It was heard that the Four Seas Escort Bureau wanted a new female bodyguard, as soon as this news came out, the entire bodyguard bureau was full of discussions.Some people speculated that the person who came must be a woman who was eight feet tall, with big arms and a round waist, and a black face; some people speculated that Xu was sent by a relative of a big boss to have fun, and there were no shortage of people in the left and right escort agencies.For a while, gossip was everywhere, but not many people took this female bodyguard too seriously.

Until three days later, a woman in a red dress with a long silver hairpin stuck obliquely came in from the Four Seas Escort.

The woman's skin was as white as jade, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her figure was graceful. She obviously didn't say a word, and she didn't show any smiles. Just a pair of beautiful eyebrows and eyes was enough to attract everyone's attention.

Xu Tinggui, the young bodyguard behind the counter who was helping to sort the bills, noticed that the atmosphere around him was not right, so he raised his head and looked out blankly.

With just one glance, he recognized that the person who came was the woman who came to the bodyguard bureau to look for General Bodyguard Liu a few days ago, but ended up going out with the head of the bodyguard.

Only that day she was dressed in black and did not modify her appearance. Although she was beautiful, she was not as dazzling as today.

Xu Tinggui rushed forward to greet her, and asked with a smile, "Did the girl come to look for brother Liu today, or the big master?"

"Not looking for them, I'm here to look for you."

"Looking for me?" Xu Tinggui was stunned and a little at a loss.

"You said that day that you learned sword skills from your family since you were a child, and you are good at it. Would you like to join me in my hands." Feng Siniang asked.

"Follow me, go...where?"

Xu Tinggui is only nineteen this year, because he went out to work with others early, and the family did not find him a marriage. The escort agency is full of men, and usually he can't even see a female fly. For no reason, suddenly there is a charming woman. The big beauty stood in front of her, and said to herself like in the story book; 'Would you like to come with me! '

Xu Tinggui's ears turned red for a moment, and he froze where he was, unable to speak clearly.

"Do you want to be a bodyguard master? Do you want to be the chief coach? If you want to, follow me to the branch office." Feng Siniang reminded.

"Ah, go to the branch office?" Xu Tinggui finally came to his senses when he heard the word 'branch office'.

Everyone in the Escort knows about the matter of the branch office. It was brought up by the head of the Escort a few days ago, saying that a new independent camp has been established in the Four Seas Escort Bureau, and new bodyguards need to be recruited to the branch office. There will also be a new Chief Escort, who will be at the same level as Chief Escort Liu.

In the past few days, many people have been speculating about the candidate for the new chief security officer of the branch office. Everyone said that the chief security officer of the branch office must be selected from the few big bosses brought by the head.

Chief Escort Liu is in charge of the General Bureau, and shopkeeper Li Da is in charge of Shangshi and Xiaoyaolou. These two people must be too busy. Among the remaining people, the three most likely leaders are Jiang Ping, Yuan Fang, and Huang Shanhai.

Xu Tinggui felt that Jiang Ping was the most likely one after hearing the private discussion among several big escorts in the escort agency.

Jiang Ping is a confidant of the head of the family, and he is valued by the head of the family as much as President Liu. When the news spread, many young new bodyguards moved their minds.Thinking that the newly opened branch office is short of manpower, and now I will go to show my loyalty. After a few years, I will be regarded as a veteran, and I will naturally be a big boss at that time.

Xu Tinggui privately thought about going to the branch office. He knows sword skills and his martial arts are much better than ordinary escorts who have just entered the escort agency. It's just that he is young and has little qualifications. He wants to make a name for himself. It also takes five or six years.

Young people who don't want to have the opportunity to stand out and be a master.Xu Tinggui thought too.

Thinking of this, Xu Tinggui's eyes lit up, and the little bit of charming atmosphere that had just flooded into his heart faded away: "Can you take me to the branch office? Does the girl know the head of the branch office too!"

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