250 Chapter 1 Proud and Prosperous ([-])

"Seventh Sister!"

After a stick of incense, on the left side of the branch road where no one cared about, two young men on horseback got off their horses and turned back to the carriage that had been waiting here for a long time.

"Is everything settled?" Gu Qi asked.

Shunzi grinned: "A few fires are enough to burn everything that should be burned.

When we went out of the city, a lot of people were blown up. I think the city should be closed at this moment. "

Gu Qi raised the corners of his lips slightly: "They can't seal this city.

Before, it was just taking advantage of the ignorance of those merchants. Once the people detained in Zhennan ran out and the matter fermented, all the caravans would inevitably unite.

Many of these caravans brought guards.

No matter how skilled these guards are, they are not a small team when they are assembled, and the number of those people staying in Yuan'an Town at this time can't stop so many people from rioting. "
In fact, those who stayed in Yuan'an Town really planned to close the city gate and catch those who set fire.

But the merchants who found that something was wrong had already started to pack their bags and gather their chariots and horses to scatter towards the various city gates.

Even if the guards of the city wanted to stop them, they couldn't stop the merchants who were on the verge of anger and madness.

And the man with the high nose who appeared at the gate of the government office amidst the raging fire and scolded the idiot in Jin Wenzhong.Trying to deliver to a bunch of merchants:
After the false news that "the chaos in the city was due to the invasion of bandits, and the government had to close the city gates to arrest the bandits", they were not trusted in the end.

In the end, after forcibly closing the city gate, it took only a cup of tea, and after being broken through by the passionate crowd, these merchants could only be let go.
It's not that the man didn't have the intention to kill, and he had the idea of ​​beheading all these merchants and destroying the corpses and traces.

It's just that there are hundreds of these merchants and guards. With their current manpower, it is too difficult to kill all of them.

The second is that Ruozhen killed so many people at once.Once this news is leaked, it may cause the court to pursue and strangle it.

Although once these merchants were released, the news that happened in Yuan'an Town could not be stopped.

It is destined to spread throughout the prefectures and counties near Yuzhou, and it will cause a lot of trouble in the end.

But after all, not many people died, as long as they evacuated quickly enough, and cleaned up the traces as soon as possible before the news spread, the officers and soldiers belonging to Yuzhou Fucheng would have nothing to do with them.

As for the court, only a few dozen people died, and it was still in a place like Yuzhou Prefecture. As long as it was operated properly, it could still turn major events into trivial ones.

Wanting to understand the joint here, even though the man with the high nose bridge was furious, he had no choice but to withdraw his subordinates, abandon the city gate, and let the merchants flee.

However, those former Yuan'an town government servants who were unknown and mixed in with these people were not as lucky as these merchants.

Before he even figured out what was going on, he was strangled by the man with the high nose bridge.

"Is everything cleaned up?" The man with thick brows and high nose was riding on horseback, with a dark face and gloomy eyes.

If you look closely, you can still find that his unattractive jawline trembled slightly, which was obviously caused by clenching his teeth after being extremely angry.

"It's all cleaned up, Master Wu." The subordinate said cautiously.At this time, no one wants to touch Wu Jihong's brow.

But Wu Jihong didn't bother to pay attention to the pale face of his subordinates, and asked again: "Where are those things, have you found them?"

"No, I've searched all over, but I can't find anything."

"Where are those people in Liufu Yamen? Can you still identify them clearly?" Wu Jihong asked impatiently.

The subordinates shook their heads for the third time: "The fire is too big, and it has not been completely extinguished until now.

The ya hall has already been burnt down, and when our people entered, they found more than [-] corpses.Most of them were so burnt that they couldn't see their faces, and it was impossible to tell who was who. "

"Where's Jin Wenzhong? Where's Yue Hongxing? Are Ji Zhongrong and the other three in there?"

The subordinate showed hesitation, thought for a moment and said: "They should all be inside, there is a tall and generous corpse with a long knife stuck in it, which looks like Yue Hongxing.

The person beside Yue Hongxing looks a bit like Ji Zhongrong.As for Mr. Jin, there are too many people who are similar in stature to Mr. Jin, and it is difficult to identify them.

However, since the three of them were in the Yamen for trial before the accident, they were obviously together. "

It's no wonder Wu Jihong's subordinates thought so, since the three of them had an accident together, and since the person who made the move had slaughtered the entire yamen, it made no sense to let Jin Wenzhong go lightly.

Then the only explanation is that one of the charred corpses that were piled up and burned together beyond recognition and even partially glued together was written in bronze.

That subordinate guessed like this, although Wu Jihong faintly felt that there was something wrong in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he finally acquiesced in this guess.

"Before their accident, who was the person who was promoted to interrogate, did you find out?" Wu Jihong asked.

"I checked the registration in the inn. They are from Qi's Commercial Firm in Anzhou Prefecture. There are 11 people in total, the leader is the young son of Qi's Commercial Firm, named Qi Boyun, and the rest are his guards.

I just checked the records in the city guard documents, and it said that I came to Yuzhou Prefecture to look for the old house, but I just passed by Yuan'an Town and left in two days. "

"Idiots! How many of the merchants who came to Yuan'an Town in this month are excuses to visit the main house or to visit relatives and friends. You also believe this kind of nonsense.

If it's really looking for relatives and friends, it's really for visiting the ancestral home, and if you don't come sooner or later, you will choose to come during the month when we release the news?snort! "

Wu Jihong snorted coldly: "It's just a group of insatiable merchants. If it wasn't for the profit, who would come to Yuzhou Prefecture where there is nothing at this time."

"At that time, Mr. Jin said that it doesn't matter what reason those merchants use to register in the city, as long as they verify the household registration and business documents and confirm the information of these people." The subordinates replied tremblingly.

Wu Jihong smiled sarcastically, with a gloomy smile: "Then you have verified it clearly? Lanmu County, Anzhou Prefecture? Do you know how far Anzhou Prefecture is from Yuzhou Prefecture, and how far is Lanmu County from Yuan'an Town!

A total of 11 of them brought so little things, can they rush all the way from Anzhou Mansion to Yuzhou Mansion?You also believe this kind of nonsense! "

The subordinates turned pale when they heard the words, and said in a trembling voice: "The documents have been checked, and their business documents are genuine."

"That can only show that those people came prepared. Qi Boyun, Qi's business, since even the business documents are forged, it is obvious that the Qi surname cannot be real."

Wu Jihong smiled viciously: "It's good, it's good! Jin Wenzhong's idiots, you idiots, didn't even figure it out, and they were taken over by others.

Now not only the things that the Lord wants have been taken away, but also the actions that the Lord has deployed in several towns and counties on the border of Yuzhou Prefecture will have to be implicated because of your failure this time, and you even need to close the net and retreat in advance. "

(End of this chapter)

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