Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 237 is a bandit is an official

Chapter 237 Is it a bandit or an official (2)

"Who turned the other way, several 'adults' want to come to know at a glance."

Gu Qi sneered, pulled away Huang Shanhai in front of him, ran quickly and kicked the side face of the leading yamen servant closest to him, at the same time stretched out his hand to clasp his wrist, and grabbed the saber.

Turning around and swinging the long knife, he cut off the chains on the hands of Huang Shanhai and Ada two times in succession, and at the same time threw the saber in his hand to Huang Shanhai.


Huang Shanhai panicked and ended up wearing a knife, with a dazed look on his face.

But the yamen servant who had just been kicked by Gu Qiyi and the other yamen servants behind him were all dumbfounded by the sudden change.

No one thought that this thin, weak, fair and handsome young master from a merchant family, who seemed to be able to fall in the wind, turned out to be a martial arts master with great skills.
Among them, except for the leader who was transferred over a month ago, the others have been working as yamen servants in Yuan'an Town for several years.

Yuan'an Town used to be a prosperous town because of its proximity to Jiangzhou Prefecture before Yuzhou Prefecture encountered a catastrophe.

It's a pity that no matter how rich it is, it's just a small town. In the government office of the town, only the magistrate and three assistant officials have ranks. For other poor positions, even though they are also public officials with official imperial court employment documents, they can recruit whoever they want. Whether to go or stay is just a matter of a word from the government official.

Yuan'an Town is not big, and there are only a few people in it. Most of the yamen servants that can be found are related to the government official's family.

If they want to talk about the kung fu of a three-legged cat, they can still bluff people into fighting.On weekdays, holding a knife and shouting a few words are enough to deal with ordinary people.But if they really run into Lian Jiazi, their skills may not be enough to back them up.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?! Help me arrest this gangster!"

Gu Qi's actions not only made all the yamen servants stop in their tracks, but also made the three of Fu Wei on the desk widen their eyes, revealing incredulous expressions.

The large Fu Wei couldn't help but rushed out of the desk, and shouted at the motionless Yamen servant below:

"Are you dead?! Didn't you hear what I said? Catch him!"

caught?Who will catch it?
All the yamen servants looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to take the first step.

After Gu Qi handed the knife to Huang Shanhai, he turned around and looked at the three people who were terrified from embarrassment in front of the case. A mocking and cold arc was slowly drawn on their delicate and fair faces. to go forward:

"What is Mrs. Fu Wei afraid of? Is he afraid that his plan will be discovered by others, and the incident will never be restored, or is he afraid that I will kill you now?"

"You are so bold!" The huge Fu Wei was furious.

But Fu Cheng with a goatee next to him squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Gu Qi viciously: "Who are you? Why did you come to Yuan'an Town?"

Gu Qi chuckled and continued to stride forward until he stepped on a step, then raised his head, and said with a half-smile: "What are the people behind you coming to Yuan'an Town for, so I will come to Yuan'an Town for what to do."

The man with the goatee suddenly turned pale, and looked at Gu Qi in disbelief: "What do you know?"

Gu Qi smiled slightly, and said meaningfully: "What you should know, you know; what you don't know, you will know soon."

The pupils of the man with the goatee and the young man beside him in the master's uniform constricted instantly.

On the other side, the large "Fu Wei" already showed a crazy expression, and shouted: "Come on, quickly arrest this kid for me, catch him, grandpa, I will reward you for your merits!"

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows, this guy was forced to break the jar, he didn't even plan to cover it up.

Don't say that although the position of Fuwei is in charge of law and order and arresting robbers, it has a bit of martial arts meaning, but it is a real civil servant, and it will take ten years to go on the road of scientific research.

Ordinary civil servants can't say "Grandpa, I will reward you for your merits".

From this point of view, these people are more like wild roads brought in from other places by Qi, the person behind them. They are destined to be sent out to lead the battle from the beginning, and they can be pushed out as scapegoats when the matter is over.
Of course, these have nothing to do with Gu Qi, Gu Qi just looked at them with a smile.

Goatee took a few steps back vigilantly, gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want?"

The broad, burly and generous face was still impatient. Seeing that the yamen servant had not moved for a long time, he bent down and pulled out a heavy knife with a thick back from under the desk.

Hearing a shout, Da Fanglian held a heavy knife, strode forward, and slashed towards Gu Qi with a ferocious face!

Gu Qi turned sideways slightly, avoiding the knife edge, and at the same time just slid on the toes on the side of the knife. In just a split second, the whole person dodged to the side of Dafang Face like a ghost, clasped Dafang Face's neck with one hand, and lifted it up at the same time. He kicked the back of Da Fanglian's knee viciously.

Just below the obviously thick and incomparably muscular calf, there was a crisp sound of dislocation of bones, accompanied by the man's dull cry of pain, resounding through the entire yamen hall.

Gu Qi leaned over slightly, and the fingers clasping Dafang's neck maliciously moved back and forth, and then slowly pressed on the man's protruding Adam's apple:

"Just now you ordered someone to beat me thirty feet?"

The man's Adam's apple was clenched, and his face flushed immediately. He wanted to speak but was sobbing that he couldn't say anything.

The goatee backed away in fright, while the young man in the master's uniform showed a look of fear and panic, and looked for a gap on the side to hide towards the yamen servants.

While running, he ordered: "Come on, come on! Quickly arrest him."

All the yamen servants had never seen such a situation before, they were all dumbfounded, but none of them really obeyed the order.

Only the yamen servant who was originally the leader showed a fierce look in his eyes, ready to move.However, when Gu Qi snatched the knife just now, he loosened his wrist so that even if he wanted to snatch the sabers of other yamen servants beside him, he couldn't wield them.

The leading yamen servant guarded the young man behind him, and yelled at the yamen servants with a stern expression:

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful this gangster is, there is only one person. He has no weapons on him now. A group of you are surrounding him with knives. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to take him down?!
As long as you can catch him, each person will be rewarded with one tael of silver. "

One tael of silver, the top of the foot will be paid in half a month
Moreover, if one person can't beat them, only a group of people will fight. There are so many of them, and what the yatou said makes some sense.

There are two juniors in the yamen servants, and now they have heard that they have already raised their hands and are eager to try.But more people showed hesitation on their faces.The older ones simply took a step back.

The one above looked like Lian Jiazi, and the way he locked his throat, he probably saw a lot of blood on his hands, so he wanted to surround and beat such a master for a tael of silver?
I'm afraid I'm not crazy!

They are all fools, and no one is a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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