Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 245 War Horse

Chapter 245 War Horse (2)

The leader of the yamen servant shook his head: "My parents died early, but I have a younger sister, but she got married before fleeing. She left Yuzhou Prefecture with her husband's family a year ago. I don't know where she went."

"In this case, what are you afraid of? Afraid that they will retaliate against you? Catch you and torture you, or are you afraid that they will let you die without a place to bury you?"

Fear flashed in the eyes of the leader of the yamen servants: "I have seen those people torturing people, let's do it!" The yamen servants are more terrifying than them.

Gu Qi smiled slightly and looked into his eyes: "If you cooperate well today, you still have a chance to get out alive. But if it is..."

Gu Qi didn't say the rest, just nodded again: "Now you are in my hands, not in theirs."

The leader of the yamen servant was taken aback.

That's right, I don't know if I can survive now, so I don't need to worry about the future.

Besides, my relatives are not in the hands of those people, and I am alone. Rather than worrying about revenge, it is better to save my life first.

"I'll draw." The leader of the yamen servant made up his mind.

Seeing this, Jin Wenzhong was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart, and he cursed: "Idiot! Idiot! Do you think you can let you go by drawing this Qi? He is just cheating you!"

Gu Qihun chuckled nonchalantly: "Anyway, if you don't draw, I won't let you go now."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jin Wenzhong and said, "Mr. Jin is very loyal. I hope your master will burn some good incense when he visits your grave next year for the sake of your loyalty."

Jin Wenzhong glared at Gu Qi, turned his head, and said nothing.

Gu Qi smiled: "That's right, I usually don't have the habit of digging up opponents' graves. It seems that Mr. Jin can't wait for someone to put incense on your grave.

By the way, does Mr. Jin prefer the home of the mass grave, or the ashes of the fire and the ashes? "

"Hmph, you are worthy of fighting against my master with just this little skill!" Jin Wenzhong laughed back angrily.

Gu Qi waved his hand: "You think too much, I'm a businessman, all I want is money. There are so many ways to make money in the world, you don't need to toss about like your master."

While talking, Gu Qi also ignored Jin Wenzhong.
Let’s talk about the other side, Huang Shanhai has already sneaked back to the inn with the portrait of the leader of the yamen. He was afraid of attracting attention. Before entering the inn, Huang Shanhai asked a passing merchant to buy a suit of clothes. At that time, another room was reopened, just as if he had just arrived in Yuan'an Town, and did not attract the attention of the shopkeeper of the inn.

After waiting in the guest room area on the second floor, Huang Shanhai saw that there was no one in private, and only then did he wake up Jiang Ping and his brothers, and then told everyone what happened in the government hall.

"What Seventh Sister means is that we are divided into two groups, and the first group will follow me to the yamen with chariots and horses, and search the yamen thoroughly.

Another group of people went to Zhennan to look at the houses with people.When our men and horses have withdrawn from the yamen, you will cut off the locks on the doors of those houses and lure the people inside out. "

Shunzi was surprised: "Seventh sister is planning to save someone?"

Huang Shanhai Yile: "Seventh Sister said that she wanted to cause some trouble for those people and make Yuan'an Town completely chaotic, preferably so chaotic that people in other counties and counties and even other prefectures would notice that something was wrong.

As for those merchants who were locked up, they were also lucky, and their lives should not die. When they caught up with us, they stopped by to save them. "

"Don't worry, I will leave this matter to Liu Jiang and me. Liu Jiang and I have been there before in Zhennan, and we are familiar with it. We will guarantee that no one will find out." Shunzi pulled Liu Jiang and said.

Seeing that Shunzi took the initiative to stop the job going to Zhennan, Huang Shanhai asked Jiang Ping to gather the rest.

"How do we pull the carriage away? I see that the shopkeeper and the staff of the inn are all with those people. If we go to pull the carriage in the backyard, we will definitely be discovered." Jiang Ping asked.

"Or just knock the shopkeeper and those boys unconscious, so as not to get them in the way." Someone suggested.

Shunzi shook his head when he heard the words: "No, there is another merchant living in the inn. If someone finds out that the innkeeper and the clerk have an accident, even if it is unintentional to spread the word, it will inevitably cause trouble immediately."

Huang Shanhai nodded: "Seventh Sister said that there are quite a few people from the other party in Yuan'an Town. They just don't know that something has happened in the government office. If we really attract the attention of these people, with our Human hands may not be able to walk out easily unscathed."

"Otherwise, Yuan Fang and I will go down first, and we will tell the buddy that we want to go to the official well to bring back some buckets of water. In addition, we also need to go to the restaurant to fetch some spare food. This will be an excuse to take out two carriages. And we only go out If two people are lost, they may not care.

As for the rest of you, go to another place and change your clothes and leave separately in groups of two or three.At that time, we will meet in the small street behind the Yamen. "Jiang Ping suggested.

"In my opinion, it's better not to meet each other. Too many people will be suspicious. It's better to let Huang Shanhai go first and guard the small door at the back of the yamen. If someone knocks on the door, let him in, not his own people." Even if you're dizzy, pull it in." Shunzi suggested.

Huang Shanhai's eyes lit up, and I think this method will work: "I'll go first, and when the time comes, I'll call Ah Da and I to meet you together."
This side of Huangshan Haijiangping and the people discussed it properly, and the people separated and acted in an orderly manner.And the leader of the yamen servant also painted the portrait.

It's just that the leader of the yamen servant drew it quite solemnly, and nodded seriously after finishing the painting, obviously very satisfied with his painting skills.

However, when Gu Qi picked up the portrait and looked at it, he couldn't help his temples twitching.

What kind of uncanny beast style is this.

Round face like a ball, facial features running around in dots and misalignment, fried hair, and linear limbs.

If you want to say that he doesn't look like a human being, he is actually quite similar, and he should have what he should have.If you want to say that he looks like a human being, I probably don’t even know who he painted.You can't even tell the difference between men and women, and it's suitable for anyone.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a situation where everyone can have portraits on TV dramas.

To say that the only distinguishing feature in this portrait is that there is a round mole on the upper side of the right eyebrow of this person.

It's just that this kind of feature is too easy to forge, whether it really exists, or whether it is deliberately pasted to deceive people's eyes and ears is uncertain.

Thinking about it, Gu Qi asked the leader of the yamen servant, "Do you know what the surname of the Wen family is?"

The leader of the yamen servant thought for a while: "I heard someone calling him Mr. Liu. I don't know which 'Liu' it is."

Gu Qi nodded. The surname Liu was a common surname in the Dakang Dynasty. If there were three or four random people on the street, one of them might have the surname Liu, and it was hard to say whether the surname was Liu or Liu.This information is reserved for informational purposes only.

"Look at your portrait, does this Mr. Liu have a mole on the upper side of his right eyebrow." Gu Qi continued to ask.

The leader of the yamen servant seriously recalled for a moment: "The mole is not small, round and slightly raised, like a bug crawling on the eyebrows, it is hard not to be noticed."

 Thanks to "Fengyou" for the reward (100) Thanks to "Jasmine Fragrance" for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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