Chapter 241 Escape (2)

If this young man surnamed Qi is really caught, if the three above do something to prevent things from being leaked out, they, a group of old government servants, will probably die out of Yuan'an Town.

It's just that he is alone. Thinking of his old mother and three children, Lao Lin feels bitter at the moment.

That's right, if I and Lao Qing confessed to be here today, let's not talk about whether the lives of the old and young in the family can go on.Afraid of being caught.
Thinking about it, Lao Lin's eyes fell on the front of the case hall. He was limping on one leg, but he didn't know when he took up a long knife again. With scarlet eyes, he stared at the boy surnamed Qi like a wolf, as if he wanted to swallow the boy alive The same square face Fuwei.

Lao Lin trembled all over, and extreme fear spread in his heart.

no, I can not.
Lao Lin shook his head in disbelief, trying to convince himself, but no matter what he couldn't.

Why not!

What these people are doing now is pretending to be court officials!This is the business of deceiving the emperor and conspiring to kill the head.Once this matter is revealed, everyone will be buried with him.

They will certainly not let go of everyone who knows about it.Including all the yamen servants now, including their wives and children.

The more Lao Lin thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became. After a while, he pulled Lao Qing beside him and said, "Lao Qing, we can't go on like this. We have to find a way to get out!"

"You think I don't want to go out, how can I go out? There are people guarding the door."

Lao Qing pointed at the burly man in front of the gate with a knife in his hand and stepped on the 'master book' with a shiver, and said, "Do you think he will let us out?"

"There were two people just now, but now there is only one person. We rushed out together, maybe we still have a chance."

Lao Lin glanced at A Da who was guarding the gate, and pointed again. After tidying up the 'master book' just now, he ran to Huang Shanhai behind Gu Qi to help with a knife.

Lao Qing hesitated: "Should we wait any longer? What if that kid is caught?"

"Aren't you stupid!"

Lao Lin slapped his thigh, and said in a low voice, "If that kid wasn't caught, the two of us might still be alive. If that kid were to be caught, we'd all die."

"What do you mean?"

Lao Qing was so frightened that his mind became a mess, and he didn't realize the meaning of Lao Lin's words at all.

Lao Lin stomped his feet anxiously, and cursed in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid that those above will be exposed later and kill people to silence them?"

"It can't be." Lao Qing's face turned pale.

"Why not?" Lao Lin sneered: "Now there is only one dead end in the yamen, so it's better to take advantage of the fact that the two groups are still fighting and don't care about us, so let's fight."

Lao Qing also calmed down at this time, thinking about it, he felt that what Lao Lin said made sense, and asked again: "What should we do after we run out?"

"What else can we do? If we are rushed out, we will pack up all the packages, and take the old lady and children directly out of the city. Yuan'an Town can't stay anymore."

"Then here."

Lao Lin was heartbroken: "It's none of our business here. For people like us, squeezing us to death is like crushing ants. If you want to save your life, don't get involved if you can."
After kicking a guy away, Gu Qi turned around, stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the person who was only a few inches away from him, and without looking at who that person was, he slashed at the back of that person's neck with a knife.

At the same time, the hand holding the collar is buckled upwards to the position of the back of the visitor's head. With a slight twist, the result is self-evident.

Gu Qi's hand paused for a moment, but he didn't close it in the end.

A moment later, he grabbed the man's bun and pressed his whole body to the ground, only to hear the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground, and the bridge of the nose close to the ground broke, and the spurted scarlet blood smeared on the man's face. Soon passed out.

Gu Qi smiled lightly and stood up, at the same time, he turned around and grabbed the neck of the person behind him who wanted to sneak attack, and lifted that person high, listening to the whimpering sound in his ears, but his eyes did not fall on the face of the person in his hand .

Instead, he looked at the two middle-aged government servants hiding behind the hall pillars in the distance with a half-smile.

Since practicing that boxing technique, Gu Qi has benefited not only from getting lighter and lighter, but also his five senses are far more sensitive than before.

Although the voices of the two yamen servants were very low when they spoke, and they were not close to their own positions, the voices of those conversations fell into Gu Qi's ears intermittently, and they were not clear, but they were generally understandable.

To be honest, Gu Qi was somewhat surprised by the content of the conversation between the two.
Just after confirming that there was a problem with the three assistant officials in the hall, Gu Qi naturally regarded all the yamen servants who participated in this matter as the accomplices or pretended subordinates of the three.

It wasn't until he heard the conversation between Lao Lin and Lao Qing that Gu Qi realized that not all the yamen servants in Yuan'an Town were brought by these gangsters.

Maybe it was because of the shortage of manpower, or maybe they were confident that their designs would not be exposed. Obviously, most of the yamen servants in the town were puppets who didn't know the truth and just obeyed orders.

This also means that the Yuan'an Town at this time is not really completely controlled by these people and has become a Tietong.On the contrary, this group of people is more worried about things being revealed than their own accidents.

Thinking about it, Gu Qi smiled slightly, and tightened his grip on the throat of the person in his hand.When the person's face was flushed and the whimpering sound became weaker and weaker, he shook him hard, sending him far away in one direction.

The distance was neither too far nor too close, just blocking the way for Lao Lin and Lao Qing to escape.


The sound of a huge heavy object falling, and the 'corpse' falling head-on at the feet not only blocked the way for Lao Lin and Lao Qing, but also blocked the hearts of the two who were eager to think that they could hide Chen Cang and escape.

Lao Lin's face was pale, and when he turned his head to look, he happened to meet Gu Qi's half-smiling eyes.

And Lao Qing just sat down on the ground and cried loudly: "It's over! It's over!"
There were no more than four or five clerks left, seeing that Huang Shanhai could handle it alone, Gu Qi didn't care anymore, just smiled and glanced at the two yamen servants, and made a gesture of wiping their necks with one more move, before turning around. He walked slowly towards the front of the case hall.

In the case hall, the goatee saw that the situation was over, and collapsed on the official chair, his face pale.And the big man with a square face stared at Gu Qi fiercely with his bloodshot eyes holding a knife.

Seeing Gu Qi getting closer, his Adam's apple rolling, he couldn't help but let out a sharp roar, and he didn't know whether he was scaring Gu Qi or embolden himself.

It's just a pity that one of his legs was trampled by Gu Qi just now, even if he picked up the long knife again and barely stood up, he couldn't take another step forward at all.

Gu Qi ignored him at all, and after walking up the steps, he turned and walked towards the goatee who was wearing the government robe.

 Thanks to "Fengyou" for the reward (588)

  Thanks to "Book Friends 2019090282031464" for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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