Chapter 248: Go Out of the City Smoothly and Be Kind to Others (1)
Immediately afterwards, far from those houses in Zhennan District, the government office in Yuan'an Town, which was out of reach, suddenly caught fire.

All the merchants residing in Yuan'an Town couldn't help looking in the direction of the flames. No one could understand why the weather in early spring was so good. There were only two heavy rains in the past few days, and now they caught fire one after another.

Except for those melon-eating merchants who didn't understand why, the most shocking ones were the people and horses who were stationed everywhere in Yuan'an Town.

These people know better than the merchants what these two places represent.

If only one of them catches fire, it can be regarded as an accident, but if the two parties catch fire at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to be an accident.

Soon, the government servants who were still patrolling the streets, the beggars who were doing nothing on the streets, the helpers in the restaurants, the clerks by the official wells, the clerks in the inns, all of them suddenly ran out from nowhere. The knives all ran towards Fuya and Zhennan.

But at this time, two unremarkable carriages passed through the south of the town, passed several inns silently, and finally arrived at the gate of the town.When all the people in Yuan'an Town hadn't figured out the cause of the flood, they followed the passing merchants out of the town and the people walked out of the city gate safely.

Because the city gate where I left was not in the same direction as the city gate when I entered the town, I didn't even meet the yamen servant I met before.

To say that things went so smoothly also benefited from those people who controlled Yuan'an Town, because they were worried that if things were done too obviously, some merchants would notice something was wrong. For this reason, when the caravan enters the town, it will look for a reason to maintain law and order and prevent bandits, and carefully check the registration, in order to find out the origin and identity of the merchants entering the town, which is more convenient for people staying in the city start.

As for the exit, those people didn't strictly guard and question them. They just left two special yamen servants in charge like ordinary towns and counties, and they let people out easily after only a cursory look.

This is also the strategy that several people in Jin Wenzhong decided after discussing at the beginning.

Although such a guarding method has certain risks for them, but in the case of insufficient manpower to centrally control the huge influx of the entire city, it is the best way to ignore it instead.

It also played a role in confusing the merchants entering the town and reducing the vigilance of these people.After all, once someone finds out that Yuan'an Town can't get out after entering the town, they will definitely panic. If this kind of news is leaked, it will make the merchants in the whole town uneasy within a few hours.

Obviously, cause and effect are inevitable.

This risk that Jin Wenzhong and others had estimated but could not handle brought a lot of convenience to Gu Qi and others at this time.

Just when Gu Qi and the two carriages with his brothers had already driven out of Yuan'an Town five miles away and stopped at a three-fork intersection, three faces came galloping from the south gate of Yuan'an Town. An ordinary young man on a horse.

And just as these young men galloped out of the city on horseback under the surprised eyes of the government servants, several loud arrows suddenly flew over the city, mixed with sharp and piercing noises, which made the foreign merchants who were eating melons even more bewildered.

Someone wondered: "What's wrong with this? It's water and arrows?"

"I don't know, maybe something serious happened?"

"I saw a lot of people running towards the yamen. They were all armed with knives. They looked fierce. Could it be bandits entering the city?"

"Impossible. When we entered the city, the guards outside the gate were not very strict? How could there be outlaws in the city?"

"It's true, how can there be a bandit running to the government office, and I don't know what happened."

"Aren't you surprised by Zhennan? I entered the town yesterday. At that time, I went to Zhennan with my family Xiao Si for a walk in my free time. I saw that there were many houses there, but there was no one there. Why did it suddenly catch fire today?

Did you see the fire?It doesn't look like a house is flooded, but it seems that five or six families are flooded together.I thought that there was no wind direction today, and it looked really weird. "

The merchants rushed to the street after hearing the news, but did not approach, they all watched from afar and chatted.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Look, there seem to be a lot of people running over there."

"How does it look like it's coming from the south of the town?"

"Could it be that bandits have really entered the city, should we run away?"

Some people panicked, and the timid people who were frightened also took a few steps back.

It's just that people on the street soon noticed that there were crowds rushing towards them from the south of the town. Not only did none of them bring sticks and swords, but there were old people, women and even children.

When those people took a closer look, they found that most of them were unkempt, rice-faced, yellow, thin, and unkempt, but they were wearing fine cloth or grosgrain, and the styles were also fashionable and rich, but for some reason, their bodies were covered with dirt. And holes, and even many people have blood on their bodies.

"Hey! Isn't this the one who was sued in Japan yesterday, the manager of the Wang family?"

The person pointed suspiciously at one of the group of people, a short and fat man who seemed to be in good spirits and had no injuries.

This person's words quickly aroused the ideas of other merchants, and from time to time, some people pointed to one of the group of people strangely, differently, or inexplicably.

"This is the horse shopkeeper of the Ma's Liangliang Company in the same inn as me."

"I met this person once when I was queuing for food at the restaurant. There was a few quarrels at the time. Why did it suddenly become like this?"

"I saw that woman and child when I entered the city. They were dressed so decently at the time, why don't they even have a whole dress now?"

Some people were puzzled, and naturally some people found that something was wrong, and hurriedly organized their own caravans to gather together, just waiting to figure out the cause of the matter, and then they could make a judgment as quickly as possible.

There are even some cautious ones who have secretly brought people back to the inn, planning to pack their things and leave the city immediately.

But at this moment, screams, scolding, crying, and shouting suddenly broke out in the crowd.

Everyone looked up in surprise, but saw that it was worn out from the group of people who escaped from Zhennan.

These people went from the fear and despair of being imprisoned at the beginning to the gradual numbness, and then to the joy of suddenly escaping, and then they ran desperately all the way until they ran to this block where the most foreign businessmen gathered, and were surrounded by a group of themselves. I met and looked at people I hadn't met before I was detained, and I realized that these people might really be saved.

The successive tense nerves were completely broken at this moment, and the first person in the crowd cried loudly.

This kind of emotion seemed to be contagious, and it exploded out of control.

"What's all this?!"

"I and we were fooled! There is a problem with this Yuan'an Town. The government detained us, and our finances were robbed by the guards."

The shopkeeper of the Wang family, who was recognized in the front as a short, fat but energetic shopkeeper, walked out of the crowd first, took a deep breath, restrained his trembling hands as much as possible, and said calmly.

"What government, it's impossible!"

Shopkeeper Wang's words were like a drop of cold water dripping into a hot oil pan, and instantly exploded around.

(End of this chapter)

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