town for the first time.

But at this moment, if you want to buy domestic water from this well, it is obvious that you no longer distinguish whether you are a local resident or not.

No matter who wants to fetch water, they only need to pay [-] Wen, and they can salvage a bucket without relying on the roster and household registration.

When the three of them came, they asked the inn to borrow two buckets. At this time, Jiang Ping paid [-] Wen.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Sakura¥", "Baby Page", "Axu Juemei" and "Yan Ran Qing Cheng"
(End of this chapter)

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